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Everything posted by annedauphine

  1. I love her so much. This shoot is absolutely iconic. I hope we'll get an interview with it. Christ she kills me everyday a bit more
  2. I'm so glad that I'm stanning the most beautiful woman on earth. This looks like it's going to be one of her best shoots yet. She looks extremely glamorous elegant and mature I suspect the music will sound the same and I'm legally deceased
  3. Holy!!!! Shit!!! Real or not this Nylon previews look slaying affffff. Here for this new shoot Edit: AAAAAAAAAAARGHHHHH I'M SO EXCITED IT LOOKS LIKE ONE OF HER BEST SHOOTS EVER AKSJKLSJ
  4. Other than very obviously Honeymoon, I am absolutely dying of excitment for CocoRosie's new album, Heartache City, coming out September 18th too. They're my ultimate fav band ever and it sounds extremely promising and back to the basics of the band. I'm literally dripping everywhere, especially since there's zero chance that it leaks. I also am eagerly awaiting Bianca Casady and the CIA first album. Bianca is my wife/saviour/etc and one of the two sisters that make CocoRosie and her band is very different but I saw her live yesterday and it blew my mind.
  5. Saw her at Rock En Seine for the first time yesterday and had an incredible blast. I'm officially stanning. I already knew I loved everything about her but the melodies but hearing them live made me reconsider it all. She's hot beyond belief, she's super smart, and her songs are magnificently beautiful. Snatched. I've been compulsively listening to her today and for now I still consider Savages to be one of her bests but I've had Immortal on a loop for a few hours. She really rocked, she was charismatic and seemed to really enjoy herself. I'm very glad I was able to see her. It was super mega hot and sunny so she was all sweaty in a few minutes haha loved it. Honestly falling in love with her
  6. Wait... There wasn't any leaks for UV? I was persuaded I heard Old Money when it leaked, I remember it clearly because I've barely had heard of Lana before and listened to it by curiosity and it destroyed me and I think it was labelled as leaked
  7. I'm glad this thread revives because it's legit one of the best songs ever made never over it
  8. Looks kinda like "kind" to me? Probably not but it makes sense?
  9. I, fucking, love High By The Beach. I really, really, REALLY love it. It's so stupidly in-tha-face and super subtle at the same time and the melody is just hardcore porn to me. It's gangsta, it's poppy, it's fun and it's empowering as hell. It's both not serious at all and sub-zero chill. I love the lyrics of it, I think they're brilliant and very memorable. And on the other hand, to my great despair, TLY leaves me completely emotionless. I think I'm not mature enough to like this song, because I can definitely sense the beauty in it and I totally see why it's dear to Lana, but I feel like I lack something to appreciate it, maybe some song references or something, the experience of what she's talking about perhaps, and the fact that it's jazzy is a big turn-off for me. I wonder how it'll turn live though. I'm completely convinced I'll end up falling in love with it, as I did for fucking 300 songs already, my God the power she has over my brain is insane I never would have thought
  10. This look is the kind of stuff that makes me scream that I'm gay at the top of my lungs tbh. I wish she could top this even though I don't think it would ever happen again. It's so bold and ballsy and idk hard compared to what she usually does
  11. Got the CD and vinyl box sets from her website, didn't even looked at what was inside tbh, I worked this summer for it to save a bit for it and it's my first era so I went berserk, it cost me around 90 euros in total with shipping, I'm in France. Will be eating pasta with water sauce for years but at least I'm happy argh bless ha Btw I didn't checked if they actually shipped to France...... But they didn't said anything so they'd better be
  12. annedauphine


    Wow, listened out of pure curiosity and I'm smitten. Incredibly chilling beats.It's a really particular vibe I like it a lot
  13. Please, did it leaked as Golden Grill, Live Forever, or any combination of those two? It's one of my favourite and I'm trying to make a cover for it but I never know how it call it haha
  14. The more I watch it the more I'm enjoying it tbh. It's subtle in the most in-tha-face way. I love the camera work, how it's shaky like paps following her in the streets, how in the scene with the helicopter at the window you can see a dude photographing her, how she's playing with said photographer taking luscious poses and stuff, how at the beginning we're in the helicopter looking at her... And she's so beautiful, never over it. I'm noticing a bit more tiny stuff every time I watch and I don't want to appear like I obsessively like everything she does but I can definitely see why she seems to have enjoyed making it that much. GOD I love that song. I'm so glad it's not just about a dude. Also I'm starting to wonder if the hype about her buying the house wasn't actual promo lel
  16. 12 days after my birthday best present ever
  17. Her speaking voice is the most beautiful thing I've ever heard, even more than her singing voice tbh. I could listen to her speak softly about literally anything for endless hours. It's one of the earliest thing that fascinated me about her. Thanks to who recorded the interview, I'm adding it to my masterpost, and the BBC Radio 1 as well
  18. She didn't wait for me but I forgive ha, I'm ugly crying in French she looks so violently beautiful. This dress fits her really nicely I'm so in love with her omfg. The video feels 100000% her. I love the amateurish feeling, it looks like she's referencing a certain kind of movies or something. I fucking loved it especially after watching it a few times. I agree with everything's that been said about it being about the media and paparazzi. She's literally the queen of shade it's equally super hilarious and deep. My fav parts are when the helicopter is near the house, and obvs when her dress gets stuck I wasn't expecting it I screamed. Jesus CHRIST she looks way too beautiful for me I'm in actual pain. In any way, it feels like she's really unapologetically enjoying herself in this era, in a much more mature way, and I'm here for this. If this is the direction she's going I'm following her blindly. The colour scheme is gorgeous and everything hints at her being much more at, idk, not peace but in a better place than where she was with UV
  19. Thank you, I was wondering if there is like an usual schedule for music videos or something, like a special hour at which it's released, or when you guys would think it'd be out. My work schedule is weird and I'm pretty sure I'm going to miss the release urgh
  20. Is there any schedule for the release of the MV? Or any speculations?
  22. I would like this so much. West Coast is iconic, it's my favourite video of hers, it's hypnotic and so appealing visually
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