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Everything posted by May

  1. May

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    Oh I miss froot of the month
  2. May

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    I don’t keep up w news about her much, has there been any album news since man’s world dropped? Bc that was like a month and a half ago now
  3. im almost certain years ago there were paparazzi pics of her having lunch or something with a glass of wine and a bottle on the table? i remember ppl on here commenting about it, no idea if it was confirmed tho
  4. we exist only to buy her meals and her shit from home depot
  5. May

    Logan Paul music

    i suck dick i freaky....
  6. i can agree on a level, although a lot of us over the past decade have built up this image of Lana of being some small town trailer park trash going across the city breaking hearts and getting into tragic love stories along the way, it’s that precedent that makes her songwriting stick with a lot of us. when she covers a song that precedent is gone and she’s essentially just jumping onto somebody else’s story and personality but attaching her vocals to it Thats how I feel about it anyway and im definitely not saying im in the right, it’s how I see it tho!
  7. Oh yeah don’t get me wrong I can definitely see it from that perspective! but for me personally the attempt usually falls flat, im not sure how to explain it. The Other Woman might be a good example, it ties in extremely well with the themes of UV (it’s p much just Sad Girl conceptually but a cover), but for some reason all i hear is the vocal take and I don’t actually try to read into the lyrics or meaning because i know that it didn’t come from her personally. perhaps that’s a me problem, to me it comes across as her reading from a pre-made script. Doin’ Time is her best cover to me imo because the lyrics aren’t trying to be overly deep so it’s not as though she’s hijacking somebody else’s story, she’s just singing about having a good time so it’s harder to detach her story from what she’s singing about bc it’s something everyone can relate to I don’t know if this made any sense lmao im lowkey tipsy (and on lanaboards ) but I tried
  8. i can see why tho tbh, a lot of the allure to Lana’s songs is knowing that she wrote them herself and that it’s inspired by stories from her own life/mind because she’s such an interesting person overall, with covers that aspect is lost and she’s just dubbing someone else’s story personally when I listen to Lana, the lyrics come first and the voice comes second, with covers the lyrics are forced to come second bc they’re not written by her if u get me
  9. this thread was bound to be created eventually so lemme rip the bandaid off lately ive noticed a lot of Lana songs going viral in the tiktok-sphere, ive seen mariners, queen of disaster and ride monologue so far post here any tiktoks you find or like which incorporate Lana’s songs! https://vm.tiktok.com/ZS7mkrdu/ two million likes but it’s lowkey true LMFAO i really do be like that https://vm.tiktok.com/ZS7mBvMa/ this one has almost a million likes i don’t get why but werk i guess! there’s also a YouTube upload of queen of disaster uploaded 8 months ago that has 16 million views (more than the majority of all her singles uploads in the past few years) purely bc of tiktok using it as a meme song Id post more but im tipsy and my internet connection is bad but don’t let this flop!
  10. queen getting the vacation she deserves after a year of giving absolutely nothing
  11. i saw a post somewhere on here earlier before i had a nap which said that they don’t mind the broken promises and meaningless announced release dates bc it adds to her ‘mysterious aura’ and i can’t stop ctfu
  12. May

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    Gold is the definition of a filler track Weeds has good verses and some good lyrics but overall is the worst song on there apart from Gold
  13. me too and i love it cocc >>> tjf >>>>>>>>> bus
  14. It’d be the 2nd album this year which she’s just let the announced release date go by for without saying anything, that’s a shitty thing for any artist to do to their fans, especially on Christmas Day of all days I personally don’t care that much bc idc about her covers but it’s crappy for the ppl who were hyped for it as u said tho she’s still got 2 days let’s see if she surprises us
  15. The only two things I didn’t like is the outfit and the change of camera angles every 2 seconds performance itself was great and I like her hair and makeup
  16. except for the odd song here and there, it’s rare-ish for me to actively dislike any song she’s put out.... but now im finding myself actively hating the last three she’s put out in a row YNWA, Summertime and LMLYLAW. im beginning to think she’s lost everything that made her appeal to me in the first place, or at least gone in a direction i no longer relate to, which is sad because of how hard ive stanned from BTD all the way to NFR. although im hoping that cotcc in full will prove me wrong. even if this is it though ill still be grateful for all the great albums and unreleased that she’s provided me with
  17. May

    Instagram Updates

    i hope to god that the blonde hair is gone, it’s literally tainted at this point the way we expected a cute Lizzy throwback era and instead got viral drags and karen memes send it BACK!
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