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Everything posted by May

  1. im so confused at whats happening in this thread why are yall counting down 10 minutes
  2. someone on atrl is saying that there’s a snippet of white dress online, is this true?
  3. This is how I feel, there are tons of genre-bending covers I love but with a song like COCC i rly just don’t think it was made to be switched up in another genre but I still very much appreciate the effort. Tbh I don’t see /any/ way for an artist covering that song to truly make it ‘their own’ without it being bad. it’s too specific to turn into something else.
  4. i really feel like whole look lately would be so much better if she dyed her eyebrows just a bit darker she has great brows but they seem washed out against her skin lately
  5. sorry but if there’s been like 10 snippets of a supposed unleaked song and not a single one of those snippets sound clear enough to say w confidence that it’s a real song .. then it’s fake
  6. May

    TikTok Updates

    a 17 year old girl made a viral tiktok boasting about how she seduced Lana’s tour manager (she was lying to him and told him she was 18). Lana’s team found it and now apparently the manager is fired. a lot of ppl are dragging the girl on tiktok
  7. i get the concept charlie was going for here but it wasn’t executed nicely at all. her face looks like the monster that hides under my bed at night waiting to snatch my ankle. im assuming it’s the lens or bad photoshop because her face is NOT that long or lopsided she looks mid-stroke im so sorry i wish that entire family would just put the camera down once and for all
  8. May


    im pretty sure at least one of her friends would’ve confirmed it to be false by now if it’s not true .. they’ve clearly been online and their pages are being spammed i just listened to ponyboy, such a weird and fascinating bop
  9. May

    Sky Ferreira

    wait at these being full fledged bops, i think I might even prefer his voice on them
  10. May

    Olivia Rodrigo

    The bridge is everything
  11. am i going fucking CRAZY or are random posts in this thread in french edit: okay i just caught up i thought my phone was buggin
  12. May

    Twitter Updates

    idk personally i think that video needed to be made and i respect her a bit more for it
  13. the YouTube views are actually really good so far, it’s showing 400k within 30 mins!
  14. that was dreadful and the sad thing is she probably made many good points but nobody could understand them because she’s so beyond inarticulate and her thoughts just do not translate into a coherent conversation AT ALL you could literally cut the tension with a knife, Annie tried so hard to divert the convo back to the album and each time Lana would end up talking about the capitol again
  15. as soon as she said the word ‘racist’ Annie cut her off and started playing the song LMAO
  16. when did she start talking in this incoherent messy way? I can’t understand wtf she’s saying and every 2 words is ‘like .. like like, like’
  17. lemme not say too much bc ill pop a gasket trying to get out all the things i could say rn all i will say is ... it has become an embarrassment to be a lana del rey stan
  18. May

    Fine China

    yeah I played this to my friends who like Lana a couple of years back and it’s all they could hear song ruined for me
  19. Neil Krug is a groovy photographer (ive implemented him into many of my photography essays in the past) but all of his worst work is w Lana (except 1 or 2 pics i rly love) . look at his work w other models and artists and it’s levels above what he did for lana
  20. May

    Instagram Updates

    this is never going to end is it
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