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  1. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in SONG PREMIERE: "Honeymoon"   
    Isabella Rossellini falling in love with Frank in Blue Velvet (and Isabella singing Blue Velvet in the movie)
    Nobody more known to be dangerous than Frank in Blue Velvet which as said above was possibly all a dream and if not a road trip into hell then redemption
    BTW- just by chance at the beach today, I saw the book front and back cover of "Rocket Boys" by Homer Hickman Jr. and I walked past it, then did a double take and walked back. Could this be the book she is reading? (The Movie was titled October Sky (which is all the letters of Rocket Boys jumbled up, and takes place I think if I recall the movie in the late 1950s early 1960s
  2. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in SONG PREMIERE: "Honeymoon"   
    glad someone else sees it is a waltz (NME article). My wife said I was nuts.
  3. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in SONG PREMIERE: "Honeymoon"   
    also sweeping in a Bernard Herrmann sort of way ...the beginning notes somewhat like his Hitchcock scores Vertigo or Northby Northwest or his last two scores Taxi Driver and Obsession(which was a Vertigo homage by DePalma)
  4. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in SONG PREMIERE: "Honeymoon"   
    and to add-
    Henry Mancini
    I can picture Henry Mancini at the piano
    (edit to add- Henry scored hundreds of movies, in particular had a #1 song in 1969 with the Theme from Romeo and Juliet (which he did not score but arranged it from Nino Roto's score, and was the underlying melody of Lana's "Old Money")
    It's like a 6 minute history of the movies (picture scenes from all the legendary Film Noir, picture Double Indemnity, picture Postman always rings twice, picture any Robert Mitchum movie)
  5. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in SONG PREMIERE: "Honeymoon"   
    OMG shivers again
    lana hits it out of the park and on the first listen.
    Evocative, especially (though I doubt some will see it) of YAYO
    and wow, it's dark, dark, dark
    BRAVO!!!  once again, when one thinks how in hell will Lana surpass the last 350 songs where each one surprasses the other, and wham, Lana does it again.
    It is one helleva great song.
    The legend lives on.
  6. SoftcoreBabyface liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in SONG PREMIERE: "Honeymoon"   
    Isabella Rossellini falling in love with Frank in Blue Velvet (and Isabella singing Blue Velvet in the movie)
    Nobody more known to be dangerous than Frank in Blue Velvet which as said above was possibly all a dream and if not a road trip into hell then redemption
    BTW- just by chance at the beach today, I saw the book front and back cover of "Rocket Boys" by Homer Hickman Jr. and I walked past it, then did a double take and walked back. Could this be the book she is reading? (The Movie was titled October Sky (which is all the letters of Rocket Boys jumbled up, and takes place I think if I recall the movie in the late 1950s early 1960s
  7. Neptune-Avenue liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    Perhaps the book is a track list of Honeymoon? There looks like 13 or 14 lines
    further musings-
    Blue Velvet the David Lynch movie
    where it opened with someone sleeping on a lawn chair and one could say the entire movie was a road trip into a nightmare and at the end waking up. Was it all a dream?
    Dorothy singing to Frank  (and there are some that say Blue Velvet, was in some ways Wizard of Oz(which I referenced earlier),
    Dorothy from Oz and/is Judy Garland (another singer as big as Edith Piaf and who the press labeled troubled soul) and play on words Frank as in both Frank Morgan who played Oz and Frank Sinatra(who was a bad boy in a different time and place)
    also just vaguely-
    Roger Whittaker from Kenya in 1975 had an odd song that in some ways was very obscure, in some ways a major hit called The Last Farewell. Vaguely similar in a is it no it isn't type way
    aesthetically speaking
  8. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in SONG PREMIERE: "Honeymoon"   
    It's interesting- the media had about 500 articles on Honeymoon after it was released. 499 were positive.
    One poster mentioned the one that was negative (and women in general are always put down in that publication, especially liberal women) and after vaguely admonishing that one bad
    review, ran with the line in it about lyrics.
    It's the old find something to be negative about and be negative about it the one in 500 times.
    Instead of saying, wow, the press has been positive 499 out of 500 times
    The constant is Lana. The song is instantly Lana. Which is what makes Lana Lana and not one of the 500 other artists one could be listening to but I don't want to,
    but instead I listen to Lana because it is Lana.  (and I bet we hear 20 variations of Honeymoon by other artists in the next six months, by then Lana will be working on her next album, always one step ahead of the pack (as a unique talent always does.)
  9. hollywoodsdead liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in SONG PREMIERE: "Honeymoon"   
    It's interesting- the media had about 500 articles on Honeymoon after it was released. 499 were positive.
    One poster mentioned the one that was negative (and women in general are always put down in that publication, especially liberal women) and after vaguely admonishing that one bad
    review, ran with the line in it about lyrics.
    It's the old find something to be negative about and be negative about it the one in 500 times.
    Instead of saying, wow, the press has been positive 499 out of 500 times
    The constant is Lana. The song is instantly Lana. Which is what makes Lana Lana and not one of the 500 other artists one could be listening to but I don't want to,
    but instead I listen to Lana because it is Lana.  (and I bet we hear 20 variations of Honeymoon by other artists in the next six months, by then Lana will be working on her next album, always one step ahead of the pack (as a unique talent always does.)
  10. essiductonto liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in SONG PREMIERE: "Honeymoon"   
    It's interesting- the media had about 500 articles on Honeymoon after it was released. 499 were positive.
    One poster mentioned the one that was negative (and women in general are always put down in that publication, especially liberal women) and after vaguely admonishing that one bad
    review, ran with the line in it about lyrics.
    It's the old find something to be negative about and be negative about it the one in 500 times.
    Instead of saying, wow, the press has been positive 499 out of 500 times
    The constant is Lana. The song is instantly Lana. Which is what makes Lana Lana and not one of the 500 other artists one could be listening to but I don't want to,
    but instead I listen to Lana because it is Lana.  (and I bet we hear 20 variations of Honeymoon by other artists in the next six months, by then Lana will be working on her next album, always one step ahead of the pack (as a unique talent always does.)
  11. lazybooklet liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in SONG PREMIERE: "Honeymoon"   
    Bob Dylan writes lots of songs where there are a lot of words in a sentence.
    Great artists like Dylan and Lana do that.
    Stream of conscious
    In fact, the wording makes it even more distinct.  Conforming to everyone else, then it isn't Lana.
    One thing is sure, from the first sung letter of the first sung word, instantly, one knows it is Lana. And no matter what, it is nobody but Lana.
    Like the first second of a Hitchcock or Lynch movie, one knows it is a Hitchcock or Lynch movie. It is the stamp of authenticity.
    The mark of an artist.
    (whereas it could be anyone directing or writing a movie that Tarentino  puts out, nothing artistic about him, its all about how much he can cram into his pockets to take to the bank after stealing
    everything he could from Lynch and Hitchcock)
  12. rivieragirl liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in SONG PREMIERE: "Honeymoon"   
    and to add-
    Henry Mancini
    I can picture Henry Mancini at the piano
    (edit to add- Henry scored hundreds of movies, in particular had a #1 song in 1969 with the Theme from Romeo and Juliet (which he did not score but arranged it from Nino Roto's score, and was the underlying melody of Lana's "Old Money")
    It's like a 6 minute history of the movies (picture scenes from all the legendary Film Noir, picture Double Indemnity, picture Postman always rings twice, picture any Robert Mitchum movie)
  13. guardian liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in SONG PREMIERE: "Honeymoon"   
    also sweeping in a Bernard Herrmann sort of way ...the beginning notes somewhat like his Hitchcock scores Vertigo or Northby Northwest or his last two scores Taxi Driver and Obsession(which was a Vertigo homage by DePalma)
  14. technicolor liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in SONG PREMIERE: "Honeymoon"   
    also sweeping in a Bernard Herrmann sort of way ...the beginning notes somewhat like his Hitchcock scores Vertigo or Northby Northwest or his last two scores Taxi Driver and Obsession(which was a Vertigo homage by DePalma)
  15. graham4anything liked a post in a topic by CatchTheBreeze in SONG PREMIERE: "Honeymoon"   
    Here you go. (click on image to enlarge)

  16. SoftcoreBabyface liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    re:Florence's new one- I read Taylor Swift heavily influenced Florence on this, speaking to her. Which is ironic because
    Lana directly influenced Taylor's pop album, and it is evident Taylor studied Lana and her music and style in doing her own album, but of course, Taylor lost all sense of who Taylor is on this album, just to sell her soul and be number one one one one one 24/7/365.  In fact, one of her videos was made to coincide directly over Lana's Summertime sadness, and one of her new songs is a direct copy of everything Lana.
    Shame Florence thought she needed to change.
    Whyin the world would Lana want to be Florence?
    I think Lana forecasted who she is and what HM will be in the last video she released for UV, and in the 3 songs directly on UV that were basically responses to the press and the other artists who are copying her.
    ("Mimicing me's a fucking bore...to me" from IFMWUTTT) and with the fact that Lana released the pictures recently showing wrinkles (nothing is done without a reason) and the selfie where she crinkles her chin
    clearly showing some wrinkles-
    Focus on Old Money and Lana looking out surveying the land from her window-
    Lana is clearly saying she is not looking to be the teeny bopper bubblegum singer that gets airplay 24/7/365 and attempting to compete with Iggy or Meghan Trainor (in 3 years both of whom will be Who???)
    but in fact is something past that phase.
    We shall see, but I expect Honeymoon to be darker than UV.
    (And are some people forgetting here- Summertime sadness was a song directly about the suicide of a friend. Maybe some only know the unauthorized by Lana Cedric remix which changed the focus of the song???
    I don't get it. There is some disconnect here.
  17. SoftcoreBabyface liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    After the video she last made, why would anyone think Honeymoon is going to be happy?
    It is a continuous saga. And the last video was anything but.
    BTW- I think alt-indie is the wrong terminology anyhow
    I think what Lana really is is Progressive. Prog-Rock in the broad sense of the term as it was in the late 1960s early 1970s.
    From Eno (who was in the Lou Reed pairing) to ELP to Elton and Genesis (before Genesis became Phil Collins AC)
    alt is really a hybrid term anyhow.
    Alt really means anyone who doesn't sell a huge amount, but the same person once they do, is sort of shunned from being alt so its a catch-22.
    What it all really is is Hip. Not Hip hop, Just Hip.
    Or in other words, Lana is in 1969 terms groovy as we used to say
    What it really is is that Lana is doing what only guys did back then, so there is no comparison with others. She literally is the ultimate feminist in that she breaks all the barriers and is a true equal to all males
    that came before in music, not a follower. A trail blazer.
    and I am saying that without hyperbole.
    And I expect Honeymoon to dive deeper into the film noir world where no good ever comes even if redemption does.
    The top 40 people some want her to be (ewwwww) would have been bubblegum in the early 1970s.
    Does anyone here really want Lana to be bubblegum throwaway?
  18. SoftcoreBabyface liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    The one thing I would love to see is a full orchestra and strings.
    Half the songs she has has strings, but it takes a really big stage to make it sound right. (Perhaps a one off at the Metropolitan Opera House or Radio City Music Hall.)
    In the overseas tour, she had strings on some early dates.
    The problem is, on record, Lana overdubs her own vocals, and then the haters say why can't she do that onstage.
    Brian Wilson and John Lennon quit concerts and part of the reason was they could not recreate it on stage (in the Beatles case, the audience, much like Lana's) was so loud singing along and screaming that they couldn't even hear themselves sing. And John Lennon famously threw up every time he had to go onstage. (Carly Simon too)
    Best concert I ever saw in my life was Elvis Costello's first show at the Bottom Line club in NYC...he played for an hour and it was one song after another, all short songs.
    Saw him many times after, including a 4 hour show...that show, I couldn't wait to get out of there. My ass hurt and my legs hurt from standing and sitting.
    Harry Chapin gave long concerts. Some went 3 hours. And after the first 90 minutes, Harry was hoarse. I think Harry taught Bruce about long shows.
    I think if Lana did 4 hour shows, some here would complain that it wasn't 6 hours or 8 hours.
    It's not the length, it's what you do with it when you do it. Always leave them wanting more is the old Hollywood cliche'. Never have them want to leave before you are done.
    BTW- if she played twice the length, what would happen is there would be 15 minute guitar solos in every other song. You wouldn't be getting more vocals.
    But a full classical orchestra, a choir, strings and Lana.
    Elton John did that on a few tours. I was lucky enough to see two shows in a few weeks- one in Wembley England, one at Radio City with full orchestra and choir.
    The one in England had a white choir. The one in NYC had a black choir. Two best show of his I ever saw (and I have seen him about 40 times since 1973.)
    He was able to recreate his first 3 albums that in the past he never could do it right.
    That is what it would take. But paying for about 100 extra people on stage, and the logistics, make it hard to do a full tour like that, even if they use a local orchestra and choirs.
    And that would take a really large stage. And that would probably mean the tickets would start at $250 a piece and go up from there (before scalpers).
  19. SoftcoreBabyface liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in SONG PREMIERE: "Honeymoon"   
    also sweeping in a Bernard Herrmann sort of way ...the beginning notes somewhat like his Hitchcock scores Vertigo or Northby Northwest or his last two scores Taxi Driver and Obsession(which was a Vertigo homage by DePalma)
  20. SoftcoreBabyface liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in SONG PREMIERE: "Honeymoon"   
    and to add-
    Henry Mancini
    I can picture Henry Mancini at the piano
    (edit to add- Henry scored hundreds of movies, in particular had a #1 song in 1969 with the Theme from Romeo and Juliet (which he did not score but arranged it from Nino Roto's score, and was the underlying melody of Lana's "Old Money")
    It's like a 6 minute history of the movies (picture scenes from all the legendary Film Noir, picture Double Indemnity, picture Postman always rings twice, picture any Robert Mitchum movie)
  21. SoftcoreBabyface liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in SONG PREMIERE: "Honeymoon"   
    OMG shivers again
    lana hits it out of the park and on the first listen.
    Evocative, especially (though I doubt some will see it) of YAYO
    and wow, it's dark, dark, dark
    BRAVO!!!  once again, when one thinks how in hell will Lana surpass the last 350 songs where each one surprasses the other, and wham, Lana does it again.
    It is one helleva great song.
    The legend lives on.
  22. PARADIXO liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in SONG PREMIERE: "Honeymoon"   
    and to add-
    Henry Mancini
    I can picture Henry Mancini at the piano
    (edit to add- Henry scored hundreds of movies, in particular had a #1 song in 1969 with the Theme from Romeo and Juliet (which he did not score but arranged it from Nino Roto's score, and was the underlying melody of Lana's "Old Money")
    It's like a 6 minute history of the movies (picture scenes from all the legendary Film Noir, picture Double Indemnity, picture Postman always rings twice, picture any Robert Mitchum movie)
  23. YUNGATA liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in SONG PREMIERE: "Honeymoon"   
    and to add-
    Henry Mancini
    I can picture Henry Mancini at the piano
    (edit to add- Henry scored hundreds of movies, in particular had a #1 song in 1969 with the Theme from Romeo and Juliet (which he did not score but arranged it from Nino Roto's score, and was the underlying melody of Lana's "Old Money")
    It's like a 6 minute history of the movies (picture scenes from all the legendary Film Noir, picture Double Indemnity, picture Postman always rings twice, picture any Robert Mitchum movie)
  24. slang liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in SONG PREMIERE: "Honeymoon"   
    @@slang Elvis Costello's North great album
  25. graham4anything liked a post in a topic by slang in SONG PREMIERE: "Honeymoon"   
    Four full listens and I'm warming to it. Man she just keeps getting slower!  I like the fact that she's still a maverick, and her competition (whoever we think they are) are probably scratching their heads right now wondering if they need to worry (assuming they cared enough to listen). I think there is enough technically interesting stuff in this song (not to mention the vocals and emotionality) that this is not a case of the "emperor's new clothes" or more appropriately the "wool of the king". It's nowhere near a single in character, which makes it courageous. A whole album like this would make an interesting niche album (anybody remember Elvis Costello's North?), but would it commercially succeed (and in which genre)?  
    However, this gives me hope there will be substantial variety on the album:
    from her HM IG comment:
    "... there are so many other tracks on the record, 13 others to be exact- Some with a muddy trap energy and some inspired by late-night Miles Davis drives… But I love this song because it encapsulates all of the things that come naturally to me. "
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