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Everything posted by Yosemite

  1. WHAT THE FUCK https://twitter.com/Jhill_ontherise Some people really don't have nothing else to do
  2. They already identified themselves so...Whenever I see their name, I'll refuse to even read their post
  3. There's a person on this thread that needs to shut the hell up. I'd rather stick a fork in both my eyes than to read anything they post, what an ignorant person
  4. Speak for yourself, Lisbon is full of potheads lmao me included
  5. Lmao I'd be smoking weed with her all day if she moved here
  6. Agree, it is really a case of "damned if you do, damned if you don't"
  7. Let's be honest, if she speaks about Floyd it'll be a double-edged sword. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. If I were her, I'd RT something on Twitter so I could raise awareness and that way I would be talking about it while not talking about it (so the focus wouldn't be on me but on the subject)
  8. Yosemite

    Lady Gaga

    then they better bring it to Earth, we ain't in Chromatica
  9. Yosemite

    Lady Gaga

    pls someone filter the vocals on Babylon and create some sort of instrumental with the one that's on the haus labs video to have something that resembles the demo the final version is trash ugh
  10. Yosemite

    Lady Gaga

    Someone better leak the Babylon demo pls
  11. Yosemite

    Lady Gaga

    The lack of taste some of you have Sour Candy's amazing
  12. Dude, did you open the link? It's not the same as the previous one. Are you that narrow-minded? I literally proved my point (that Marina unfollowed Lana back on 2019) and proved your point (that Marina followed Lana again some time after that). What's with the attitude?
  13. You still going at it? You want another one that proves my point, and also, yours? https://twitter.com/lrrainewarren/status/1109189854548684800 She unfollowed everyone and kept the following count at 0 for over a month or so. A month later, she started following people. Is it enough for you?
  14. I get it and, well, I can't say if she didn't follow Lana again at some point. However, she did indeed unfollow Lana last year. That tweet proves it and also I wouldn't just make this up. Also, Marina unfollowing Lana was discussed at that time too
  15. That tweet proves that she unfollowed Lana at some point, at least. So that's not nothing lmao Show the receipts then, sis Also, why you quoting like 100 posts? Chill
  16. Yosemite

    Lady Gaga

    How didn't it leak already?
  17. She might not agree with Lana, that we don't know. But Marina unfollowed her Lana last year
  18. Nope, she didn't, honey. She unfollowed Lana last year https://twitter.com/heavendelreyy/status/1096045565819920385
  19. Agesssss ago. Literally I think it's been almost an year. Can't say for sure EDIT: here u go https://twitter.com/heavendelreyy/status/1096045565819920385 more than an year, actually
  20. One question: why you bringing this up now? Marina unfollowed Lana ages ago, way before this drama.
  21. Yosemite

    Lady Gaga

    Yes, that's right
  22. Yosemite

    Lady Gaga

    It started leaking right? I think Chromatica I has leaked already so...
  23. So Do we think a new song will come out on Summer or later than that?
  24. Yosemite

    Lady Gaga

    So, is it really starting to leak or nah?
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