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Everything posted by Yosemite

  1. Yo tuvo un novio de Argentina
  2. How would you describe yourself in three words? Lana asking the stuff that matters lmao
  3. I did throw something at a long-term boyfriend
  4. Do you really wanna watch a twink taking up all of her time, interrupting her speech and saying over and over they're leaving, but end up not to?
  5. Pls, he's just going on and on and on and on, homegirl wants to move on, let her go
  6. Bitch, you said you'd leave, leave girl
  7. PLSSS I think it happened bc something up there loves me He's the epitome of white twink
  8. PLSSS kick the gay out- you could see in her eyes she wanted to do it so bad
  9. Why did you leak that?
  10. I love her concept of time lmao
  11. Not sure. Even though I'm from Europe, I often watch shows when they're airing on the US, through some streaming websites like those above, but idk if talk shows have the same amount of commercials tv shows have
  12. Yes, but it can still be live as in, it's pre-recorded but she actually sang when recording the performance, and not the Jimmy Fallon pre-recorded stuff she gave us, where she was just lip syncing to pre-recorded vocals. I mean, ig the vocal take is the same from the album so... yeah
  13. Some links for you, they're all working, just see which one is best for you (ppl outside the US)
  14. I mean, you're not missing much, if she's only doing a performance, it will be uploaded on YouTube afterwards, if she also does an interview, then they won't upload the full thing on YT but you can find torrents for the show pretty easily
  15. Quick edit! It's 5 hours from now lmao I just said what time would be for me
  16. All for You is this weird remix that has VG’s chorus on it and yeah, pretty sure the rest are just random stuff like that
  17. DIY gave it an 80 https://diymag.com/2021/10/22/lana-del-rey-blue-banisters-album-review The album's currently score on MC is 74
  18. sksks not NME giving it an 80/100 Also, these reviews naming NOTG, LL and CB as tracks that shouldn't have been included.... that's true tho
  19. Judging by what ppl are saying, seems like Blue Banisters has more than enough noise on it
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