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Everything posted by Yosemite

  1. Well, idc abt Blue Banisters anymore, I'm obsessed w this song, that someone used to make a fake Black Bathing Suit snippet. This sounds like the love child of Be My Daddy w/ She's Not Me (and w some harps from Video Games)
  2. True that And that specific BB cover, on mockups, has the explicit tag on the bot right as well
  3. Because afaik, there's only been one that we can't discuss here
  4. No It’s the one that is pitched to try making it sound like Lana, but clearly not her.
  5. It’s not that one lmao It’s the one that goes “swimming in my bed/head” or wtv they’re saying
  6. Can somebody tell me the name of the song that someone uploaded as a Black Bathing Suit snippet? It sounds good, ngl
  7. Pls you haven’t heard IYLDWM nor Beautiful, why are they on your ranking
  8. Nah, but jokes aside, if someone wants to leak the album, leak it this week bc there's no point in leaking next Monday/Tuesday, when it's dropping Thursday/Friday lmao So, either leak it by the weekend, or yk, just be quiet
  9. Arcadialovesong2018 just sent me some lyrics from Beautiful
  10. This is gonna seem foolish- bc I’m mostly certain you got nothing- but @arcadialovesong2018 imagining you really have the album, if you leak it right now, I’ll stop saying faggot. Do we have a deal?
  11. Well, I'll be back when it actually leaks, which won't be tonight so yeah
  12. And what are you trying to prove with that link? Yes, the album leaked prior release, wbk
  13. Can someone leak it already? It's getting weird and I'm getting bored
  14. I don't remember that definitely lmao It's impossible bc it was def out at 1pm GMT time on NZ so yeah
  15. Impossible lmao I remember downloading the files from dbree at like 1pm GMT, so yeah
  16. Wym? Every album dropped midnight local (based on where you are), def not a worldwide release
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