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Everything posted by Yosemite

  1. Thanks, at least I strive to be But really, how could you think you’d get in trouble by saying the snippets are on iTunes? Like, it doesn’t get more official than that lmao
  2. Nah, he's under Barrie-James EDIT: the way he's also under Barrie-James O'Neill, and also NB, yeah
  3. Tbh, it's pretty much the same version we have tho only difference is that it's HQ and not 160kbps. Sure the mixing/mastering might be a little different, but that's just bc it's in lossless and it was mastered for iTunes but that's pretty much it, I'd say
  4. No one would get in trouble if it's on an official website, jeez. When The Greatest leaked accidentally on Google Music, everybody said where it happened right away.
  5. You won’t, but if you keep spamming this thread w the same question over and over again, esp sized that big, then you just might
  6. Umm, but didn’t that other user yourgirl something or wtv, get some WPs for spreading fake info?
  7. Can those two be put on mod queue? Lmao this is a bunch of faggoty shit, like plsss
  8. But as I said, that's only happening if they actually sell them earlier. I'm not saying it's not leaking lmao I'm js that, if someone doesn't steal one, or doesn't manage to buy one earlier, it isn't leaking that way
  9. Yeah, I don't get why that person felt the need to say what they said lmao like, saying nothing at all would be the legit same. Stores can have all the copies they want, if they're not putting them up on the racks earlier, or someone doesn't steal one of them, it isn't leaking thru that
  10. Getting stock doesn't mean it's leaking tho if that person said they took a copy home, then sure, but they legit said they didn't, so
  11. Bummer lmao Hope the final is similar to that demo then (I still don't think they were the ones who leaked it tho- most of the time, ppl just like to leak and put the blame on someone, as a joke)
  12. Arcadialovesong2018 (known as the faggot police, by some) is really giving lustforlife a run for their money, huh
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