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Everything posted by Yosemite

  2. You may be onto something tho We already know Yosemite is track 9 so...
  3. Lmao love this Also, not sure if I should hate me or hate Lana (more so her team) bc, personally, the lfl windbreaker is one of the best clothing items from her merch and I never bought it bc it was expensive af
  4. That last "Don't know why I looked the other way"... WHEW
  5. She's serving VOCALS on this! Damn
  6. Why does all this shit have to be on week nights, especially on Mondays, though? I won't be able to see it live so I hope some of you record it in HQ 'cause Twitch doesn't let you re-watch livestreams
  7. Except no one is singing live-live these days, at least not on these shows. What we could've gotten was something pre-recorded but done in one take (vocal-wise). Instead, we've got something pre-recorded w/ also pre-recorded vocals. Some of you are acting like she did something bad when it's not that serious; let the woman breathe for a sec
  8. Lmao I- You and your "disappointments". It's times like this I wish she had sang YNWA, for her first televised performance in many years, just to annoy some of you. You're so hard to please, even people who are not the biggest fans of hers are eating up the performance. It's a cute performance, whether or not you like the song. But you do you, I guess
  9. Tbh, it ain't the same vocal take. At least not the whole thing. Right when she starts singing, as I've said before, there something off- can't figure out if it's about the mixing or her voice sounded raspy- but it definitely isn't the same take (as a whole). Also, never liked the outfit but she pulled it off on that set, ngl
  10. If y'all stream the song, comment and watch the live performance on YouTube, she'll drop the song on Friday. If y'all keep hating the song, she will drop the title track late Feb. Choose wisely
  11. For everyone who's saying stuff like "wish it was live", everyone is doing it like this at the time bc of Miss Rona, it's nothing too serious, give it up Deelishis
  12. Loved it but there was something off w/ the mixing She looked stunning tho
  13. Love you all but I'ma watch it now w/o pauses cause I'm on my phone and I'll hate myself if the livestream's page crashes just bc I'm coming here and then I woke up for nothing lmao See you after the serve
  14. Even though it's pre-recorded, I'm wishing her all the best of luck. Let's hope people fall in love w/ the song 'cause it's a beautiful song (and eventually she does more of this)
  15. So my alarms are set and I'll try to wake up on the last 20mins of the show. Wish me luck 'cause I'm a heavy sleeper Also, try to stay positive: even if it's not the song you wanted (considering she's singing LMLYLAW) it's a huge step for her since she hates promo and being on national television (even if it's pre-recorded). Think of it as a cute/lovely song she's performing. And spam loads of comments when it's uploaded on the show's YouTube channel, so that she thinks of doing it more often.
  16. This had to be recent since she's brunette
  17. Imagine wanting the poor woman to do promo, and constantly saying that her managers suck bc the lack of promo she does, and then hate on the choice of the song when she's just doing the promo you've been begging for ages. Make it make sense, maybe
  18. I hope they changed the cover at least, or made a special one just for this, because just imagine Jimmy holding on that cover like
  19. Nah, you're right. Just checked his post on ATRL and yeah; he's basically saying that "version" (being the "version" just live) is premiering today and will be on YouTube on that day.
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