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Everything posted by Wynwood

  1. dont you listen to hillbilly eyelash?
  2. well youre speaking to the forum that thirsted after Your Girl and Roses for MONTHS but the day after each leaked didnt give 2 shits about them
  3. Wynwood

    Ariana Grande

    I'm more annoyed with the basic ass titles like "successful" "breathin" "every time". like can she be a little more original?
  4. Wynwood

    Ariana Grande

    heard this was the tracklist raindrops blazed (feat. Pharrell Williams) the light is coming (feat. Nicki Minaj) R.E.M. God is a woman sweetener successful every time breathin no tears left to cry borderline (feat. Missy Elliot) pete goodnight n go better off get well soon
  5. this is what LDR6 needs to sound like with these visuals
  6. at first i was all for it, but now its boring. i want edgy and dark lana back
  7. i have a strong feeling lana is on her album
  8. Wynwood

    Azealia Banks

    she fought a 12 year old. claiming that she's saying smart things is hilarious and wrong but alright ill see you next week when she goes off on another black artist
  9. Wynwood

    Azealia Banks

    I'm literally eating a bow of ice cream..... i think I'm good. you can't read emotions off posts on a forum site, stop picturing me with high blood pressure just because i typed a lot lol and yeah she's never said anything smart and thats her fault. she's supposedly all about "black woman empowerment" but all she's done is make people believe the "angry black woman" stereotype is true. again who hasn't she attacked? she has no friends in the industry anymore. every time you hear about her, its because she's started a drama with someone. don't blame me, blame her. its the image she's made
  10. Wynwood

    Azealia Banks

    yeah i make a status update or a post every time she does something stupid which if you haven't noticed is ALL THE TIME. I've never heard 1 smart thing come out of her mouth. whenever someone says something stupid or does something stupid, i have to point it out i don't make posts so that you agree with me lmao. i could care less about changing your mind. i make posts because i want to make posts and i want to put my opinion on here. if you don't resonate with what i said thats fine, but it doesn't change the fact that what i said is true. she can't take a simple joke but then goes and does a u-turn and wishes death upon people and casts hexes on people. i was just mainly asking, you stan that? an insecure girl who can't take a joke but dishes out a million worse ones? and then on top of that her music isn't even good! like what. it'd be like stanning meghan trainor after she got called fat as a joke and then she wishes death upon celebrities and millions of other things on her social media. id call her out too because her music isn't good and her personality is ugly. y'all mad i attack azealia, but who hasn't azealia attacked?
  11. Wynwood

    Azealia Banks

    bitch i was on instagram and my recommendations were full of celebrities roasting her and Wendy Williams talking about her. actually bitch i haven't even been on lb that much recently since i just got back from vacation so idk if theres another Wynwood you're thinking about also bitch i can put in my 2 cents into whatever i feel like. if i don't like her then i can say whatever i want behind my keyboard the same way she does
  12. Wynwood

    Azealia Banks

    Azealia is getting dragged all over the internet lmao. how come she can't take a couple of ugly jokes on a show, but then start talking and wish death upon people once she's in the safety behind her keyboard. she's such a pussy. she can attack other people online but the second someone says a joke against her on a show where the premise of the show is to roast each other she can't take it?? LMAO. y'all stan this spineless mentally deranged rat? no wonder she continuously kisses ass in person but then once she's on instagram she talks bad about other artists. she's scared to do to their face, just like an internet troll she hides behind her phone. someone call a therapist for her, her insecurities are getting to her head
  13. Wynwood

    Miley Cyrus

    Bangerz and Dead Petz were her best albums, don't @ me
  14. Beautiful People Beautiful Problems (feat. SpongeBob Squarepants)
  15. Wynwood

    Selena Gomez

    heard this bitch was wearing a 'straight pride' shirt
  16. Wynwood

    Ariana Grande

    they represent The Gays
  17. ever since someone on here said the songs sound like demos i haven't been able to get that out of my head. HAH really sounds like just a bunch of demos
  18. so is it the same story throughout the whole season or does every episode have a different story?
  19. i literally agree with everything you say
  20. cant wait for you to eat your words when its a bop
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