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Everything posted by luckyonewithoutyou

  1. This is good Also, please leak something
  2. https://twitter.com/missdaytona/status/891124518307090434 Miss Daytona lives
  3. Be Right Back fucked me up so bad I watched Hated in the Nation a couple days ago and it's also messed me up
  4. Change and Heart Shaped Box's verses have very similar melodies
  5. Evan Peters has the most screen time of all of his work in the previous seasons
  6. The last 6 songs are fighting for my favorite atm
  7. Okay Change made me cry, who does this woman think she is
  8. I got drunk and listened to the album earlier today. I died during Cherry, like uncontrollable laughter. I am gonna listen again because I don't remember much but I know I was feeling super warm and wavy and it was a very nice experience
  9. Is there any song where one leads into another? Like freak and Art Deco??
  10. Honestly I don't think many people read the thread when so many people are posting. I'll be honest when I wake up and see 50 new pages. I usually just skip to the most recent page You can't blame someone for something they didn't see
  11. Russian forum...since its 128 Kbps I'm gonna guess they didn't get their hands on a CD
  12. "Seems to be the only way to back you bastards up"
  13. There's another link that is still active...I think there's no chance at surpressing this leak
  14. Favorite songs?? I need to prepare myself when I get to them, peeps.
  15. Also, the album leaked on a Russian forum. So if you're mad, blame Vladimir. If you're happy, pour out a shot of vodka for our comrades
  16. I'm kinda interested in seeing people's reactions before actually listening to it myself
  17. Nothing Too Serious....Ale-Ale-Alejandro
  18. The last three tracks are gonna end my life also change kinda reminds me of heart shaped box
  19. Definitely think fans will appreciate the second half more than the singles which have been displaying the contemporary side. Vintage vibes is what Lana does best.
  20. The person who posted this originally admitted that it was fake. It was on SoundCloud titled either Lizzy Surfer Vibes or Lizzy and the Girls
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