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Everything posted by luckyonewithoutyou

  1. I don't think it'll be all about sex tho, and even if i think it'll be subtle or underlying- not I-wanna-make-the-bed-squeak-Brooke-Candy-vibes
  2. It doesn't seem that explicit, i mean the most explicit thing yet imo is the subtle pussy play on words "roses in between my thighs" So I would guess not many, if any
  3. Shamir will be an opening act for four of her U.S. Tour dates
  4. It's speculated to be this Friday
  5. Lana: *recedes into the jungle to spend a two month honeymoon with that tiger and doesn't release anything else until September*
  6. Wow I only recommended the album because I heard it was great and new and all but there's some savage comments about it already I haven't listened to it yet, but i will soon, I hope it's not that bad
  7. luckyonewithoutyou

    MS MR

    Idk I really liked wrong victory, best song yet imo
  8. Oh my god!!!!! I can't listen to it now but where did you find this?
  9. Idk I think she's genuinely nice and happy because she hasn't been fucked over by the industry or the fame (yet, hopefully never) I think she appeals to the outsider/teenagers because she is really young (I think 20, just ended her teen years) and her teenage years were a very important and eventful stage in her life.
  10. Just thought of this, I loooove the song Kingdom that she made for Mockingjay Part 1 Here's a link to the song: https://youtu.be/lDU0WJwQbO8
  11. There videos that are shown are 1. A video of Elvis and Priscilla's wedding 2. A panning view of flowers 3. (Not shown) A bunch of people playing strings in what seems to be a studio http://imgur.com/cQHDy8D Supposedly the one on the middle left is taken by Neil Krug, There's a pic of Mark Ronson and Johnny Blue eyes too
  12. The songs from Sucker are pretty fun and easy to listen to- my favorites are Body of My Own, London Queen, Doing It, and Need Ur Luv All of the songs from True Romance are pretty good as well, but I would say it's a little more sad and electronic
  13. The songs from Sucker are pretty fun and easy to listen to- I love
  14. Have y'all seen the China.palace Instagram, I don't think it's Lana, but I don't see where they could be getting those pictures from, what do y'all think? Edit: it's also private which makes me believe it less
  15. She's posted a pic of her in the studio again which means that she might be working on and recording the froot repackage!
  16. I don't see how you can get more pop than sucker, it was flat out pop
  17. I looooveee technicolor beat
  18. I think music is all we really want. I love what Lana is doing, but I also would love something that I can actually talk about, listen to, enjoy.
  19. How so, what/who all has she sampled in her work? (Not questioning you, just curious)
  20. Will there be a poll up tomorrow? I suggest the new Years and Years album Communion to be an option if so!
  21. Did anyone hear Drive while it was leaked? I only heard a snippet, but it was very different instrumentally imo
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