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Everything posted by DLT

  1. Same lol, and really you guys these moodboards are fucking amazing! The talent here is unreal. Super fucking in line with the vibes and aesthetic I am anticipating. Loving these tarot readings, also perched to see if Eclipse will answer @JFKs Fine China question on which moodboard is most relevant to the album lol.
  2. agreed, somebody should make that happen and combine the posts.
  3. It has almost been 3 months to the day since Rockefeller. It is time!
  4. Random feeling/thought, but what if album is a hybrid feel of music and poetry. Ala Violet but more musical but still may incorporate spoken word in portions possible interludes or something. Idk I just feel a correlation with her poetry and this album for some reason. The auto writing, the possible long titles, the wordiness. BOZ saying it's crazy makes me wonder if it is something really NON traditional. It could just be crazy because he likes it so much but what if it is crazy because it is different some way some how. Again rambling, just thinking though. Currently listening to Violet, that may have something to do with it lol.
  5. Yes! Everyone keep streaming the fuck out of her catalog while we wait. Have you made your contribution today? Have you streamed Lana since waking up? Important questions, inquiring minds want to know.
  6. Threatening... eeek, mess. Don't think it was LB but as @NikoGo said Twitter can be a bit unstable lol. I'm over seeing/talking about this little twink though, no hate. Either way I'm not buying what he is selling lol. I get needing to backtrack and reel things in though. Def has a spotlight on him and that will lead back to where he has gotten his info. Anyways, let's move on. Peace be with him lol.
  7. Black back drop with pop of color, def the vibe!!!!
  8. I'm also thinking this, A. because the team is on his ass but now also B. b/c he is annoyed with us. Pity cause I think he was starting to feel like teasing/sharing but is what it is lol!
  9. Talking about vinyl color and flowers make me think about color in relation to the album in general. Rather it is visually or music wise how color is represented/incorporated. I'm feeling a lot of black/gray immersion with pops of color. I can see red, amber, and maybe dark blue. Idk Rockefeller in particular I envision like one of those black and white scenes where only one or two things are in color. I can see outside with an umbrella in the rain, city streets, nighttime, all gray/black and white, with shimmers of gold/amber. I am rambling now!
  10. Hmmm another fun question. Again though lol, I don't know what to expect. On a personal level I have always loved peonies and would love for them to be an "album flower." That said I'm not sure... we need these answers... Lana/TAP make the announcement lol! Give us a preview.
  11. Honestly I normally don't play them, more just for collecting. I certainly hope they are too though. Honestly I'd take an earlier release with limited vinyl/basic vinyl over a longer waiting period for multiple variations. I'm sure we will have several variants though, Interscope and Tap are def going to want to take advantage of offering several variants they know the fanbase will buy.
  12. This! But hopefully they are already being pressed lol.
  13. Always the titular question lol.... Honestly I do not know. I'm conflicted on what to expect. I feel like we have kind of conflicting info, she said in interview there was "no room for color", then we have BOZ/insiders hyping it up (and I don't see a colorless album being something they would be into), also the Rockefeller snippet has a warmness to it as well which invokes a bit of color. To actually answer the question though, I'm feeling maybe an amber color or hue, clear and or gray is always an option too lol. Same lol.
  14. He is definitely playing damage control now. As @Venice Peach said I am sure BOZ (and possibly Eclipse) have told him to calm it down with LB being aware of him. For him to mention Lana so much prev I highly doubt he has no interest in her new record. He is just not wanting to draw attention to himself and his sources, which is understandable. Let's take what little nuggets we originally got from his twitter and leave the kid alone. But again I'm not convinced none of what was said doesn't pertain to LDR, it's obvious it did. Either way everyone let him be lol!
  15. DLT

    Weyes Blood

    Okay now that I've had a few days with the record I can say it is yet another triumph/masterpiece for Weyes. Front Row Seat, Titanic Rising, and now And In The Darkness. She's amazing, pure talent/art. Her music for me is always something that builds over time so I will definitely need some more time to rank the albums themselves. That said conceptually/visually I definitely think this one takes the cake. The rollout, videos, promo, build up, and concept were/are just perfect. Every track on here is so special and amazing in its own way. I literally cannot pick faves atm lol. Today I am really vibing with Children of the Empire and Twin Flame though, The Worst Is Done and A Given Thing are hitting pretty hard too. Definite AOTY contender. It and Preacher's Daughter have just over a month to duke it out before I make that final call.
  16. I don't mind waiting till March or even a tad after. I just want official acknowledgement or announcement by Lana or her team. Really an announcement lol, a little promo single would be nice too!
  17. That you wanted me sad lyric really hits. I know it’s translated but still… I’m feeling it.
  18. Same. It’s makes me think of Hope for some reason. “Don’t ask that I’m happy, you know that I’m not.” “ They write that I’m happy, they know I’m not” vibes to me.
  19. If these acronyms are indeed titles which I can see because she mentioned automatic writing I can definitely see them being similar to her poetry titles. It’s interesting to think about how this new process will impact the record. Super intrigued.
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