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Everything posted by DLT

  1. Now this makes the most sense. We better prepare ourselves!
  2. The Ian’s in order of likelihood who it is: Ian Fitchuk Ian Kirkpatrick Ian Walsh at this point the one that makes the most logical sense is Fitchuk. They are in the same circles and Lana has been hinting at music that is more in line w his sound/vibe plus the hair color matches and the guy looks REALLY similar. It doesn’t mean anything that he isn’t wearing glasses. It is a candid in studio FaceTime call. The glasses look more like an accessory choice in his pics. Who knows maybe he switched to contacts or lasik if not. I still stand by what I said about Kirkpatrick earlier. Facial features are similar. Beard is similar as well. Hair color is different and granted looks a little rougher but again this is a picture of a FaceTime call lol. It’s not the best image to start with much less once everything else is factored in. But apparently he denied it which again could just be because he wants to be left the f alone. I still think it’s fitchuk though. it looks the least like the walsh guy to me. He has much darker hair and the facial features do not match up to me at all.
  3. There is a difference in appearance but I definitely think it could be same guy. Facial structure is very similar. Plus the photos being used to compare were probably professionally shot or at least shot for professional reasons so more effort was put into appearance. Plus it is a picture of a FaceTime call. Factor in connection and lighting on both his side and hers. The beard is also the same. Even the thinner parts where less hair grows.
  4. Indeed. HBTB is way underrated! We are ready.
  5. Interscope’s request for a more upbeat track, hopefully this means it is just a last minute addition and the rest of the album is done. 🙃🙃🙃
  6. May or may not be on repeat for the last hour or so!
  7. Either way it’s a win for me. I’ve been craving a new Weyes LP. Her with Neil too, yesss. But low key def hope it is Lana related.
  8. DLT

    Rina Sawayama

    Haven’t said too much here since the new era began. Love Rina and was looking forward to this new album but it’s not shaping up to wow me like Sawayama. I can appreciate the direction she’s going in and it’s not that the singles are bad but they just don’t have the special feeling to me. Hoping the album tracks are better. Single wise Hold the Girl is superior, I don’t make the rules.
  9. Just coming here to say this really is one of my favorites! Wish we could have gotten some more from this. The ending just yes, “they say that madness swings to genius. Mel? Doesn’t it… oh yeah, without the highs can’t have the lows.”
  10. Pre Pleasure dropped today. This is my current fave of the non singles! Give Julia some streams.
  11. Yes I believe it is. I absolutely adore this song. I love NKC but this one is super special for me. Would love to hear Lana do a rendition. Honestly there are too many songs she NEEDS to cover. We need that American Standards and Classics.
  12. I definitely hear umbrella as well. Idk. Will have to see how it is in context of song but maybe like she is walking past or near Rockefeller in New York with an umbrella either lamenting or thinking on the city itself or maybe a lost love/love interest. Idk lol. We shall see. Def ready to hear in full.
  13. I certainly can see it being a song title. Not necessarily album title but would almost anticipate it to be a track title or prominent lyric.
  14. No, not real. They’re playing around lol.
  15. Wild One I Talk to Jesus Yes to Heaven, it’s time lol. I’d be happy with any of these 3. I don’t know. I don’t necessarily want an unreleased on the new album but she really has sooooo many unreleased that deserve to have their moments. She’s got to get that unreleased collection together!
  16. I don’t know just from the very little info we have the REAL gut feeling vibe I’m getting is a continuation of Arcadia. The lyrics and the overall tone Lana had during the interview where she discussed them just give me that feeling. We shall see though. Not necessarily expecting copy/paste but a similar feel/vibe.
  17. My semi realistic wishes/wants for LDR9 are moody, introspective, smoldering, spacey. Honestly these vibes can be achieved with different types of production. Hoping for something a little more grand orchestral wise with some ambient synths with some moments of jazziness. Either way we shall see. Hoping we get real info soon. Hoping the Neil thing is related but I think it’s most likely something in relation to his own work, non Lana related. The image is very reminiscent of his spirit collection.
  18. Ultraviolence 13 Beaches Blue Banisters
  19. DLT

    Ethel Cain

    Super stoked she is going to perform for KEXP. I love watching their YouTube vids. Hopefully they upload her performance there!
  20. Top tier, will forever be one of her best tracks!✨
  21. Originally I was really “sure” we would get this record this year but honestly now I’m kind of doubting/questioning that. That’s okay though. While I’m really wanting the album asap at the same time I am kind of chill about it too. For now I’m not going to anticipate or move unless it is something official or a trusted insider. Excited nonetheless for whatever she has put together. I also highly doubt it is country lol! Could there be influences, sure but Lana always has a way of making the genres she plays with her own. I am expecting something a little more eclectic though.
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