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Everything posted by DLT

  1. Ready for them to start posting, not expecting any till at least mid week though.
  2. Say this every album but I really want a behind the scenes process/breakdown lol. Like in what order were the songs recorded. How did they evolve and change. the fact that Lana is always working makes it all that much more interesting. hopefully one day we got our documentary lol.
  3. Sorry if it came off strong. Wasn’t the intent. Just conversing and sharing my personal thoughts on the Taylor/Lana comparisons that always happen. That last part wasn’t directed to you personally. I can definitely hear the similarities in the track Margaret though. They all kind of play off of one another and inspire each other so makes sense. Especially with jack being such a prolific collaborator with the two of them lol.
  4. For me Margaret is the only comparable track. I know some have mentioned Fishtail sounding like it is off of midnights but I do not hear that myself. Folklore/Evermore and Did You Know are apples and oranges sound wise to me. Maybe they can be compared in the sense that they are an evolution of each artists sound but Did You Know differs in regard that it blends many different genres sounds and stylings while Evermore to me seems more tightly constructed.
  5. No surprises as it more easily accessible. No shade either, NFR is one of her top albums for me. Yes, def don’t see this getting the NFR level praise. It’s definitely going to be more divisive lol. If you get it you get it. Feel sorry for those who don’t, critics included.
  6. Tells me they have trouble differentiating/stepping outside comfort zone to really rate. Let's see what other publications say, perched. Curious what they rated NFR, since that is considered her "most acclaimed."
  7. Not a bad review, we anticipated critics wouldn't care for the Pastor interlude so no surprise there. They get Fingertips and AW being top tier, love that. Also love that they highlight Fishtail too, it deserves all the praise it receives.
  8. Honeymoon Did You Know Ultraviolence NFR Blue Banisters Lust For Life Paradise BTD COCC
  9. This legit just made me order the Target variant, it's the only one I hadn't purchased yet. I wasn't going to but seeing real pics of it, it is so pretty.
  10. I think will get overall favorable reviews. Won't be NFR levels, even though it should be. It doesn't play it as safe as NFR so I see there being some comments on maybe it's varied sound or length not working.
  11. Lol, it is always interesting to see how everyone reacts to new music and what speaks to them. I am glad they really resonate with you.
  12. Taco Truck and Let The Light In, damnnn. I really loved Taco and the VB sample. I love all the background speaking, ad libs in so many of the songs.
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