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Posts posted by DLT

  1. 5 minutes ago, tienmej said:

    I don't necessarily see why one would react strongly to this comparison, since in my opinion it is in no way derogatory. But as I have said, I think this is the closest Lana and Antonoff have been to his work with Taylor purely in terms of the way it sounds.

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    It is true that Lana's work is much more diverse here, though.


    Sorry if it came off strong. Wasn’t the intent. Just conversing and sharing my personal thoughts on the Taylor/Lana comparisons that always happen. That last part wasn’t directed to you personally. 

    I can definitely hear the similarities in the track Margaret though. They all kind of play off of one another and inspire each other so makes sense.  Especially with jack being such a prolific collaborator with the two of them lol.  

  2. 14 minutes ago, tienmej said:

    Okay honestly
    My verdict is that essentially this album to Lana is what Folklore is to Taylor. And it is reinforced by the fact that some songs sound exactly like those on Folklore and Evermore instrumentally (Margaret for instance). No wonder they had a collab this year lol. Well last year technically. 

    For me Margaret is the only comparable track. I know some have mentioned Fishtail sounding like it is off of midnights but I do not hear that myself.  


    Folklore/Evermore and Did You Know are apples and oranges sound wise to me. Maybe they can be compared in the sense that they are an evolution of each artists sound but Did You Know differs in regard that it blends many different genres sounds and stylings while Evermore to me seems more tightly constructed. 


    My personal take and just a personal take, no shade to Taylor she is a brilliant musician and business woman but she could never do what Lana does.  Lana could definitely make Taylor’s music if she chose to but Taylor could not go full Lana. I think she is a little more restrictive in that sense like she has a plan and keeps control over the way things work in that regard. She keeps herself reeled in a bit while Lana is more go with the flow, adaptive, and not scared to be a little more OUT there.


  3. 4 minutes ago, rosemead ramada said:


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    it means quit lusting after your neighbor
    that’s a heck of a life!
    you get to love your children in front of you
    you get to love, you have to talk to somebody about a new life
    i don’t love my wife anymore, i don’t love my kids anymore
    ? like they’re usually my age
    does that sound like love
    it’s a life long ? with lust
    but for too long they’ve been holding it on
    and finally they just get weak
    and they say it doesn’t matter anymore
    and the spirit ?? with desires with
    what you have and what’s in front of you

    so as it works deep in your heart
    as you call out to Him
    how could you do it to me man?
    help me want what I got
    help me love what’s in front of me
    help me want more of my wife and more of my friends
    and help me serve the city I live in and not wish it away and hope I can move
    help me God
    I want to be a man in love
    Not a man in lust
    But you’ve got to do that
    ?? person up there

    Psalms Chapter 8
    And do you know what I got in this verse?
    This is going to sound crazy to you but I’m gonna tell you
    the absolute truth, it’s going to make me sound so ? so I’m looking forward to it
    I woke up this morning and God said “check the bible”
    ?? I’m going to speak to you from the verse of the day
    That means I don’t have to do anything, I don’t have to look anywhere
    Just look at the verse of the day
    So I get to the verse of the day
    And here’s the verse of the day, today, in the bible
    Look at this
    Look at the splendor of the skies
    You creative genius glowing in the heavens
    When I gaze, when I gaze at your moon and your stars
    Mounted like jewels in their settings
    I know you are the fascinating artist who fashioned it all
    When I look up and I see such wonder and workmanship above
    I have to ask this question
    I’ve got to ask this question
    Compared to all this cosmic glory,
    Why would you ever bother with puny, mortal man
    Or being ??? , don’t get me started ?? infatuated
    Or be infatuted with Adam’s son?
    Why are you so infatuted with me?
    You’re the star creator, you’re the ocean maker
    you’re the whale creator, you’re the rhino designer
    Who do you think you are?
    And then it goes on in verse 5
    Yet what honor you have given to me,
    Created only a little lower than Elohim
    Which is the name of Creator God
    All this to god
    You want to call God about this
    At some point tonight when you go to bed yell:
    “Yo, Elohim!”, and he’ll hear: “You’re the best artist ever!”
    Crowned like kings and queens with glory and magnificence
    You have delighted, you have delegated to them mastery over all you have made
    You’ve made me a partner with you
    I wish to think my preaching was mostly about you
    And you’re not going to like this but I’m going to tell you the truth
    I’ve discovered my preaching is mostly about me



    This legit just made me order the Target variant, it's the only one I hadn't purchased yet. I wasn't going to but seeing real pics of it, it is so pretty.:flutter:

  4. 2 minutes ago, LanasDealer said:

    I'm not listening to the leaks, but to those who have listened to the leaks, how do you think the album will be received by the critics? What do you think the metacritic score will be (not that it really matters)?

    I think will get overall favorable reviews. Won't be NFR levels, even though it should be. It doesn't play it as safe as NFR so I see there being some comments on maybe it's varied sound or length not working.

  5. Spoiler

    I really do love how self referential this album is. So many of the songs mention or use same lyrics from others. While sonically the album may be a little all over the place I think she pulls everything together nicely and the lyrics/references really help that. As someone said critics will probably like that.


    Okay so I just listened to Margaret for the 1st time. It is a cute song but not top tier for me. I see a lot of yall praising it but just doesn't click for me as one of the best tracks on the album. It is a very Lana Taylor song. It def reminds me of Taylor in so many parts but with Lana's own edge and uniqueness. Jack's voice is interesting, it is a little off-putting but I wouldn't say bad. Just sounds like trying a bit much. I do love the speaking parts that Lana does. Idk it is cute but a little cheesy and cringe too lol.


    Fishtail still top tier for me idc lol.


    Also was just thinking how Boz had mentioned Grandfather being her addressing past criticisms. Yes, I see it but not as much as he leaned into it. Other tracks on the album really speak to that to me. Like AW and Taco Truck. There is actually a lot of those moments peppered in the album. 


    I'll get a ranking put together later lol. 


    Either way definitely one of her top albums, her output and talent is just unmatched honestly. 


    I'm all over the place I know, just sharing some thoughts lol. 


  6. Spoiler

    Those oh yeah oh yeahs in Grandfather. The way she says God if you're near me. Idk let me stop bc everything about it is so amazing. The different tones she uses in it and the overall vibe. It is so fresh, light, crisp, gentle, refreshing. Repeating the 3 white butterflies at the end. It's definitely one of my tops if not top. It really just washes over you.


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