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Everything posted by Dominikx4

  1. Well, I love Chuck's work but I'd love if Lana switched her game up a bit. We've had enough Neil and Chuck for 5 more albums, we could use something new and fresh
  2. Chuck is promoting BAR more than Lana, when will your fave
  3. slay Switzerland, radio like only played it two times (and at like 7 AM) but she still managed to chart higher
  4. Better way to do it than having drama and repeating the endless, pointless discussions from the pages before
  5. 1. Fine China 2. Life Is Beautiful 3. Every Man Gets His Wish 4. Paris 5. Butterflies Pt. 2 6. Live Or Die 7. Queen of Disaste 8. Backfire 9. BBM Baby 10. Motel 6 (Vicarge)
  6. Dominikx4


    I just had a random thought about the Soft Ice Cream lyrics "Soft ice cream" sounds the same as "Soft i scream" Idk, i know it's not grammatically correct (but bestest aint correct either so), but maybe that's a cute little thing Lana thought about while writing.
  7. I saw that some days ago and I was wondering too, because Eclipse said the original release date for Love was 27th February, then it waa changed to 7th March. It doesnt really add up, especially considering they would've put up the promo posters a month ahead.
  8. we literally have confirmation that the final is 2 minutes shorter, how could this in any way be for a video?
  9. tbh I wouldn't be sad if Lana cut out the actual chorus of BAR. The pre-chorus is better anyway
  10. Didn't Jamie King and Lana hug last year at the Oscars? I think Lana is just someone who can get easily bored and then doesnt want to hang out anymore
  11. omg kween thank you She's gorgeous either way
  12. So I have two interpretations for this song Version 1: In the verses and the bridge, she remembers the past thinking of the man she had. She was happy with him and values him, which comes clear in the bridge: All of her feelings, all her actions are controlled by her love to him. In the chorus, since she changes pronouns from "he" to "you" - she is talking to herself, almost like she sees herself in a mirror and talks to her reflection. Lana feels sad and regrets she puts so much work into tryin to create the best record ever, which eventually ended in her relationship failing because she neglected her boyfriend. Version 2: My other theory is that this song is about her relationship with Barrie (well, or any other boyfriend she had who tried to become a singer). He was a singer trying to be succesful, but he was always overshadowed by Lana - hence the "dancing underneath my architecture" line, which could possibly refer to Lana's career - it is towering over the one from Barrie. Barrie did no longer want to stand in Lana's shadow and spent his entire time working, composing and writing, trying to create the best album ever. Here, the bridge could possibly show that he is the root of the problem - everything is leading back to him. Barrie neglected Lana, eventually causing her to break up with him.
  13. tbh I'd love to hear a version without the chorus No beat drop etc., it'd sound Honeymoon-esque
  14. are you serious ofc he knows something he had Love and BAR back in spring already
  15. Guys, I don't think they would've posted it without her permission
  16. Was originally posted by honeydelgrant, just saying https://www.instagram.com/p/BREFq2rgRla/?taken-by=honeydelgrant
  17. Well, I guess BAR is about Barrie And considering Lana has already been an established artist while Barrie was pretty much unknown, this could mean that "architecture" is supposed to be Lana's career. She has already built her career while Barrie stands in her shadow, aka he is dancing under her architecture. Being constantly overshadowed by Lana made him mad and he got obsessed with the goal to write the Best American Record idk if that made sense
  18. I want Lana to work w/ Dan Heath for liek 2-3 tracks. Give me another LiB, Bel Air or Old Money. I love his productions Oh and get Tim Larcombe back for another OTTR and G&M
  19. can't wait to hear the final version of BAR And I am still w8ing for Eclipse's Q&A with Lana
  20. Melania pls, nur weil du fünf Sprachen sprichst musst du hier nicht wieder angeben
  21. The pre-chorus and the bridge is what I love most about the song. And can y'all hear how "you were so obsessed with writing the next BAR" sounds the same as "youve got a way, like JFK"?
  22. if it's not like this, then pls remix the entire song in this style
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