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Everything posted by Dominikx4

  1. not even sure if that's the correct lyrics tho. Genius says it's "My hot love's full of fire" idk and I know You can hear a "t" sound at the end, so it would also be "but you keep refuse it" which is just wrong
  2. There is a reason it has a filter, don't try to bypass it
  3. yes Eclipse insists that it's "but you keep refusing" and some ppl say that as well And considering how Lana pronounces "lifes for the fire" in Freak and "I was so wrong not to doubt your Medellin" made me unsure cuz our gurl could just have a really weird pronounciation once again
  4. it sounds like the finished version tho Annyyyyyyyway What's the general consensus of the Love lyrics now? Is it "but you keep refusing" or "and you can't refuse it"?
  5. Now guys, if I came here and randomly claimed Love won't be on the album, would you believe me too? Just a thought
  6. There are two other filters? What am I missing, I thought there was only the ACCORDING TO ALL KNOWN LAWS OF AVIATION THERE IS NO WAY A BEE SHOULD BE ABLE TO FLY one apart from swearing Mysterious
  7. fuck bitch pussy edit: Yaaaaaaaaaaaassss it works again thanks queen Elle
  8. slé, thanks to me and my 3 purchases of Love I hope we'll get a physical release, too so I can gift some to friends
  9. Btw just clarifying that I'd love if Lana did some more promo and stuff, I just think the discussion is pointless atm.
  10. Yeah I am a Gaga stan, but I never participated in these childish stan wars w/ other fanbases Seems like you only want Lana to succeed in order to show it off on ATRL or whereever else and act all proud and shit. Who the fuck cares outside of Pop forums and stan Twitter about charts? Yeah, nobody
  11. I complain because it's annoying af to see y'all whining 24/7 It's not like Lana is a commercial artist anyway. Her stage production doesn't need a high budget and I was never too fond of her MVs, even back in BTD days, so I don't care much for them either. Love is an exception, that one's great. Considering Lana's stage fright and desire to not perform on TV, we would not benefit in any way of her being succesful. Just enjoy the music and give up on that idea of mainstream Lana already, it's not going to happen
  12. fml so my chances to find one of these under 150$ are like 0... if I'd even find one to buy
  13. she said "on another project we did" this sounds like it's already done and coming soon
  14. smth is coming i feel it now with Lana and the vids she's posting on IG
  15. "for another project" OH MA GOOOOOOD
  16. Yes, this thread is LDR5 and I said the mv for LDR6's lead. What's not to understand about that?
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