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Everything posted by Dominikx4

  1. im jk dont worry it looks really cute and i like the tracklist! im very grateful you guys kept it cohesive and cute and didnt throw in Live or Die (Final Version) inbetween Disco and Munny Hunny like these bootlegs always do also, it looks amazing, i really hope were getting to the required amount of preorders
  2. is2g if this is another Moy situation, i will find you and lord knows what i will do with you.... jk i trust u guys ill be preordering
  3. youve already proven youve got no taste when you said pineapple is a bad pizza topping. next!
  4. when has lana given her music away for free
  5. cuz ldrvillage is a dropshipping business and they take 3+ months to fulfill orders if they even do fulfill them. theres a reason they dont offer paypal as a payment method
  6. i wish i knew what was going on, i bet shes horrible to work with she already got her advance, so she's in no hurry to turn Iron Gates in and we all know how quickly she moves on from one passion to another & she hasnt posted a poem in ages, so I wouldnt be surprised if shes over it and Iron Gates sees either no release or is going to be short, shorter than Violet already is
  7. its highly doubtful that March 2021 was the original release date, it was way too close to Violet's release. I think it could be reasonable to think it might release this year, but theres at least gonna be 3-6 months between the announcement and release, so late summer at the absolute earliest... and only if Lana has it ready, and im not too sure about that
  8. what kind of crack did she put in King cuz the more i listen to it, the better it gets... i cant stop listening
  9. oh, definitely. China does what's good for their economy and prosperity, and warfare with Europe and the US would be terrible in that aspect. Also, China and Russia have never been friends, historically. their recent "alliance" if you can even call it that is more of a "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" kind of situation, so its pretty reasonable to assume they wont side with Russia on nukes imo
  10. hes not gonna use nukes - Russia has 0 to gain from it, and his close circle of people around him know that. Theres two scenarios imo 1) Its all a scare tactic, hes not gonna nuke anyone 2) He wants to nuke a city or country and gets assassinated by a high ranking official lets not forget that it would be the entire world vs. Russia, because China is going to intervene at some point if it escalates and be on NATO's side. Plus, NATO's missile defense system is way more sophisticated. Russia as we know it would no longer exist, while the West would probably be alright, considering the circumstances.
  11. awww thanks, im 99% certain i can go this summer, so fingers crossed! hope you get to do the same soon too, then
  12. yes! i believe i have said something similar in either the BB or COCC pre-release thread - that I was sad I couldnt make any memories with these albums as I could with the rest of her discography since I started stanning. I don't think I'd be as excited as I am for my vacation if it wasnt for COCC lmao
  13. my thoughts and personal relation with COCC (its mostly just me rambling but here it is anyway uhm)
  14. Yosemite-White Dress-For Free is my trinity on the album so underrated is2g, Jack snapped with the production on For Free, sometimes i like to just listen to the instrumental bc its sooo satisfying
  15. this is not true - it was actually Chechnya's leader Ramzen Kadyrov who said gays dont exist, I dont recall Putin saying that though. as for the tracking part, i dont really buy that, that Twitter acc is satire after all
  16. this is so dumb and uninformed on so many levels but i really dont have the energy for this lmao
  17. a sad tyrant is still a tyrant, what kind of point are you trying to make? and yea right, let us all pretend china didnt wait for a situation like that to see what international reactions a possible invasion of Taiwan might provoke
  18. this is not about pride. you realize thats an admission of the west caving in, coming with all the possible implications for the future? so, next time putin doesnt get what he wants, he just invades another country, it worked so well last time? and other countries with batshit leaders are gonna follow suit. delusional
  19. lana said that about cocc & the couldnt really finish it bc covid duh. time to accept daddy jack is not as bad as yall claim him to be
  20. mark March 2nd in your calendar hennies
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