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Everything posted by Monicker

  1. However we choose to define the quality of being "raw" as it relates to music, i think most people would argue that the new Yayo fits this description more so than the AKA recording, no?
  2. Says the person whose point of reference for bangs is Katy Perry? I believe you have entirely missed the point of the contention with her use of the headdress. And i also don't think anyone was proposing self-censorship of her art. Art with a capital A, d00d.
  3. Yeah, my guess is that it legitimately (or "officially--because people love that term and feel reassured when it's used ) goes by both titles. Or that she changed it to Put Me In A Movie when it came time to sell the record digitally, which had been hitherto known as Little Girls. Also, on a kind of related note, the 5 Points site, as well as the alleged back cover posted above, suggest (pretty much irrefutably) that the title of the first record is simply Lana Del Ray.
  4. It definitely will. But i don't think it'll be a particularly big/appealing/highly sought-after one.
  5. Get off the internet and go to bed already, evil.
  6. Monicker


    I don't hear anything unusual or horrible on the vocals. Singing behind a wall of paper, eh? I'll keep an ear out for it though.
  7. Anytime i've heard her speak on the subject, she has only ever mentioned YouTube. You can see it too in the footage, the compression artifacts are very visible, in varying degrees, in all the found footage in her videos. I've always found that interesting, how that places her in the current era, she is a product of these times, the generation that grew up online. And that little detail, the fact that shitty video compression is a big part of the aesthetic of her videos, is another reason why i classify Lana Del Rey as a postmodern artist, and shun all those labels that suggest that she's merely a throwback to a bygone era. I don't know where that footage that you're asking about comes from, but i just noticed that in the Diet Mtn Dew video she used footage from that ! Which i still haven't ordered but intend to. It looks so, so great. Re: studying metaphysics, Maru wrote the following in THE CLUSTERFUCK THREAD:
  8. Monicker


    So, in the spirit of Lizzy's lyrical blunders (Summer of Sam, anyone?), the lyrics of American refer to the wrong singer as the king! Come on, Liz, Springsteen is the boss. It is your boi Elvis, your main obsession in life (hello? ) who is the king. And you even mentioned him later in the song! Or is it that she's implying that the American doesn't know these common things?
  9. You know, i momentarily forgot about Burning Desire. I had been waiting to see if somehow it would be available in lossless, and then i just forgot about it because i never liked it. Undoubtedly my least favorite of the bunch--she's just singing the In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida melody throughout the entire song. I don't even have it. Someone wanna hook me up with a copy? Anyway, doesn't belong in the review/rating for the record, as it's an iTunes only bonus. I really loved this review!
  10. Oh my god, it’s kind of awesome to scan through this thread from the beginning, as it makes everyone seem like they’re totally out of their mind, like mental patients sitting in the hospital common room, blurting out non sequiturs or, like, trying to carry a conversation with the wall.
  11. WHAT THIS THREAD IS FOR: General and fact-based Lana-related questions that are easily answered and not intended for their own discussion. Examples: “Which interview was it where Lana mentioned being a fan of David Lynch?" "What performance was it where Lizzy did the cover of The Happiest Girl In The Whole U.S.A.?" “What’s Lana’s brother’s name?” “What was the name of that boarding school that Lana attended?” You know, stuff like that. WHAT THIS THREAD IS NOT FOR: --Any questions about specific discussion topics that already have a home somewhere on the forum, such as individual songs in the Lyrics section, past photo shoots in the Gallery, unreleased/demo songs in the Audio section. Questions pertaining to specific subjects such as these can still be directed to those existing threads. --Discussion type of questions that are a matter of opinion. Eg: “Who do you prefer, Lana or Lizzy?" or “What do you think would happen if Lana went on SNL again?” Those are opinion-based topics for on-going discussion that are not appropriate for this thread, and are better suited for their own thread. ***Before you ask your question, have a look here at the thread dedicated to rumors and debunked myths about Lana Del Rey, as the answer to your question might very well already be there.
  12. WAIT Perhaps i should have said a few more things about the idea for a thread like this when i made my initial suggestion. First of all, i myself have never liked the “Insignificant” part of the title, so i wouldn’t be opposed at all to removing that. Maybe “Smaller” Questions rather than “Insignificant” questions? Or “General” Questions? Second, i think a thread like this could only work for the sort of one-off questions related to Lana that will either yield a quick answer (if anyone has it) or will just fall by the wayside (because it has no answer), making one less dormant thread just sitting around. The point is to just have a place to drop in for quick little GENERAL questions that have probably been answered already and are unlikely to create a long discussion. I guess some discretion would be required there. Examples: “What was that interview where Lana mentioned ______?” “What’s Lana’s brother’s name?” “What was the name of that boarding school Lana went to?” “Does anyone know where Lana recorded Sirens?” You know, stuff like that. Things that wouldn’t really work for this thread: --Any questions about very specific topics that already have a home somewhere on the forum (for example: each song has its own thread in the lyrics section; photo shoots have their own threads; unreleased/demo songs have their own thread, so questions pertaining to those things could still be directed to those existing threads). --Open-ended type of questions that are a matter of opinion. Eg: “Who do you think has the stronger voice, Lana or Adele?” or “What if Lana went on SNL again?” Those sort of questions spark long, on-going discussions, and have nothing to do with anything factual and have no place in a thread like this. I don’t know, perhaps a thread like this doesn’t even make much sense with an artist as relatively new as Lana, who doesn’t have that much info even known about her. I took this idea from a forum dedicated to a group that has been around for 50 years and has a slew of actual historians who are walking encyclopedias of knowledge on the subject. So my bad, maybe it's just a half baked idea for this forum. I just wanted to make a suggestion for the kind of thing that happened yesterday, and that i see happen a lot from time to time, where a new person just comes into the forum and starts creating threads for minor questions that HAVE been answered here before, and then the forum just ends up cluttered and unmanageable. Also, i don’t want to be held responsible for this thread being created too hastily, and for having a bunch of wayward threads suddenly dumped in here and pissing people off because HDB is thread-merging-happy EDIT: Also, merging existing threads is clearly not working because it's mixing up different posts from different threads so that this thread doesn't have any flow!
  13. So i’ve had some time to really sit with the record and i’ve jotted down many thoughts. I tried to keep this short (really!) but who am i kidding, this shit is long as hell, so my apologies (hey, you don't have to read it ). There are already some good critiques on the more conceptual/thematic/lyrical overarching stuff, so i’ll mostly leave that alone, as i probably couldn’t comment on that stuff any better than some of you already have, and i’ll focus more on...surprise, surprise...the “technical” stuff.
  14. Gosh, what a presumptuous load of shit that first question is. What does this guy know about her to make that sort of an assertion? This whole interview was lousy. Ha, Ginsberg. Are the French just predisposed to hearing Gainsbourg, Myriam? I don't blame you.
  15. Sounds like this performance is mostly augmented by the album backing track (including some of the backing vocals at the end). I'm guessing the producers of this show wanted it that way.
  16. Ha! Nice. But wait, shouldn't this be in the "Lana Thoughts" section? Also, i think it would be a good idea to have Madrigal's Debunked Rumor thread linked to on the first post of this thread, and if we ever do a FAQ, we can link to it on the first post of this thread too. EDIT: Oh wait, is this going to be questions of ANY topics or just Lana-related? I meant Lana-related questions.
  17. I am not saying this to be passive aggressive, but as a sincere suggestion for what i think would benefit the whole of the forum, seeing as how things have been getting kind of unwieldy around here lately. On another forum that i frequent there is a long, on-going thread called "Thread for various insignificant questions that don't deserve their own thread" and it works nicely. It's a place for these sort of smaller questions that pile up but don't really lend themselves to a whole thread. Anytime someone has one of these questions they can just pop in there and ask it, and it most likely gets answered because the thread as a whole tends to be of interest to most people, given the array of general topics. Just a thought. To answer this question, there was a small run of copies of the AKA album that were intended to be sold at shows. Kahne says he has about ten copies himself.
  18. I suspect that if she had never had a name change, we wouldn't look at her as two separate, distinct personas, but rather as a person who has simply evolved over the last six or so years.
  19. Yeah, that's what i took it to mean, too. By the way, i didn't intend to deny any biological differences between the sexes, if this how it came across. I'm not Judith Butler I know. What i was questioning is the idea that certain attributes (eg. integrative/separatist) are inherently "masculine" or "feminine." Using "her" would be the pendulum swinging all the way in the other direction, no? I think that's a misconception to attribute something like that to "super feminist" (whatever that term even means). Nothing to do with Affirmative Action either. If you were talking about, say, Asian people in an all inclusive way, to represent the whole of the continent, you wouldn't keep referring to them as Chinese, would you? I didn't realize using "him/her" or "their" when speaking of all people could be awkward. It goes beyond just being gender-sensitive. Does this have to do with the double slit experiment with photons?
  20. OMG ha. I actually plan on eventually having a blog with pictures, but i need to get better first and build up my portfolio! I don't really have good pictures yet, only a few of the very first quick, half-assed tests that i did:
  21. I can agree with that to an extent even though i'm very wary of binaries, especially as absolutes, or absolutes of any kind, really. We're on the same page with the piano analogy, but not for the same reason that i imagined was your intent in making the analogy: the piano and its black & white keys are a human construction--not rooted in a natural phenomenon--much like the social construct of reducing being down to these polarizing masculine/feminine "fundamentals." BTW, the harpsichord and some fortepianos, which both predate the pianoforte, have the black/white key scheme inverted. What i was referring to is bolded in the following: Also, a lot of this soul/ego duality is sexist and too reductionist and essentialist. Why should these ontological attributes have to be tied to gender? Does that have any real value? Is it not dismissive of our complexities and ambiguities? I mean, integrative = feminine and separatist = masculine? I find that rather insulting. What do those qualities really have to do with the socially constructed ways in which men and women have been segregated throughout history? And what about those who don't fit into a gender binary? I just don't get why this stuff has to be described in terms of a male/female dichotomy. P.S. I do enjoy reading your posts, so i hope you don't take any of this "the wrong way."
  22. Did anyone notice how she talked to Fearne about the experiences of making the Ride video, shared some anecdotes and her general feelings on the experience, and then later when she was picking out which questions to answer from fans, she picked the one about what it was like to make the Ride video, and she proceeded to say the same stuff she had just said a few minutes prior? ? ? ? Classic Lizzy avoidance?
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