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Everything posted by Monicker

  1. Who cares about Lana Del Rey, did you all just watch that Dave Attenborough special? We're going to be extinct soon and the planet dead.
  2. Does it drive you CRAZY that her guitar is tuned a few cents off, Mister Perfect Pitch?
  3. What if Lana had a warthog on her face?
  4. Monicker

    Bel Air

    My mind was making a connection today between Bel Air and Lalo Schifrin's main titles for the original Amityville Horror. And then i listened to the main titles today to check, and uh, never mind. Don't know why i was thinking that. BUT, DAMMIT, IT SOUNDS LIKE SOME SCORE, WHAT IS IT?
  5. So much evil coming from you in this thread alone...
  6. Uh, i thought this was going to be about a new little baby mole she has.
  7. Yeah, they sound like they’re from roughly the same period, but no two recordings share such exact sonic characteristics as Axl Rose and Elvis do. Question just to be absolutely sure here: Is the consensus that Sirens comprises her very first (known) recordings? Also, what’s the consensus on its year of "release"? I don't know, i’ve been thinking about all of this more since my last post a few days ago, and now i’m just confused. I mainly got into this discussion because of the comment that ARH and Elvis are way advanced compared to Sirens, which got me thinking about the progression of her guitar playing. I am not infallible and am by no means any sort of music authority. I will keep listening and comparing this stuff with everyone’s considerations in mind. I concede that she sounds younger in her singing on Sirens than anywhere else. And PrettyBaby raises a good point about the studio environment/process, however, that could go either way, too: You’re on the clock in the studio, on someone else’s time, paying (a good amount of $) for that time. When you’re recording at home, even though you may not have the input that an outside producer could offer, you do have all the time in the world to do as many takes as you want (though i guess one could argue that it depends on the person’s self-discipline). When you’re in the studio though you have to come in with your material already pretty polished and tight. Find My Own Way is the one song on Sirens that has a markedly different style of playing, one that is very characteristic of a beginning guitar student, probably even more so than any other of her acoustic songs, even down to the fact that the guitar is out of tune. It’s also notable that it’s the only song on Sirens with strummed chords. I guess there’s the possibility that someone else played guitar on Sirens while she maybe played on Find My Own Way? Has this possibility ever been mentioned? I doubt that’s the case though, simply because the playing is not adept enough to suggest that it’s someone who was called in (even if just a friend doing a favor for her). So, i don’t know, if Sirens predates the other songs and she did indeed play on it, maybe she purposely simplified her playing after Sirens? Even though the playing on those other acoustic songs sounds so much more rudimentary to me than the playing on Sirens, i have to be open to the possibility of being a stylistic choice. Some more questions: Are we using internet upload dates as a certain indicator of when a song was written/recorded? Ya’ll probably know what i think of that What year did Lizzy first have a MySpace page? I can accept all that, good points. And you’re right that i sometimes don’t pay enough attention to the lyrics as they relate to her life. I hope it’s evident that i’m not arguing for one particular hypothesis, but rather just throwing out an array of possibilities that i don’t really see being mentioned, all with the aim of getting closer to “the truth.” I guess my point was that just as we can’t really trust her when she gives a date/year, i feel we also shouldn’t automatically disqualify any date/year she gives. That’s fallacious reasoning, no?
  8. Wow, i had never seen this photo before. I like it a lot. That outfit is ACE. I like that. Nice one. I find there are many things in life that can be made clearer with food analogies.
  9. I agree completely with these two points. Oh no, am i a deluded stan now? (Fun Fact: I didn't know what "stan" was until ldr.fm. At first i thought it might have been a reference to the South Park character Stan, but eventually i looked it up on urban dictionary...)
  10. Oh. That makes much more sense than returning three days later. So that probably means she'll be just as nervous for the rest of it. Did it seem to anyone else that she was almost as nervous here as she was in her televised performances from early in the year, as if she had regressed?
  11. Monicker


    Funny this thread should pop up because just today i was thinking about how the line in Go Go Dancer, “I never have to work cause my daddy is rich," could so easily be about a sugar daddy/lover/boyfriend rather than her actual father. Yeah, take that Lanalysis and Lanalyzers. I had a girlfriend once that called her dad daddy. It was weird. It made me a little uncomfortable. One time she and i watched that Oprah episode about the guy who had a secret sex dungeon in his basement with sex slaves. Oh, Oprah. Also weird that just this weekend i was talking about this exact thing: As well as this, with the same person:
  12. Here's an unpopular opinion: You're starting to sound like the official police of Lana Del Rey fans. Also, the apathy you so tediously express on the forum is bordering on affectation. #SorryMadrigal
  13. Yay, i believe this is the first time Ride is performed completely live without any of the backing track. Sounded good if a little rough. The quartet sounds great. I wasn't really into the way the bassist was embellishing the bass line, but i did like Byron's little additions on piano. Lana sounded a bit flat. She appeared to be nervous, tired, and, yes, even a bit sad, kind of out of it, not entirely present. She'll probably do better on Friday. I hope. Oh, and that cashmere is NICE.
  14. Yeah, totally, that's a good point. And more love for the Jump bass line! Simple but effective. Serves the song perfectly, which is, in my opinion, what songwriting should always be about--not aiming for complexity just for the sake of it or being hung up musicianship, but doing what works best for the song as a whole, whatever that may be, no matter how simple it is.
  15. Oh wow, thanks. Yeah, i didn't see any mention of that interview other than your comment. There was something sweet about this brief interview. She's such a cutie pie.
  16. Do i need 2 spell it out 4 U, evil? God bless her, she's insane, but i adore her. So yes, i've heard firsthand of some of this stuff. But i also just love looking through craigslist because it's such an unbelievably bizarre portal into the psyche of "paraphiliacs." Craigslist browsing is pretty much sociology & psychology research. The shit that people are into, man. Fascinating. I mean, i made up some of those things up there, but you know that stuff has gotta be real anyway, and i'm sure there's stuff that's way stranger. The one about being run over by a car though is not from craigslist. That was a long time ago before CL was really that well known nationally. It was my then girlfriend's good friend's best friend, this gay boy (we'll call him MM) who would get with old (usually closeted) gay men and get paid to do weird shit to/with them. So MM started a regular thing with this one older guy, meeting up in hotel rooms, doing stuff like golden showers, scat, etc. and he was getting paid really well. Apparently this guy was pretty wealthy and lonely? And so after a while of having this consistent thing going, the guy drops the bomb on MM, offering him i don't remember how many thousands and thousands of dollars to take the guy's car and run him over while lying on the road masturbating and fucking kill him, like, he wanted the ultimate orgasm or something. That was the point at which MM stopped seeing the guy. One time i wrote an absurd Missed Connection that was, like, about being born too late or something, nothing having to actually do with anyone, and surprisingly i got a response from this photographer who was doing a portraiture project on people who place Missed Connection and Casual Encounter ads and photographing them in their own home. I thought that was a great idea for a photo project, so i responded and said i'd do it. He came over the next day and took a few photos of me just sitting in my music room and paid me 50 bucks for like 20 minutes of my time. As a photographer i wanted to be part of a project i thought was a good idea with a lot of potential, but the photos were kind of lame. Oh well. I have since though started placing my own ads on CL looking for subjects to photograph though i haven't yet found the kind of whackos i'm hoping to find. OH CRAIGSLIST
  17. It's not? Despite my preference for the demo of Jump, i've always loved what Kahne did with the guitar on the album version. I think it's pretty clever and it sounds cool. It's two guitars panned hard left and right, playing straight 8th notes but they're alternating so that the guitar on the left is playing on every beat and the one on the right is playing every off beat and combined they make that 8th note rhythmic phrase but it has that ping pong effect. And then the synth in the center is playing the same rhythm as the combined guitar parts but it's single notes rather than chords. Pretty rad. And then there are two hi-hats, Right and Center, that sound great together and combined make a really great rhythm. And i love how the bass line and the drums lock in together but there's all that space in the bass line. Oh, and how about those hand claps? Fuck, the album version of Jump is great too haa. This is just a great song. I'm grateful we have both versions.
  18. Oh yeah, i forgot to mention 100 bucks to clean some dude's house in her bra and underwear/lingerie, and have the sort of exchanges that ataraxia described above. Also, 100 bucks to wash his stupid car in a stupid "sexy" outfit. 100 bucks for her dirty underwear? No, 100 bucks to come over to some guy's house and use him as a coffee table or foot stool, propping her feet up on him while, like, flipping through a magazine. 100 bucks to go to a bar with a guy and sit across the room from him and flash him every so often, pretending that they're strangers even though they actually are strangers. 100 bucks to let a guy put a fox/cat tail butt plug in her and walk her around his house on her hands and knees on a leash, making her lap up milk out of a dog bowl? What else? 100 bucks to do father/daughter or brother/sister or mother/son (he could be an adult baby!) role play. 100 bucks to fulfill some guy's voyeur fantasy: she comes over and pretends that his house is where she lives, shuffling around the bedroom or kitchen while she pretends to not notice him standing outside peering in through a window. No wait. 100 bucks to shit on a guy's chest and then run him over with his own car while he lies in the street masturbating? Or i guess there's always the possibility that it could have just been 100 dollars to participate in a survey on, like, smoking, or be a subject in sleep research. God, i should probably have some sleepy tea and go to bed...
  19. What is the implication with these emoticons? It was clearly stated in this thread that the b&w back cover is fan-made.
  20. The demo and Radio Edit of SS are not the same. Blue Ribbon is Gramma and the file that goes around as the Gramma demo is just the AKA recording.
  21. Yeah, thank you. Interesting that this fan-made one used the Lana Del Ray title. And this one was around even before .fm, prior to 2012, i believe. Question: Does anyone know when the FBI Anti-Piracy notice started appearing on CDs? Was that around in 2008? I've been wondering that, if maybe the physical copies never had any artwork, and the cover we know of today was made afterwards for the digital release.
  22. I've wondered before if the bar code can be scanned or if the numbers can be made out and inputted somewhere. But would that make any difference if the physical copy was never sold anywhere? I just remembered someone on .fm pointing out that the green and dotted pink lines are guide lines in Photoshop (?) or some other photo editing program, and that maybe this came from whoever was working on the cover before it was finished. Maybe it was never finished and printed, and the physical copies that Kahne has are only CDs without covers? I'm curious now, does anyone have that b&w fan-made back cover that had the cropped photo of Lizzy on stage with her band and she's got the beehive? I want to compare to a back cover we know for sure is fan-made. Someone on the old forum or SIN made that one, right?
  23. The authenticity of that back cover has never been confirmed one way or the other. If i recall correctly, we originally got it from Calendargirl. I, too, have never seen the photo in any other context. And i’ve definitely seen albums where the front and back covers don’t really “match.” It’s funny, when i first saw it, the first thing i thought (besides that i really liked it) was that, for some reason, the front and back do go together. It made "sense" to me when i first saw it. It's obviously a subjective matter. I’m not a graphic designer by any stretch, but wouldn't you say that the gradients of pale yellow and pale blue complement each other? Also, to me, the picture seems to fit the music of the album really well, although on the other hand, the front cover doesn't fit the music at all, right? I have the feeling that if someone was trying to fake the back cover, it’s likely that they would try to “match” the front cover more, so as to make it more believable. And i also think that the widely accepted misconception of the album title being called Lana Del Ray A.K.A. Lizzy Grant would have been used for a fan-made cover, especially considering that this cover photo surfaced before it was brought to light (by European, i think?) that the 5 Points site was simply using Lana Del Ray as the title. Who knows. Until given irrefutable evidence, i think we're all guilty, to varying degrees, of believing what we want to believe. It’s nuts that not even one physical copy has surfaced though, right? Perhaps they were only intended to be distributed at shows, but they never actually got to the point where they were made available at shows, and so Kahne and others are the only ones in possession of copies, which are probably just sitting somewhere stowed away?
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