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Posts posted by Monicker

  1. The existence of this entire forum, and even dating back to .fm, is contingent on Godwin's Law. Did you all know that? It's true.


    Also, i don't think Lana has Peter Pan Syndrome. Her focus is on an older age range. Young sure, but not that young. SO, NICE TRY, BILL, BUT NO.




    Uhm. That was, like, so Raven. These cheetah girls are a little late though--the Spice Girls beat them to Girl Power by some years. Whatever will you guys introduce me to next, i wonder.



    No love for KOL? It's hilarious, tongue-in-cheek payback for every piece of misogynistic crap women have had to listen to in rock for the last 50 years, and watch on the silver screen for the last 80. It's the perfect answer to Guns 'N Roses' "I Used to Love Her But I Had to Kill Her" for example.



    Ha, i like that take on it. I love that song and now it's even better. I've been meaning to ask you about hair metal because i think you and i may have grown up on the same music? Which leads me to...


    I don't know. Is it weird that I asked two straight males to be my sister wives? (Still waitin' on that answer, Monicker... :tapsfingers:)





    Quit lyin', that's one of the Cheetah Girls, isn't it? ISN'T IT?




    Uh, isn't it?



    Wow, that's a bit uncanny. How did that happen?!

  3. OH MY GOD, you guys, WHAT? Where is your mind?! Is that how you've read my idiotic, nonsensical joke? Here was my thought process, let me explain/exonerate myself: So, evilentity says that that CIA parody video he posted is better than Party In The USA and i think, wait, that's not really saying much at all, isn't anything better than Party In The USA? And so the first thing that comes to mind is shit, as in feces. But i thought that was too juvenile and obvious. So then i started thinking of injuries, like, being injured is better than Party In The USA. So then i went on a search for pictures of injuries, starting with skinned knees. But i wasn't really feeling any of the pictures, they were all kind of stupid. Then i realized that i wanted to use a picture that obviously looked like a stock photo. So i do a search using a combination of key words that i figured would yield some cheesy stock images, and sure enough, some come up. And so i thought the band aid one was just too good. And so i went and composed my little stupid post and inserted the picture. Then i took a pause and thought, wait, i'm not even sure what this means, this kind of makes no sense. So then i clicked post. And then you assholes proceeded to show your true colors shdghghdhhsgdffafayopw
















    Well then.


    I guess i had already avoided that long enough, huh. It was about time. Boy, is comedy hour upon us. Kewl $$$tufff, d00d. Is this real? Am i alive?


    You know, as i started the Hannah Montana video, i realized that i actually have heard one of her songs, albeit like 20 seconds of it. It was that Party in the USA atrocity. Yeah.






    Mods, i’ll ask again: Where is the suicide emoticon?



    Is it weird that I'm a straight male and I knew what this was from?


    Nothing is weird/everything is weird, Evil.


    Has Days of Our Lives been on the air for like a hundred years now? I learn something new everyday here.


    Madrigal is being k0n†r0v3r$iAL again.


    And the A-T loon is out of control again. Someone cage that ornery asshole.

  5. Hope this is sarcasm (I'm no good with sarcasm lol) but if Birds of a Feather doesn't use AutoTune I'm fucked. :defeated: However her voice sounds so edited in that song. :imbeingsarcasticbitch2:


    Ha, i suppose you're fucked then (not a bad thing to be, right?) It's some type of Chorus effect with the depth and rate turned up really high (and it might also have tremolo?) Auto-Tune makes the vocal vacillate quickly between notes, it's a very distinct effect and sound, nothing else really does that. Call me crazy, but the effect in BoaF sounds nothing like A-T. I also happen to really like it, whereas i have no tolerance for A-T. I think people need to stop calling any vocal effect Auto-Tune. Where's the loon when you need him? Her? It?


    Guys, i've never heard a single Jonas Bros or Hannah Montana song, for serious. I can't believe all the pop music revolutionizing that i am missing out on.

  6. but then we run the risk of everything being a fantasy.


    And then your entire world comes crumbling down and you are left with nothing? SitarZero...


    i feel like queen of the gas station goes with alabama because down south the gas stations are hangout places


    I still want to find a gas station that has organ music playing in it because i would hang out there all day.

  7. HDB, i am upset with you for two reasons. 1. You didn't name me by name when mentioning your fellow Lucky Ones family members :imbeingsarcasticbitch2:

    2. I called that 800 number. They said they were closed due to the hurricane and then said something about rental equipment! What gives, Bill?? You leading us astray here or what? I need answers because i will never understand the Lucky Ones hate, and here i was foolishly believing that this hotline might provide some insight.


    Oh, and then just as i was going to say that i suspect that the LO hate comes from people being too hung up on the lyrics, we have PrettyBaby calling the backing track pointlessly tepid. TEPID! PB needs 2 have teh RAWK in her lyfe \m/


    I love this thread.

  8. Evil, TPD, Sam Gho, et al. are probably on the right track regarding the Alabama sojourn, but i had a passing thought and just wanted to throw out another possibility just for the hell of it. It's the sort of little detail that often gets overlooked because it's either so obvious or just plain silly: Could it be that she listed Alabama...don't laugh...as a state of mind of sorts? :D What i mean is maybe it was just a fantasy she had, perhaps she romanticized the south, and she wanted to make her own narrative more appealing, so she fancied herself living in Alabama to give her persona a certain image, to add to this character/art project she was creating. God knows how many false locations i listed on my MySpace music profile throughout the years...


    Is Alabama mentioned anywhere else in relation to her past, or did the Alabama talk all come from MySpace? I guess i should have asked that question first. Disregard this if it sounds stupid and implausible. Admittedly, i know little about this sort of stuff.

  9. Also Burning Desire is B, Eb, G# all the way through.

    Uh, Burning Desire is Bb, D, G.


    Uh oh. Mixing flats and sharps and being a semitone too high. Mr. Perfect Pitch comes along, wincing at the mere thought of a song not being in its correct key, and flats everything a half step to restore peace throughout the land.

  10. This is me getting you started. TELL ME ABOUT WHY THEY ARE OVERRATED. I want to know how your mind works. It will be really interesting to read. Please. :3


    I'd like to, but i can't, really. It'd be too long, and i don't have the time. It's something i've been mulling over for many years and i have material collected in my mind for an essay of sorts! I don't think this forum is the avenue for that nor is it the time right now.


    Except I rank Nirvana at #1. The Beatles are even more worshipped... but they're also a better band imo.


    I definitely agree that The Beatles are a better band, but the level of acclaim that they receive in proportion to their merits is much more skewed than anyone in music history. The Beatles can be a GREAT band if one so wishes to call them that, but that doesn't have to exclude how overrated they are. Given where they have been and continue to be placed in music history (and beyond, because their stature extends into many aspects of culture, not just music) there's nothing left for them to be other than overrated--no one can be that good. How can they not be overrated when you consider how cult-like the view of them is? One of the more frustrating things about Beatles idolatry is how it diminishes the efforts of everyone else--people who made significant contributions to popular music and innovated just as much if not more, people who either pushed popular music forward, or just plain wrote better songs. The Beatles, as they've existed since their demise, are a global enterprise, it’s marketing, very effective marketing. It’s scary. I think people just repeat the baby boomer rhetoric--that started developing when rock criticism was starting to be a more serious thing, when it became an industry--because it's so culturally ingrained and, year after year, only solidifies itself more and more. Repetition is a very strong force. Capitalism continues to do wonders for The Beatles, so it works out. There is longevity there. What do i really think of The Beatles? I think they're all right, they have good songs, but they mostly bore me. I think they had, and continue to have, mass appeal because their music is easy and very digestible while having the advantage of being seen as Art. It challenges the general public enough to engage them, but it's still safe. There's also so much nostalgia built into this machine. Consider also timing, luck, looks, style, attitude, personality, etc., wrap it up in a nice package and have it spit out to the public via ceaseless aggrandizement from every corner of the media, and you get the worldwide cult of The Beatles. It's a weird, successful formula that allows them to stay right where they have been for the past four decades. It's a weird thing to listen to their music--it's not really like listening to music, but more like listening to a cultural phenomenon or a sermon. Who the hell wants that?


    Otherwise - I get Nirvana, but how on earth are Elvis and Nabokov's literature hipster now?


    On to something else: Hipster culture. It's not one defined thing, but rather multifaceted (Nabakov is undoubtedly revered by certain sects of contemporary hipsterdom). When you consider just how much its meaning has changed since 1950s beatnik culture, you realize that, ultimately, the term is pretty useless. It's too open-ended to have any real value. It means different (generally derogatory) things to different people and different generations. It's a catch-all term for easily censuring a group of people whose tastes, interests, and "identity" rub us the wrong way, usually because of their insincerity. That, to me, is what hipster culture is--a culture of insincerity, a culture of cool. I've noticed it comes up around here a lot and how, from person to person, it means totally different things. I myself would never consider Nirvana to be part of hipster culture as we know it today. What's odd about hipster culture is that ANYTHING can be hip, nothing is off limits, anything can appropriated and made "cool" or so uncool that it's cool, or ironic. Let's look at the person for whom we are all here right now. Depending on who you ask, LDR is almost emblematic of hipster culture (probably because, what, she likes "old" things?). But i get the feeling that "real" hipsters scoff at the idea of Lana Del Rey. Yet others probably embrace her only ironically. How do we establish a common meaning? Does it even matter? How about forgetting all that shit and not wasting thoughts and energy on it?

  11. Was pretty sure she was doing a whole soundtrack.

    i don't understand if she's scoring films or writing songs for the soundtracks. I'm confused.

    She needs to get her lingo straight. She keeps saying scoring.


    I'd rather have her write songs and sings songs for the films. But, to me it seems like she's just writing music to underscore scenes and stuff


    She keeps saying that she's scoring films, which irks me. She is not scoring films. She is lending some of her songs to some movies. You know, like pop songs in movies? That. But maybe it'll turn into her doing a whole collection of songs for the entire soundtrack of a movie. That would be nice...if the movie doesn't suck. Or, hell, maybe she is scoring films now. If scoring to her means that she sat down with a composer and said, "Okay, so in this scene where there are girls sneaking out of their home at night, make it sound like...like, you know, like girls sneaking out of their home at night."


    Best Original Score - Lana Del Rey, composer/arranger

  12. I love that backing track. (Or whatever it is you call the non-vocals, since Monicker pointed out "instrumental" is wrong...)


    Backing track is correct when referring to the entirety of the music portion of the recording of a song, but instrumental would kind of make sense in that sentence too, although it's a bit awkward. But when did i say that "instrumental" is wrong? I think you're thinking of when i pointed out my annoyance when people say "instrumentals" when they mean to say instrumentation? Also, maybe the thing about calling the vocal track in a song "the acapella."


    Let's put it this way: if you had a mix of a song sans vocals you could say that you're listening to the instrumental version. If you're talking about a song (with the vocals) and you wanted to make a comment specifically on the music (as you were doing above with Burning Desire) backing track would be the most appropriate. Just don't say i love the instrumentals of that song. Or, i love Lana's acapella in that song. And, for the love of all the dead dinosaurs that ever roamed this beautiful planet, do not pluralize vinyl. You don't collect vinyls, you collect goddamn motherfucking vinyl. :)


    Sometimes I wonder if she really listens to Elvis and reads Nabokov (esp. since she mis-spelled it).. like is it all part of her image or an effort to appeal to her hipster youth audience? lol


    Okay, I'm more inclined to believe she listens to Elvis but when asked about Nirvana in an interview, she didn't appear to be too knowledgeable about one of her self-proclaimed favorite bands.


    I have had this same thought before but in regards to The Beach Boys, given how many times she mentioned them as an influence/inspiration during her Lizzy dayz. I swear to God if i ever met Lana i would probably just talk to her about the BB the whole time. I want to know every single last thought she has on them. I want to know her favorite songs and albums of theirs. I want to hear her explain why she likes them. I want to know how much she knows about them. But let's be real, she'd probably be like, "Oh yeah, the Beach Boys, I love them, California Girls is so great!" and the conversation would come to a crashing halt right there. :facepalm:


    I can name at least five grunge bands that were better than Nirvana :shh:


    I don't know about grunge bands per se, but i can start with two that were close to home in the Nirvana universe:


    1. The Melvins

    2. Hole--on the strength alone of their first record, Pretty On The Inside. That album is better than anything Nirvana ever did, i reckon. Nirvana is regarded as highly as they are today because of great timing--timing in two cases: their rise and their fall (and it, of course, helps greatly that their fall came about from a suicide). They are way high up there in the list of most overrated. But if we want to talk overrated, The Beatles undoubtedly hold that #1 spot. And i'm sure they will never be dethroned. Oy, don't get me started on the overrated Beatles. I was standing in the checkout line at the grocery store today and they were selling this big, thick magazine entirely on the Beatles. It's a huge, global cult.


    I need to go to bed.

  13. Absolute pitch! And I haven't tried that yet. :blush:


    Oh man. You little rarity, you. What are you doing on a Lana Del Rey forum? Go out into the world and entertain crowds. Do you ever annoy people by calling out the pitch of everything around you, like car horns and alarms, machinery, people's voices in conversation, bells, etc.? Can i hire you to be my notator/transcriber? Also, can we play pitch games, please? I want to test you! It'll be fun. But don't cheat!

  14. Jesus, i never realized that Blue Jeans is the same chord progression throughout the entire song--verse, chorus, and bridge. Shows that great songs can still be written with three chords. Hell yeah.


    I have perfect pitch


    Really now? Do you actually have absolute pitch or is it relative pitch? Are you one of those insane people who, if someone slams their fists down on a piano, you can easily identify every note of the tone cluster?

  15. http://a.tumblr.com/tumblr_mbi206SXfi1qfo41fo1.mp3


    Oh and if this is for covers, this is my absolute shit cover of Yayo. I forced my friend to cover Burning Desire and he made me cover Yayo, so this was the mess that ensued.

    Look out for lyrical mistakes, such as "I like the ivy and ink, ink blue" and "you art tunnel lined with yellow lines". :eek:


    I did a second cover of Yayo yesterday to make up for this, but sadly, at some point in the cover, I start singing the Cutting Room version so damned if that's ever seeing the light of day. :usrs:











    Just kidding. Good job. Seriously.

  16. I think Sirens is her most personal "album." It wasn't recorded with some famous producer she was also sleeping with and it wasn't recorded for the entire world to hear.


    This is not a rhetorical question, i'm asking sincerely: Would you consider Kahne and Haynie to be famous producers? Also, how do we know who she intended to hear the record? Hasn't she always desired fame? Do you think that if a label had come to her with a great deal to release Sirens that she wouldn't have taken it?


    more singers


    Where are there other singers besides that one phrase in the second and third choruses of Lolita? Also, i'm curious, is this gripe just a matter of personal preference or do you find some sort of fault with the presence of more than one singer?


    I love Lana's voice and I actually want to hear that not some autotune-shit.


    But there's very-little-to-no (audible) A-T on BTD.

  17. I wish she'd stop saying that she's scoring films. Please, dude.


    The GQ response sounds like self-parody.


    Did you expect Born To Die to have so much success?

    LDR: When I made that record, I brought it to a lot of different record labels and they weren’t interested in it because it was sort of weird. It wasn’t party music, my music was more down beat. People who got involved in it kind of got involved with it as a passion project. My photographer was my sister and my little brother was helping me. I was making my own movie stills from videos I took from YouTube. I have been doing that for a long time so I felt like if it was gonna work, it would have worked a long time ago. So no, I didn’t expect the success at all.


    I wonder about this. What i'm sort of gathering from this response is that she shopped around the demo versions and then just kind of let other people take the wheel and dictate the direction the album ended up taking.

  18. Also, of course none of the titles are registered! It's not a label release. :P


    But anyone can copyright anything, Madri, regardless of having a record deal or not. :P


    Also, i'm pretty sure the "description:compact disc" can mean anything, that is, one or multiple songs. I believe the "compact disc" is referring to the format because works need to be in a physical format to be registered with the LOC.

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