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Posts posted by Monicker

  1. I did, too, I just have blind trust in evilentity.



    He should manage Lana :creep:



    He should, yes. But only if:


    He knows what he's doing.

    He knows what's best.

    He really cares about Lana.

    He protects Lana.

  2. These three clowns are new moderators? Oy. In no time this forum will collapse like a balsa wood bridge underneath a flaming cannonball. No, really folks, what does a moderator actually do? And why is there a need for so many? Are we fortifying the place for the imminent FBI sting?


    Lily, were those magic cookies? You should go pepper the forum with some incoherent, rambling posts so as to make me appear a little less insane.

  3. I thought this thread was going to be about rumors concerning an esoteric sub-forum...a forum within this main forum, hidden from plain sight, but sending out a black light in all directions...


    Isn't most everything a rumor?


    How long before the thread unravels entirely?

  4. This is how I came into being. Like Athena from the mind of Zeus, I sprang fully formed from the mouth of Lana. You knew there had to be some voodoo shit involved, didn't you?


    I was actually just wondering about this yesterday--if Emile Haynie already had your sounds prior to the recording of BTD or if he made them specifically for the record. I wonder if he even made them or if it's some stock shit that he manipulated. And did he show Lana and she liked it, or did he just add it to a song on his own and showed her later? Also, i wonder who is responsible for the repetitive use of it--did she hear it on one song and insist that he use it more because she liked it so much, or was it completely his own doing to slather the entire record with it? Is anyone familiar with his productions for other people? That might provide answers.

  5. He's still no Werner Herzog. That guy got shot while giving an interview and still continued it, remarking "It is not a significant bullet." Oh, and a few days earlier he rescued Joaquin Phoenix from his overturned car.


    In his purple and pink boxers. Hey, i wear purple and pink underwear. But they're real underwear, none of this boxer shorts bullshit. Okay, uhm, you didn't need to know that. No one needed to know that. Anyway...


    Herzog >>>> Lynch


    Although Herzog is a bit of a misogynist and a bigot. But he's funny as hell and endlessly entertaining.

  6. Do we really think she is behind the concept and execution or was it some bigwig in H&M's marketing department who saw this as a great opportunity for them? I mean, it is really well made for an homage, quite nuanced and meticulously executed, but for some reason i doubt that this materialized by her coming to them with the idea. Do we know anything about how any of this came about and the chronology, including the recording of the song? It's intriguing for sure.


    To be clear, i said that i bet David Lynch fans are going to be pissed because you're dealing with a strong cult following (far exceeding hipsters, by the way) of a very established auteur who has created a much talked about, controversial body of work, and along comes a (for all intents and purposes) brand new, mainstream pop singer who is viewed by many as disposable and fake, covering a song, not made famous by but, revitalized by arguably Lynch's most beloved film, for a CLOTHING STORE COMMERCIAL done in a style that is so blatantly modeled after his. We can certainly imagine the shit storm that's coming.


    P.S. I'm not a Lynch fan. But i do respect the guy.


  7. No year.

    No producer.





    Just kidding. I will just pine away out of confusion.


    I'm so glad you've returned to us.

  8. Gee, you can really sense his conviction. This wouldn't have anything to do with an attempt to advance his career, would it? I mean, surely he sought her our for a reason that is unique to her, right?


    Do artists do that a lot? Anybody? Monicker?


    I'm just going to LOL right here at the thought of you thinking that i know anything about trends with pop artists today. Laugh. Out. Loud.



    who the hell is this person


    French, Montana, American, CEO, rapper, cocaine, Bad Boys, Coke Boys. Maybe she picked him after googling key words.


    We have a winner. Good deduction, Lily.

  9. I didn't think you were offended. My point was this (even though the answer is that it's a Lynch reference): Do you wonder why there's a soldier, a marine, a hypnotist, a secretary, or a dancing couple? What about their meaning? Do you understand their presence? Why does a midget's presence need to be singled out and explained or serve a specific aesthetic purpose apart from anyone/anything else? What about the costumes, sets, and props?


    I'm not offended either or anything. I just feel compelled to ask these sort of questions.

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