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Everything posted by BeautifulAnywhere

  1. I think her next record will be more emotional. She said she was surprised that the fans loved official & that more raw side! If anything, I could see more songs like tears, lucky, white Mercedes, official, I don’t wanna know, & silver cross on the next record. I feel like the drastic change will be the sound. It’ll probably be more of an emo record with pc influence. She has said countless times she feels at home with the pc genre. So y’all can expect AG. If anything I feel like If she does go a more emotional route the collabs would be different. I could see people like Allie X, Rina, Rosalia, Grimes, Caroline, & Hannah all coming for this sound. With probably a few more people on there! I feel like her sound will be more bold, emotional, & out there. Yet, when it bops it’ll be a blast.
  2. Norman Fucking Rockwell - 9+ Mariners Apartment Complex - 16 Venice Bitch - 20 California - 17 - Bartender - 80
  3. Norman Fucking Rockwell - 8 + Mariners Apartment Complex - 18 Venice Bitch - 19 California - 17 - Bartender - 80
  4. Norman Fucking Rockwell - 8 + Mariners Apartment Complex - 18 Venice Bitch - 20 California - 17 - Bartender - 79
  5. idk if yall seen this but.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YYgYlzgvB0w
  6. It sounds perfect TYSM
  7. The only scene I would’ve cut is when the car crushes the other 2 cars! It was unnecessary. But the rest of the video, feels perfect. It’s exactly what Charli would do with big budget.
  8. I have to agree with this! Like I love XCX World to bits, but we all know how Charli feels about it. If she found out, idk what she’d do. She’d probably feel like it’s another slap in the face & might have a lil meltdown
  9. Hearing it live elevated the song tbh. Still imo the least best song but the album is just SO GOOD. It’s hard to compete anyways
  10. It’s OUT & ITS BRILLIANT. A R T.
  12. Norman Fucking Rockwell - 12 + Mariners Apartment Complex - 19 Venice Bitch - 17 California - 15 - Bartender - 79
  13. Omgg!! I might’ve saw you!! I was the guy with the Zelda shirt, jeans, & lil sneakers
  14. Here in line been here since 9am!!
  16. Norman Fucking Rockwell - 12 + Mariners Apartment Complex - 21 Venice Bitch - 17 California - 15 - Bartender - 77
  17. Norman Fucking Rockwell - 12 + Mariners Apartment Complex - 21 Venice Bitch - 18 California - 16 - Bartender - 75 Like This Quote MultiQuote
  18. Norman fucking Rockwell - 15 (+) Mariners Apartment Complex - 19 Venice Bitch - 19 California - 19 (-) Bartender - 70
  19. Tbh i see it being half women n men & i think evryone you listed will be nominated except for lizzo & Gaga. She'll get SOTY or ROTY for Truth Hurts or Juice.
  20. I agree. Although, people might enjoy hunting, I'm not personally fond of it. Especially when it's endangered animals. Yet, if they're solid people i don't see a problem with them owning a gun.
  21. Charli x Qveen Herby would be dope This is crazy,but Charli x Lana would be dope & I would want it to send like a horror synthetic opera. It'd be stunning & jarring. Charli x Acra just....THE POWER Charli x Marilyn Manson PLEASE give me true romance meets mow that lawn meets down like whoa Charli X Marina it'd be intresting to see how they'd mesh now. & lastly Charli X Rico Nasty THE POWER too MUCh
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