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Everything posted by SuperMegaStan

  1. thanks sis. i'm ready to give out warning points to the haters
  2. OT: how can i get on ATRL. been waiting for the registry to reopen for years
  3. anyways, up to now, do you think that lana's descriptions towards Honeymoon are accurate? i mean "FutureRetro", "Noir", "Jazzy", and "Muddy Trap Energy" and "late-night Miles Davis drives"
  4. "i don't know what the f**k I have to do with Katy Perry" tea
  5. it's been "tomorrow" for an entire week and there's still no news about it.
  6. YAASSSS and this gif is gold! can somebody make a gif of her lip-syncing to prisoner too. she's so cute and coooooollll!
  7. @triangles19 OMG the cover is so great. love you so much!!!
  8. true dat. considering what has happened during the UV era (literally nothing but a US tour and an iPhone video) hope this will remind our goddess to do more promote would definitely love to see her perform on TV shows in HD.
  9. we all live in the darkest timeline for sure. darling.
  10. finally got the time to listen to this. OMG she sounds so goooooooodddd.... (even tho her voice was too soft enough during the first verse and chorus of HBTB) she should definitely do this more..... i love daddy blake's solo too and not to mention how this session focuses on her music but not the gossip.. the way she introduced her band. the way she talked about the music... OMG... best radio interview since..... (oops i forgot)
  11. Can we stop writing essays and start appreciating what we've got for a second? https://twitter.com/supermegastan/status/646647284277473280
  12. The year end list could be very different from the review score tho...
  13. singles [HBTB/MTWBT/HM/TLY] and a cover [DLMBM] would be perfect.
  14. for god's sake, i should save this gif. this is literally made for LB BTW, pls tour in Asia and South American too
  15. i would wait until the final video is out. i still can't forget the parody of hbtb and hm
  16. but HM probably needs more >83 to set off the 75 and the 70 and some tragically low score from some random critics in order to stay at 80. and EW is one of the few which gives easy As.... i know it's not really a big deal but i really want they recognise her better after the biased reviews for BTD, P and UV
  17. let the mess in, its a cruel cruel thread. from #artdeco to #australia
  18. nahhhhhh... i was hoping for an A/A- this is how i feel when i expect i could get an A range for a course to save my GPA...
  19. girl just wanted to use ha label's private plane to find ha sugar daddies, living in the land of Honeymoons & Oil Tycoons anyways, when is the LA signing event?
  20. if theres no more review scoring above 80, its going to fall to around 77-79
  21. i hope the #2 or #3 on billboard 200 would make her realise how important promo is. (even though "its never about sales" for her)
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