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Everything posted by SuperMegaStan

  1. i was reading something about Woodstock before and the story of the organizers and the festival really suit the theme of the album.
  2. DAMN. u beat me to it. i was trying to make one like this. but it takes so much time to find all these survivors game so i kinda gave up
  3. i'm going back to Hollywood's Dead. for released songs, i'm now with Love and Video Games
  4. i love the idea of that she can get a Me Myself and I size of hit (but it'd better be on his album or i'll fume )
  5. i think it's some kinds of serums for better moisturising and winkles removals
  6. from what perspective can you interpret any of us was dragging anyone for having an education? good education is important my friend. it helps solving illiteracy problem and help people to understand the world better when u put it into good use.
  7. SIDE PROJECT: a beauty guru youtube channel / instagram account CONFIRMED
  8. what if she did that with a student loan? poor america and its national debt.
  9. #WeWantAnnaGacaDead #HeresALanaDelReyArticleAboutAbsolutelyNothing Disclaimer for illiterate or oversensitive people: It's a reference to the stan culture hastag. No one is hurt or put on a spell or a curse or whatever claims one's life.
  10. why did she suddenly speak gangster? Gucci On My Body Bougee Tree Climber Legacy of Gangsters
  11. will be up in the sky with their sisters - "Queen of Coney Island" and "Sparkle Jump Rope Queen"
  12. queen of being a "bougee tree climber" and messing up her 3 pics instagram aesthetic again
  13. Climate change is real my friend (unless you think it's a hoax!!!!!)
  14. where is your mega show that you referred to miss grant? #WeNeedAWorldTour
  15. i always have a dream of lana x blake being together
  16. watching johnny blue eyes' instagram videos to pass the time http://instagram.com/p/BQv5hEvh0Pt/
  17. you're sure it's not for a G Eazy collab and remix?
  18. do your wonders and help us to solve the problem please!!!!
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