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Neon Palmmm

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Everything posted by Neon Palmmm

  1. Lana’s just chillin on the porch with Billie she don’t even gaf
  2. She said no this isn’t Coachella… it’s a jazz bar and it’s my third show of the night and you’re going to like it
  3. Why is her singing normal sentences a highlight of her Coachella set
  4. I cannot believe how gorgeous she looks… swingin on her lil swing
  6. can i get a fuckin halleLUJAH! She ate that inflection down
  8. What’s HAPPENINGGG the billboard… the soundchecks… she is such an artist We are not worthy of her MIND
  9. Ashamed to admit I finished a full rewatch of the series with my bf recently I was obsessed as a preteen, kept notebooks with my own callout order + commentary as I watched the cycles (which I bet would be hilarious to read now!!!). It’s definitely a show that declined the longer it went on, but cycles 1-8 or so are must-see, imo, even with their share of problems. Tyra is so much more self-obsessed and insane than I remembered, which stays entertaining even when the show’s at its worst lmfao Also, can’t recommend the recap/discussion podcast Pod Ledom enough! They embrace ANTM’s insanity and are hilarious but also unpack a lot of the dated/downright awful aspects of the show. It’s become kind of an essential companion piece for me!
  10. Is It Wrong? Lithium
  11. I recently finished a Twin Peaks rewatch, and hearing this song shortly after reminded me so much of Laura Palmer For anyone who's seen Fire Walk with Me, it brings to mind the scene with James on the night she dies -- this pained dismissal of someone she loves, because she knows already that she won't survive
  12. Easily P for me: Put Me in a Movie, Pin Up Galore, Peppers, Pawn Shop Blues, Pink Champagne, Puppy Love, Poetry in Motion, Party Girl and Platinum Greenwich Those alt titles come in handy
  13. Neon Palmmm

    Song vs. Song

    Last Girl on Earth vs. Born to Die
  14. I think it just reads differently because that’s Lana discussing her past & sexuality on her own terms, versus a bunch of strangers debating it on a public forum. Not saying this conversation absolutely shouldn’t happen, especially because we’re people who consider ourselves fans and allies, but it’s complicated! I think it’s healthy to have some boundaries and maybe even a certain level of discomfort when digging into intimate parts of LDR or any other celebrities’ lives, esp. when it continues to be normalized to a scary extent on the internet. That she’s willing to tackle it in her music certainly opens up the conversation, but shouldn’t equal full reign to turn her story into total fan gossip fodder. The lines can be crazy blurry, but luckily I feel like most people on LB try hard to walk the line of curiosity as opposed to invasion of privacy
  15. Yeah, I'm definitely not trying to deny the possibility of LDR doing some variety of stripping etc. out of some sort of moral judgement lol I doubt that's anyone's motivation here! Lana's just a special case of an artist who self-mythologizes a lot, seemingly both with intention and without. She has a long history of fudging details even when going on the factual record, so while it's interesting to speculate about what secrets her songs might reveal, I think all us naysayers are just trying to gently point towards their fallibility. And, of course, while we've all made it clear that we'd pass no judgement on Lana if this was a real part of her past, discussions about a person's history with sex work and drugs are invariably going to get kind of thorny, so I think it's necessary to approach speculative discussion like this with a good degree of sensitivity and tact. Anyway, cash comes quick when looks can kill
  16. I think, like so much else in her early career, it was just a fantasy she liked working into her art. The only traces of a secret, salacious go-go dancer past are in the music and her videos, in which case she was also secretly Jackie Kennedy and the Black Dahlia
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