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Posts posted by Jack

  1. Yes you do, every time there's a slight WHIFF of drama, you come running in all holier-than-thou pretending like it concerns you. (Guess what? It doesn't!) And you've tried to speak to me before, stop pretending. I have plenty of receipts to pull out. Stick to the "music" instead of sticking your nose where it doesn't belong.


    It's not the fact it said they didn't like them, it was the callous "meh" that was fucking rude. Disrespecting the dead is inhumane behaviour, through and through. You're just as equally a cunt. Don't @ me.

    I just @ed you... Cunt

  2. @@WhiteHydrangea + @ put it perfectly, show some respect or don't say anything at all. This man was a legend and there was absolutely no need for such a callous comment on the day of his death. "Meh" was hardly a harmless response.

    Again, why you feel the need to always get involved I will never understand.

    I dont "always"get involved.. This is the first time I think I have EVER spoken to you... Also it's not ok to call someone a cunt on the Internet just because they don't like an artist who is dead, and guess what? None of your rude behavior is gonna bring him back!!!

    And btw I don't give a fuck about respect for you, you didn't show any to the person you just called a cunt and other rude names you piece of shit

  3. I do like attention but calling someone a cunt for the essentially harmless comment they made is borderline bullying and I don't stand by that shit


    And btw I didn't know prince was your grandpa I hope the funeral is nice!

  4. jack, this has nothing do with you so for once keep yourself out of it. tell me, weren't you the one getting defensive when someone made a harmless joke about you copying other people? don't talk to me about overreactions.

    if you're literally disrespecting someone on the day of their fucking death then you're a pathetic + ugly pos and of course i'm going to get pissed about it. it doesn't make you seem ~cool and edgy~, it just makes you a cunt.

    I don't care if you think I'm copying someone and this person never said they were trying to be cool and edgy they were just expressing that while they didn't have any strong enjoyment of his music they still were wishing him a peaceful rest and you immediately responded with expletives and uncalled for rude remarks it's ridiculous that you think it's ok to respond to a statement as simple as "meh.RIP though" with the complete lack of manners you did... Your mama didn't raise you right

  5. including disrespecting an absolute legend on the day of his passing? i think not.

    your complete over-REACT™-ion is ridiculous... They don't like his music let them enjoy what they enjoy they still said RIP in respect so it's really dumb of you to try and get pissed

  6. I mean  they're selling the publication off and they announced a switch to no frontal nudity months ago


    many writers got their start at Playboy

    I know, the good old days when playboy had titties AND good articles... My dads subscription from like the early 2000's-2015 helped me learn a lot of stuff actually

  7. Literally what is the new iphone?

    it's the size of the iPhone 5&5s but with the hardware strength of the 6s... I'm guessing it's going to be used as the 5c was, a low price alternative for those who can't afford the full phone, or just those who like the smaller screen

  8. I love Hang Up Tha Phone, it's far better than Say Anymore. There's 6 tracks on the EP, so I'm thinking Gold, Feels, Hang Up Tha Phone and three other tracks. I hope she didn't waste space with Tennesee, Say Anymore, or Intention.

    waste space with intention.... It's her 2nd best song if not better than gold....

    My list:


    Hang Up Tha Phone

    Say Anymore



  9. fuck her!!! she came on 40 mins late, stayed for 10 mins and only answered questions that were literally "do yo like ice cream?" "do yo like pizza?" "what was the last movie you watched?" "give us a kiss" "who are you why are you on my Facebook feed?" "will you come to germany"


    Artists always suck at Q&As I was the only person asking interesting questions :smh:

    everyone stan Jackson novem he will answer the hard hitting questions like"why are you fat?" and, "What happened to your face?"

  10. Scrolling through my Watch it Again section on Netflix here are some movies I recommend (some veer closer to thriller than horror but all are great watches)((I will put a * beside the ones I enjoyed the most))

    The Tortured


    Circle (I saw this before you @@May)

    American Mary*

    Come Back to Me


    Wolf Creek 2 (the first is great too)



    The Guest (this one ended up being crazier than I expected)


    The Seasoning House (no it's not about a restaurant)

    The Taking of Deborah Logan

    The Den (CRAZY AS SHIT)

    After the Dark*

    The Sacrament

    Tucker and Dale vs Evil (still love this one lol)

    The Perfect Host

    Not Safe For Work (no nudity in this so this movie actually IS safe for work lmao)

    Good People

    Vanishing on 7th Street

    The Awakening


    Hold Your Breath




    A Good Marriage (Stephen King)

    Darkness Falls


  11. I'm not using any fancy words, so I'm really not sure what you're talking about... You used to be good at comebacks, I can remember. Oh, how you've fallen even further from grace.



    now now now... even you should know that you are trying to use advanced language to intimidate others with your inferred "intellect" and it's just not working hon. You see you are attempting to use unnecessarily complex language colloqially when the phrases are meant to be used educationally and scholarly... nobody enjoys speaking to someone who uses words and terms like "disimpaction" "assimilate" and "sanctimonious" it makes you look ridiculous, almost Halsey-like. trying so fucking hard to sound smart and special when you aren't unique or different in any way, shape, or form. and trust and believe if we were in the same room you would see a sociopath... 

  12. It's a double entendre? I can read, I'm just pointing out you yourself make fun of what a selfish bitch you are xoxo

    bitch we know you can read you read a thesaurus for every single reply you type

  13. Bitch please, that idiot could barely string a sentence together. The only thing I feel is your infantile nature sickening me. Are you an idiot? Like please, it's called a skit. Have you heard of it? It's where you follow a theme. I told them they were emotionally constipated. I followed the skit, they need to be disimpacted. I never claimed to be any of the things you say I am, and if I come off that way, that's kind of sad because I try to be as real as I can be. I'm sorry that you think such basic things are so pretentious.

    bitch if you are making skits you need to go work for SNL I'm sorry but maybe lanaboards just isn't for you...
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