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Say Yes to Heaven

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Posts posted by Say Yes to Heaven

  1. Just now, Salem said:

    It's scrapped, and I'm 99.9999999% sure the staff said the other day we can talk about this track, but ill remove the link 

    While it probably is scrapped, it’s still new material that shouldn’t be posted here whatsoever… 

  2. 4 minutes ago, mansfield ringer said:

    I dont think AK-47 is real... its literally a Kota Banks song that everyone in the XCX thread thought was real too :facepalm:

    it’s a real melanie song

  3. 8 minutes ago, Glitter Boy said:

    You know I think my rant on K-12 is over. Lately I've been getting much more into it than when it was released. Can't really tell why, but I feel like I'm liking the album a little more. There are some really good songs there. Sometimes, as a whole I like it more than Cry Baby - even if, individually, the Cry Baby songs are better crafted and everything.

    Yes!!! I do think K-12 was a "downgrade" quality and thematically wise but I love it as its own thing. I wish she didn't dwindle down the potential in most of the songs just to fit the script, but besides that i think its nice for what it was

  4. 2 minutes ago, One with the Gods said:

    Do we know if there are more K&OL collabs left to leak from CB and K-12? I also kind of believe we have all the Robopop songs now

    Nope :prettyhurts: I really love their songs on both of those too </3  At least the ones we have w them are pure masterpieces


  5. Honestly Gluestick and Eraser could have benefited K-12 SO much. Eraser reminds me a lot of Orange Juice in some bits and both songs have (idk the word for it????) cinematic choruses


    They're so visual (is what i'm getting at) and could've worked so well 

  6. Well the reason we got a lot of Melanie leaks right now are because of the K&OL hacks which all of the songs from there have leaked (besides MM3 but we don't want those to leak.) It doesn't seem like the songs from other producers are really going around which is why there haven't been any leaked snippets of AK-47 or Seesaw yet. I think those could possibly start leaking by the end of this year but besides what has leaked recently, there probably won't be too many leaks from now on until more outtakes are gotten. 

  7. I know its just jokes but over the years I've grown to dislike seeing that slur and homophobia used as a joke :prettyhurts: It's the new "nnnn" or "slay" and it got old in 2018. I honestly wish it were banned from public forums, even if 90% of us are gay. :oprah3: Nothing personal towards anyone

  8. 4 minutes ago, teenangst said:

    Watch! We’re going to get a single by October, she’s going to perform unreleased at festivals, 2022 album release, 2023 we’ll see a Sky world tour :party:

    I trust you babe but Sky and her entire team could say the exact same thing and I would still not let myself really believe them. This girl has lost every bit of hope from every fan she has, not even her own words hold value. But I hope it does end up happening! though I'd bet my own life that it will just get delayed 

  9. Young and Beautiful because I was obsessed with the 1920s at the time The Great Gatsby was the next Hollywood hit. But same as @May, her unreleased is what made me as huge of a fan as I am today. I remember playing Roblox in the summer with the tracks playing.... It's always so nice and nostalgic to think of how your love for someone grew and grew. I don't mean to get sentimental but I just love her so much

  10. 1 hour ago, NeonHitched said:

    Always remember that I, A Neon Hitch co-wrote a song w Melanie Marianez and I have new free mixtape out haha


    Gypsy Kiss $ steal ya money bitches 

    Give us Melanie's version of Last Chapter and we might entertain your mixtape, Neon.

  11. 27 minutes ago, Yellow said:

    but she still said nothing when drama club actually leaked.

    Like I said before, she didn't say anything when Drama Club leaked so as to not bring attention to it but also because the song was already set in stone for both the movie and the tracklist. The script had already been submitted and approved by the time of its leaking and the movie was going to start filming within weeks. She couldn't just leave it out when the storyline would be incomplete without it + Melanie had already designed the costumes for that scene and they were in the process of being produced / already paid for. This is entirely different... we already know the movie is NOT complete yet, nor is the album. So whoever is leaking upcoming content from it is ruining chances that we could see the best version of this film. She still has opportunity to not include things because they were leaked prematurely.

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