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Say Yes to Heaven

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Posts posted by Say Yes to Heaven

  1. Just now, Salem said:

    I saw someone say Papercut and drama club were recorded the same day as detention, and that Keenan did some work on Papercut. If that's true, it'll be the only Keenan song I genuinely love. 

    That must be an assumption because Michael didn't work on Papercut at all :benmawson:

  2. 6 minutes ago, see1you said:

    thanks a lot! do you happen to also have the bombs on monday demo that leak today in high quality?

    Added it to the mega !!


    12 minutes ago, colacoven said:

    someone on YouTube who uploaded 'Cooties' said it was from 2014 "from the same session as Teddy Bear" and I can see that. I wish we knew who leaked it and they could confirm info like this. and I agree 'Papercut' could've been a K-12 leak because the lyrics relate to school, the vocals seem recent (?), and that album was supposed to be "hip-hop inspired." I wonder if 'paper cut' is referring to what I think it is. :( Also what happened with the MØ Charli XCX production at the end? I wasn't expecting that, these two songs' production don't sound "Melanie" enough to me. 

    Hi you probably were on the videos I uploaded !! That info has been said in various chats and it's all true. Cooties is from May 7th, 2014 same session as Teddy Bear written with Phoebe Ryan and prod by Felix Snow. Papercut is with Kinetics & One Love and was done in the same timeframe as she was doing the first demos of some of the K-12 songs like Class Fight, Detention, Strawberry Shortcake ! 

  3. 5 minutes ago, anwdelrey said:

    Idg why people are mad at her for not wearing a mask while she’s seated in a restaurant... like huh? 

    its because woke twitter already has it in their mind that Lana Del Rey = Evil & Wicked


    It's despicable that people feel like she can't even be in their state and want to 'go yell at her' / insult her for being there. Lmfao. They need to take a hard look at themselves

  4. 5 minutes ago, FellReallyHard4U said:

    do you guys think her album will be good lol im kind of iffy about her music since melodies lmao 

    YES everything (literally everything) that we've heard so far is amazing. Melodies is NOT 'Madison Beer' at all. Nor is any music before her 2018 EP. You have to give the singles a try, she's a reinvented artist now! 


    This is like saying you don't want to listen to new Miley because you didn't like Hannah ! 

  5. 3 minutes ago, rightofjupiter said:

    And we have our winners! Names below & I'll PM people for their info. Thank you SO much to everyone who donated to help one of our community members– I know we all "hate it here" but damn I love it here :kiss2:


    Coke necklace winner: @lunar 

    COCC CD or tape winner: @boom like that

    LDR merch ($40 or less) winner: @partymonster

    CONGRATS EVERYONE!!!!! and thank you from the bottom of my heart! (and the top of it too)

  6. 13 minutes ago, Elle said:


    Idk it always rubs me the wrong way when non-makeup-wearers, especially men, try to judge women/makeup-wearers based on the sole fact that they wear makeup, and say stuff like "I prefer natural women."  & I should note, in the example you gave of Lana, she's always had a signature makeup style but on the days she goes makeup-free, which has been pretty often for the past 3 years, I'll see tons of disgusting comments noting how "busted" she looks just because she didn't feel like glamming up. Nearly every woman wears makeup in some form, and a lot of the time, it's more makeup than you think, even for "natural" looking makeup looks.

    I can even sort of understand your take on not being interested in an artist if they were previously an influencer with the question of authenticity in mind, such as someone like Madison Beer (who by the way I caught her live set at a music festival in 2019 while on barricade waiting for Kali, and although her style of music isn't my cup of tea, she seemed like she was really enjoying herself onstage) but to discount an artist just because she wears makeup..?? It seems hilariously absurd to me, I'm sorry. The amount of makeup an artist, or any person for that matter, chooses to wear shouldn't be a factor to deter yourself from even giving them a chance, and it seems you're quite proud of this mindset. Wearing makeup doesn't make an artist or a person any less authentic, and people can choose to wear makeup for any sort of reason. For some it's for insecurities, for some it's a form of artistic expression, and for some it's just a fun activity they enjoy doing. I personally start nearly every day by dedicating two hours to do my makeup & hair for no other reason than because it's something I enjoy doing. It's an art form for me, and my favourite way to have a little "me" time before facing the day. I don't care if I'm just going to the grocery store, I'll wear a full face and be happy that I did. To each their own I guess, but I still think that to discount an artist and their art completely just because of the way they wear their makeup while praising other artists who go for a more "natural" look, has a tiny bit of misogyny buried in it that just doesn't sit well for me.

    I don't mean to come in here to the Kali Uchis thread all hot with my feminist tirade, but as a woman who is a licensed makeup artist & wears a full face of makeup on the daily because it's something that I enjoy, I'm a wee bit pressed about your take on a personal level :whatever2:

    Yes! Madison is definitely someone people take way less seriously just because she wears makeup and is pretty. She writes all of her music and it's all amazing (you guys should check it out!!! her debut is coming Feb 26) and i dont look at her any less of an artist because of what she chooses to wear on her body. My issue with Kali is more her personality, I think she's gorgeous and one of the prettiest singers today, but her personality has gotten progressively.... mundane. 

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