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Everything posted by ChaoticLipster

  1. Finally here…wow…sad and happy at the same time. I will miss the craziness of the pre release thread a bit actually.
  2. Well I don’t have to wait till Midnight..,I’ve taken a trip to New Zealand using NordVPN flights!
  3. I just had a dream Lana did a livestream and someone asked about DNC..she said it stands for Drew Neil and Charlie three men important in her life 😱
  4. The way I would have played Yes To Heaven at the listening party instead of Candy Necklace just to fuck with people.
  5. Thank god I didn’t go….standing around with a bunch of ‘I love Lana Del Ray my favourite songs are Royals and Summertime Sadness remix’.* Cringy reddit vibes *
  6. It gets real boring when reviewers and journalists keep banging on about Born to Die being criticised and her SNL performance, and people thinking shes fake blah blah blah etc. that was over 11 years ago! Time to move on. She has established herself now and is seen as one of the greatest song writers of the 21st century and is respected by her peers. So can they move the fuck on already.
  7. It’s funny how after he went missing the album leaks….almost like he is trapped and gagged somewhere. To his Kidnappers may I please request you give him a slap from me for slating Kintsugi.
  8. Wow finally on the 24th we can talk about this album without spoiler tags for the 5 users who haven’t heard it yet…and the 50 who are pretending they haven’t.
  9. This is not new, labels have been doing this decades. Do people seriously think critics sit with an album for week’s listening to it daily?
  10. Agreed - eloquently put, it’s almost like being victimised a little for having an opinion. So far the ‘vibe’ hasn’t been that bad if I’m honest so not sure what the fuss is about.
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