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Everything posted by ChaoticLipster

  1. I called it months ago that it would be delayed till mid 2019. I bet it’s because of that poetry book. Also I bet this is why she cancelled tour dates because it was going to be too early before the album came out with no new songs to promote. I would guess the next song will come mid march with a proper video. Poetry book early mid may and album early-mid June.
  2. What does she mean by “the majority of the culture”
  3. I don’t like having or hearing nearly all the songs before the album comes out, that is a bad move. It decreases hype and excitement. I guess their were no lies when she said ‘no hype under our covers’. Here is to hoping she has other songs on the album maybe as an iTunes bonus to bring it to 15 tracks.
  4. . No I think the MAC cover is OK and the VB cover suits it. But come on this is like she selected a random picture off her IPhone and stuck it on...it’s not even being minimalistic it’s just lazy. All her art and imagery has been amazing up to this era.
  5. I don’t see this as having fun though...just feels lazy and rushed. is that fun to Lana?? .....Actually it probably is Lol
  6. I called her out for being Lazy.....but got dragged for it on here. The single cover and song title is poorly conceived and atrocious. That doesn’t mean I dislike Lana suddenly. But I tire of some of her fans who are too afraid to say they don’t like something or make excuse instead. I feel like she could literally have a song of her farting the alphabet and some of you would say it’s the best thing since sliced bread.
  7. Not mad for it at all - I’m glad others like it. I’m ready for more songs like VB and MAC.
  8. I like it lyrically but there isn’t much too it and is a bit boring. So far MAC > VB > >HTD> HIADT. Next please Lana...release Cinnamon omg.
  9. true I have not heard it. But lyrically it sounded lazy from the snippet. I hope I’m wrong
  10. Anybody starting to bore silly of the *bad boyfriend and standing up to him and being the bigger person* routine? I think she needs to be banned from saying baby, red dress,...and swearing on songs too. I think Lana is smart enough to come up with songs not about a relationship. On the next album I would like to see fresh ideas and a change of direction.
  11. I honestly don’t care much about Sylvia.... or ‘Hope that I don’t write a lazy song is a dangerous thing to have - But I can’t be bothed’. As I call it.
  12. I feel bored...Marina needs to do something soon. The hype is dying a slow painful death.
  13. She had album covers outside the car, getting in the car, riding in the car and then standing outside it again. I think she needs one where she is running over her boyfriend in a car next
  14. I agree, this is like some messy ARTPOP 2.0 rubbish, she needs to come out more mature. She honestly looks very trashy and cheap on this tour.
  15. I’m bored silly of Lana teasting the best songs and releasing/performing the slowest ballad songs. Like hoe you need to start some proper promo...you don’t tease an incredible catchy addictive song we all crave and put out a slow ballad instead. You tease a song you intent to release soon....it’s messy and fustrating to tease songs that are not coming out for months or years even. I like to be surprised, you know we won’t ge able to resist listening to these snippets on repeat.
  16. Wow Jesus please don’t make us wait for months to hear this in full.... Lana looks so good in the video my god.
  17. Only 3 months till we are all disappointed the album isn’t coming till June.
  18. Lana is probably reading this thinking - fuck my plans are exposed and maybe she will release it in march after all
  19. March 28th she will announce the album for sometime in the summer. With a new single which will be How To disappear, accompanied by old footage chuck shot on her iPhone. Followed by two more 40 second song teases which we will over analyse and get bored to death of by the time they actually fully come out. An album cover which is underwhelming and irrelevant to Norman Rockwell, Her reasoning “their were a few things I wanted to finish and work out for the album” meaning she added two unnecessary songs and removed two songs we actually wanted, AKA Cinnamon and Happiness is a butterfly. We all rant over it for 8 months, before finally saying how much we love the album. But we still bully Lana daily about where the hell Cinnamon is.
  20. I predict homemade videos shot on an Iphone and an underwhelming album cover.
  21. MAC is the better song, Venice is good but most lf it is pointless and goes knowhere. Sometimes I think Lana just did VB because she wanted to be that clever edgy bitch who released a 10 minute song.
  22. Clean bandit was bad enouth tbh
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