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Everything posted by ChaoticLipster

  1. And also I’m like her…I do the same thing. Find a small detail and then use it to wiggle out of the whole thing. Let’s face it her label make her tour she herself doesn’t like it much, too Anxiety inducing.
  2. I’m not reading it that’s all I will say, everyone needs some fresh air and a couple Xanax.
  3. I make up for streams of leaked songs by adding them to a playlist and playing them for days and days.
  4. Lana doesn’t give a fuck about what the poster says… she’s just looking for reasons to cancel so she can stay at home and write poetry and hide. Girl obviously isn’t keen on doing shows.
  5. And they all seem to have pictures of Halsey, Billie or Taylor 🤔 …it’s the usual pre album hate sis
  6. I actually liked beautiful myself… Also all the hype is generated by the opinions of one person …BoZ who’s musical taste is all over the place. Saying it’s a ‘masterpiece and top 3’ an opinion that’s been taken as gospel. When in reality it’s likely not gonna be the Magnum Opus everyone hopes.
  7. I miss the days where albums would just leak, now with this generation who see everything as an attention seeking clout opportunity we have to put up with this childish nonsense.
  8. You’re right, but they made it up in terms of ‘it’s a song title’ not everything she captions is a song title lol
  9. You could be right…still just guessing though. But we do know she changed many song titles 👀
  10. Waist Deep was made up by fans it’s not in any song, DNC is not on this album according to insiders and they don’t know what it is or a reference too. So the mystery goes on.
  11. Most on that site are deranged attention seekers I wouldn’t take a word they say seriously. rar files are viruses or other nasty stuff. If something pops up that looks real I usually look here first before listening.
  12. True sis, they are so weak when it comes to security… it’s ridiculous being mad at anyone else. Also the poor decision to move release dates hasn’t helped.
  13. Cultural appropriation is a crock of shit half the time, just another exaggerated concept used to attack individuals and cancel them. People don’t even know what appropriating even is, an important factor is that it’s done usually in a derogatory way. For example using black face at halloween is offensive because it implies being black or African American is scary. In reality we take from cultures all the time, food, styles, our language and philosophies. Practically everything we do has a potential tie to another culture. As long as you are embracing it respectfully I see no issue. Lana has a lot of Latina friends, who have clearly had an impact on her. ‘That’s why they call me Lanita’ I really don’t see what the big deal is. Is she not allowed to embrace the cultures around her?
  14. Let’s face it the whole thing is in someones hands and it’s gonna all leak within the next week. Anyone holding hope for the 24th is delusional at this point.
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