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Everything posted by ChaoticLipster

  1. Take a deep breath…it’s about a week to go…you can’t listen to the album if you’re in a psych ward sweetie.
  2. The rumour was that he’s been hacking but this is unconfirmed wild speculation. The likelihood is that he’s received a cease and desist and threats to sue, because the information he’s giving is generally under a non disclose agreement. It’s possible the ‘big surprise ’ was some sort of trap to find out exactly who was leaking information- but just speculation again.
  3. There is a group (I won’t say where) with someone who has the album. But a clue is attached to a recent snippet. They seem to be just teasing so far.
  4. Deluxe Pill case bundle comes with Seroquel and Xanax….for her more unhinged fans *adds 10x to basket*.
  5. Peppers and then Taco Truck as a closer….. Will be the best finale to a record she’s done I fear
  6. Meh..Boz is such a pussy for doing that. Not like anyone can’t get copies of his posts from the wayback machine.
  7. This was the COCC album cover we never got
  8. No she’s thinking - ‘at least the gay’s can’t get me up here!’
  9. All I know is his Polish twink ass will be getting seriously cancelled if this surprise is underwhelming
  10. Ben at every record store on the planet with his sawed-off shotgun - ‘Bruv you fooking release any sooner than 24th an ur gonna see the insides of ur head yah cunt ..so don’t be a tosser son and keep that Tunnel closed alright? ..*pat’s on head*’. *british accent *
  11. We used to be so creative….what happened to pretending to work at Target? And sneaking into the stock room? Disappointed
  12. Mine is ‘ 50 members online reading this’ ….when it hits 280+ you know sumthin bigs going down.
  13. I agree…it’s waaaay too much aesthetics
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