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Everything posted by ChaoticLipster

  1. Good Morning has anything leaked yet any news?
  2. I just hope she has good security, we all know what happened to Lennon. She should have someone with her at all times who is armed.
  3. Please do and if you have there IP address that might help. Anything like this should be taken very seriously
  4. This person needs to be in a psychiatric hospital…why are people like this left to roam free? They shouldn’t be part of society.
  5. I feel sick….I hope Lana has guns. She needs a full security team. Please god save Lana from these psychopaths 🙏🏻🙏🏻 I couldn’t bare it if she was hurt.
  6. Nothing much, just loads of the usual nonsense and memes not worth scrolling through lol Most significantly has been the new date is confirmed as 24th unfortunately
  7. I feel so terrible hoping the album leaks, Lana would tell me I’m not a real fan…until she’s seen the $500 I spent on this record already.
  8. That would be so stupid given she’s already announced the date everywhere, It doesn’t make any difference when she releases she’s gonna sell the same. Even without Miley she’s not likely gonna get a number 1 album especially if she isn’t even properly promoting it. My opinion is if the album is delayed till the 24th it’s because her label decided…I’m not sure Lana cares about the charts. Maybe it was even because of Vinyl production issues who knows.
  9. The Halsey stuff seems legit to me, but my gut feeling is Sky herself isn’t being entirely honest about anything to do with Capitol, but they don’t care enough to put any energy into it entertaining her drama.
  10. They have bigger fish to fry
  11. Sky did have a meeting at Capitol Records, but unfortunately she left at the front entrance after they refused to get a chaperone to open all the doors for her in the building and lay out a red carpet.
  12. I remember doing the same thing, when guardian leaked I was thinking the album can’t be far…
  13. She’d probably ‘lose’ the money….
  14. The problem is Skys only saying half the story, the reason why they aren’t agreeing with her is because the demands and needs are not realistic. She wants to put stuff out in HER way only. She mentioned before ‘they want me to spend my own money and time doing this’ for stuff like single covers and video editing/promo. ‘Why should I work for free’. Because you are an INDIE artist and a good proportion of what you create will be off your own back.
  15. I hope it’s got some fire in it. I don’t want it to be all buttery and loving, ‘I love my dad I love Cassandra etc ‘ I want more ‘Patricia was never a mother to me’
  16. Actually forgot about Umbrella AKA candy Necklace among all the other crazy songs
  17. Lana can blurt stuff out that isn’t concrete information yet…maybe her team explored the idea of releasing on the 24th. But yes…until I see it on iTunes or her site I won’t believe it. The fact she was showcasing some Merch on those posts too…and we know merch often comes later.
  18. Until these dates change then It’s still the 10th of March. Retailers have not got any updates that the album is delayed. All we have is Lana who is vague and deleted the post, and has a history of lying changing her mind. Wikipedia can’t confirm anything.
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