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Everything posted by ChaoticLipster

  1. It’s just not that special and forgettable
  2. My prediction- the album will be quite different than COCC or BB, but it probably won’t be the kind of music the majority of us will be hugely excited about…but whatever happens we will certainly eat it up like everything else she puts out.
  3. The worst part of the Grammys is they exist and people still watch the ceremony
  4. She has a serious drug problem by the sounds and looks of it
  5. Lol sorry I just can’t really get into her other music despite trying many times
  6. I hope the whole album is a bop like This Hell …unlike her other zzz music
  7. We don’t need anyone on this album let’s be honest….14 tracks just Lana would be sublime enough
  8. That’ a funny way of saying piano album with Nikki Lane
  9. She sounds like my mom trying to sing and she can’t reach any high notes
  10. Next album cover needs to be on a speedboat…Top middle giving me Lust For Life vibes ..ICONIC
  11. Said this a few weeks back….that would be so Lana to fuck with us like that
  12. I don’t think she was late…more like having a panic attack back stage. She’s always been a bit nervous like Lana with performing. So i can’t blame her.
  13. Maybe they have a migraine….I type like that when I have one 😝
  14. She’s too scared to announce anything she doesn’t trust herself
  15. Ok where is the video girl you are not doing this again
  16. I don’t understand her reasons for deleting her accounts tbh especially if she’s using the honeymoon account anyway. But it’s the Lana Del Rey we are all familiar with..a complete enigma
  17. Is it time to start guessing dates? July 8th single? Album September?
  18. Same..I wondered wtf I was listening to
  19. pitchfork are extremely sloppy, you can tell they’ve done minimal research and just listened to the song once or twice. Honestly a high school drop out would have written a better review it’s very amateur.
  20. That really was a dream sweetie
  21. Pitchfork are such fuckers honestly….maybe Halsey was right about them
  22. Don’t worry the music video is coming after she’s done Good Morning America and a special interview with Oprah. Video will be projected on the side of the White House ❤️❤️
  23. Y’all better stream the shit out of this to give Sky the confidence to release the album
  24. The way she deleted the insta post still bothers me. I just don’t think she is prepared to release an album if she is this nervous over a single.
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