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Everything posted by Edelgard

  1. Norman fucking Rockwell - 19 Mariners Apartment Complex - 14 Venice Bitch - 18 Love Song - 14 Cinnamon Girl - 10 (+1) California - 14 The Greatest - 21 (-1) Bartender - 14 Happiness is a butterfly - 15
  2. Norman fucking Rockwell - 19 Mariners Apartment Complex - 14 Venice Bitch - 19 Love Song - 13 (-1) Cinnamon Girl - 9 California - 14 (+1) The Greatest - 22 Bartender - 17 Happiness is a butterfly - 13 gettin too hard
  3. Ye exactlyI emailed them about it and they didn’t give a shit. They just said that the picture was to show “the color of the vinyl itself”..
  4. My god i knew I loved the album but this praise is something else
  5. Yea different rules apply to women and men and as long as women get the short end of it they can name a song whatever the fuck they wantBitch... really. Thats the kind of feminism you pretend to care about? Youre just trying to make a point , you dont give a fuck about women
  6. A low life dude in a bar just lifted my skirt and violated me I officially hate straight white dudes and im gonna play tf out of the title track
  7. y'all gonna be embarrassed in a few months that Cinnamon Girl is higher in the polls than Venice Bitch
  8. I'm guessing the scared to win, scared to lose part In that case, that's like my favorite part of any song, ever from any artist
  9. Norman Fucking Rockwell, California, Venice Bitch, Cinnamon Girl, The Greatest Happy now
  10. Norman Fucking Rockwell - 16 Mariners Apartment Complex - 12 Venice Bitch - 17 Fuck it I Love You - 10 Doin' Time - 6 Love Song - 11 Cinnamon Girl - 10 California - 11 The Greatest - 15 Bartender - 15 Happiness is a Butterfly - 13 (+1) hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have - but i have it - 3 (-1)
  11. Well this is awkward we posted togetherBut yours shows up later for me
  12. Norman Fucking Rockwell - 16 Mariners Apartment Complex - 12 Venice Bitch - 15 Fuck it I Love You - 11 Doin' Time - 6 Love Song - 12 Cinnamon Girl - 9 California - 11 (+1) The Greatest - 15 Bartender - 14 Happiness is a Butterfly - 11 hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have - but i have it - 7 (-1)
  13. Edelgard


    I dont think she actually wants him back. She knows how this will end. This is just a romanticized fantasy of how it could be
  14. How can one even think thatHonestly it’s so magical and dreamy The lyrics aren’t the best she ever wrote I guess but the melody makes up for it 100%
  15. Cruel World NFR BTD Love Honeymoon
  16. To be fair they usually are legit so this was surprising to me tooThey made it seem as you’d get the OG cover with a pink vinyl but it already seemed suspicious since it was the only place you could buy it I’d def contact them, i will do so as Well and maybe they’ll be more inclined to pay back your taxes etc
  17. That is beyond fucked, they completely misrepresented the item
  18. Omg guys you all got me turned on talking about grunge Lana Could it be True...
  19. yeah fuck you im doing this and now i have to choose between California and VB and I'm not ready yet
  20. Tool is #1 here, NFR #2, then a few weird compilation albums called Hitzone and THEN Taylor Swift lmao
  21. Just picked up my Vinyl (black) cuz I no longer trust Bol.com to actually deliver the violet one
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