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Posts posted by ednafrau

  1. thanks, i corrected everything, except for that 4th jumper...i still hear a "ck" sound...but whatever! evilentity, maybe it IS jumper again but singing it that one verse she said "junker" or something instead of jumper again - like when singing "video games" live, a couple of times she sang "heaven is a place on erf with you" ;)

  2. I think she says " And I'm up for it a million more".

    I'm pretty sure she says "got a jumper" again (or maybe "got a jump on") instead of "got a junk on" and it's "My man's crazy and his mind isn't right".


    OK, i've gotta run, but when i come back i'll listen to the song again and make the changes :)


    Got a joke on (?)


    And ty Lana, I'm gonna whip out early 90s playlist.


    yes, it could be, because that 4th time, there is a K sound, it isn't jumper again. i heard it a billion times to check!

  3. And they call you baby bluuuuuue, 'cause it's your favorite color


    Ladies and gents, it's time to reprise my thread of song analyses from ldr.fm :woot:




    i'm thinking "Salvatore" is an Italian name like...Gnecco! Could it be a nickname? ;)

    SitarHero, does that give you a little push? Am I way off base? Only Lanalysis can save us! :crying:

  4. I hope I got them lyrics right...feel free to suggest/correct! :)

    Salvatore, you can deff be my baby boo
    Be my mafiosi rock 'n' roll high
    Back to Malibu, in our trailer park for two
    We're like Sid and Nancy, loving the fight

    We got a jumper, got a jumper
    Got a jumper, got a jumper
    My man’s crazy and his mind isn't right
    But I like him--fact, I love him
    I can’t get e-enough of him
    He knows only I can save him tonight

    I’ve been waiting on your love
    Baby, for too long now, too long now
    I thought that I could change you like the others
    But I don’t know how, don’t know how
    It’s gonna backfire
    It’s gonna backfire, baby
    Gonna backfire
    Gonna backfire, baby
    Told you a million times before
    Yes, I’m up for it a million more

    I'm tired of fighting you, seems like everything I do
    Even when I win, I lose with you, man
    And it’s not something you choose
    You say trouble follows you
    It’s been like that since the day you began

    We got a jumper, got a jumper
    Got a jumper, got a jumper
    I know very well you’re bringing me down
    I will follow, I will follow
    For a little piece of heaven
    I am ready, I am willing to drown

    I’ve been waiting on your love
    Baby, for too long now, too long now
    I thought that I could change you like the others
    But I don’t know how, don’t know how

    It’s gonna backfire
    It’s gonna backfire, baby
    Gonna backfire
    Gonna backfire, baby
    We've done it a million times before
    Yes, I’m up for it a million more

    We’re always taking trips downtown
    Officer Brown’s always coming around
    Tapping on our windows, “Kids, come out
    Ain’t no way to live, let me show you how.”
    But we know we’re not gonna change
    Keep hustlin’ every night and day

    I’ve been waiting on your love
    Baby, for too long now, too long now
    I thought that I could change you like the others
    But I don’t know how, don’t know how

    It’s gonna backfire
    It’s gonna backfire, baby
    Gonna backfire
    Gonna backfire, baby
    Done it a million times before
    And I’m up for it a million more

  5. Wow. Monicker just expressed my own reaction to some of the responses this information has received when posted here and elsewhere. And he expressed it even better than I probably could have:







    Exactly. The idea being discussed in this thread wouldn't even cause material to leak. But on the subject of leaks...


    I've always detected a fair amount of disingenuousness in the anti-leak dogmatism adopted lately by much of the fanbase. And I think recent events have demonstrated that. Frankly, I'm tired of hearing people spout as fact what Lana supposedly thinks or feels, especially when it comes second or third hand from sources that are questionable to begin with. As far as I know, Lana hasn't said anything on the record regarding leaks except to say that AKA is widely available online and that she is proud of it. Absent a public statement from Lana regarding leaks, I'm not going to feel bad or conflicted about listening to leaks or wanting things to leak. I'm not sure I would even with a statement. Personally, I don't feel that being a fan ever obligates one to not want to hear new music. (Posting a leak is a separate issue, however, ethically and legally.) As I've said before on another forum, the interests or artists, record companies, and fans are not the same and are often in tension and at cross-purposes with each other, and I don't think there's anything wrong with that.



    Yes, this is why I said it was "pretty expensive" and that "I don't think Kickstarter is viable for this" and threw out the still somewhat fantastical idea that maybe a music publication would find it a worthwhile expense for an article because it was the only idea I could think of with even a modicum of practicality. At any rate, I was just surprised to find that listening to the recordings via the Copyright Office is even possible.



    I plead the fifth.


    THIS. EVERYTHING YOU SAID. i agree. completely.


  6. That's what I'm thinking. :( Now granted, she's gorgeous, and in a lot better shape than I am. But extremes usually are not good when it comes to weight.


    i think she always looks good, but you can see that years ago, in her early days performing as lizzy grant, she wasn't as thin as she is now, even though she states in current interviews that every day she has spaghetti and cake for dinner. but do you guys remember that interview from 2010? check around 1:27, where she says that she drinks a lot of coffee and usually just does her lemonade-maple syrup diet. um...not super healthy :/


  7. If I ever forget to listen to anything, it's usually BTD tracks ("Diet Mountain Dew", I literally forgot about it for so long) or demos. My master Lana playlist covers several eras and I listen almost every day.


    exactly! i think i listen to all the unreleased songs more than i do the BTD ones, haha! so in a way, most BTD tracks are my b-sides ;) and i choose to forget the BTD version of "diet mntn dew" because i can't stand the production and the fact that it lacks the all-important bridge of "hit me my baby tonight..." :(


    p.s. LOVE your robert smith pic :teehee:

  8. Thanks! It's kind of a fluke though, we're gonna buy the tickets on Friday - I don't think they'll sell out. But if they do, my mum will take me to Leeds lol! SO EXCITED OMG.


    But yes, a musician's looks shouldn't matter in the long run, hence why I don't give a flying fajita about Lana's lips.


    LMAO at the flying fajita! :D

    now, precisely because i agree with you that a musician's looks shouldn't really matter - especially when you've got the beautiful voice and the songwriting talent lizzy grant has - is that it kind of irks me that she felt the need to alter her looks to be successful - which, since it worked, tells you a lot about how music is consumed in this era. btw, i am fully aware that she created lana del rey as an artistic persona/project, i mean that i think it's unfair that she didn't recieve recognition just being her wonderful, unique, non-gimmicky self - although maybe it's just because the world wasn't ready for her. timing is everything in life :/

  9. Lucky bitch, but then again I shall be seeing Crystal Castles on the 24th November! I've always thought Alice looks younger too. And tbh, I don't care about a musician's age or looks - as long as I enjoy their music.


    AMEN to that! looks should be completely secondary when it comes to enjoying music.


    speaking of enjoying, enjoy CC live - lucky you, you'll be amongst the first to listen to their new album performed live :)

  10. For sure! I love men that look a little older (not like 70 though lol) and women can certainly look better older too. And yeah exactly, but I'm still sticking with 26 lol.


    age is so relative, really - it all depends on the person. alice glass, for example, is 24 but looks younger imho (i've seen her live, up close, and i have to add, she is gorgeous!). so, for moi, though i adhere to the 27 theory (lol), it doesn't matter to me at all!

  11. deathray, thanks for posting the lyrics! i hadn't really paid attention to them, and now i see they're great.


    I think this is a really amazing song that likely describes her thoughts/feelings/emotions when she broke up with Mike Mizrahi (the Video Games guy) and went to LA (early 2010).


    you may be right...what she says and the timeline could fit! my only doubt is, did they meet when they were teenagers? it might be irrelevant, though, cuz she does sometimes add verses that sound good, so we should remember that her songs are not 100% biographical...

  12. See my posts here and here. The copyright thing isn't the first evidence I've seen indicating she was born in 1985. I don't feel it's appropriate to link to here, but she lists her birth year as 1985 on a personal account and I've also seen friends and family wish her a happy 27th birthday.


    It's such a tiny age difference, one year - not worth lying about, but oh well!


    Sam Gho, thank you so much for posting, I loved this interview/article ♥♥♥


    Yeah, the 27 Club watch started two months ago. :troll:


    Yeah, I'm going to hell. I know.



    nooo! now we know where the evil in the entity comes from ;) jk!

  13. I think that'll happen when she can finally take a break!


    i agree! and maybe if she's able to hole up in a studio somewhere, writing the score for that film, going out undercover and undetected (difficult but not impossible - though she would have to move out of the chateau marmont, the least low-profile place in, like, the planet)...that would definitely restore her energy and give her back her natural glow :)

  14. No matter how old she is, I still think she's incredibly sexy. My mum's 37 and no way does Lana look a couple years younger than her. No way at all. I'd just say she looks her age, but that's my opinion.


    of course! older can definitely be sexy - even sexier, perhaps! discussing her age is dissociated, at least for me, of any > or < assessment. and anyhow, if she is older, it's just a year, so it's not an important difference :)

  15. I like that feeling because when you find them is like a hole new experience you know?


    totally! and you never know what kind of sound the unearthed songs will have! acoustic? dance? r&b? folk? jazz? weird and dissonant? electropop? i love that :D


    I'm obsessed with old acoustics like Disco, 1949 and You're Gonna Love Me :flutter:


    YES! same here ♥

  16. I don't even know anymore how old she is..


    When I met her she could have passed for 35, not going to lie. She still looked beautiful, but in a kind of mumsy way, not sexy at all.


    evilentity, you reminded me of this interview: http://www.complex.c...h-and-new-album

    i'd read it back in october and never again went back to it, but today i did and read this comment, which backs up the born in 1985 argument:



    emma December 29th, 2011 at 11:48 PM


    I was at the same Boarding School with her in Ct (she was two grade ahead of me). She was a really sweet and beautiful girl. She had nice lips, but they wee not this large. Her father is a millionare and she is about 27yrs old not 25

  17. i love having such an extensive and diverse collection of music by lizzy/lana to discover and listen to! it's a luxury and i feel we are fortunate because not many fans get to hear an artist's creative process, from demos to final versions, the original rough cuts, ideas or origins for other songs, and also, because albums usually have a guiding concept or a certain lyrical or musical coherence, we usually don't get to experience the out-of-genre songs. that's what i enjoy about LDRAKALG, that the aound isn't homogenic (thank god that record was always available online, it would've been a huge loss if it had indeed been swept under the virtual rug). can you imagine if we only had "born to die" to listen to?? i treasure her odd or "weird" tunes, like "pin up galore", "the man i love" (which after the GQ interview i think is about alcohol), "disco", "you're gonna love me" or the first "yayo" demo with the multi-track lizzy vocals ♥

  18. A lot of people do. For women, it often manifests as something called Intense World Syndrome. Usually IWS makes people want to avoid intense situations (because they are overwhelmed sooner/more easily), but sometimes it expresses itself in thrill-seeking behavior. Or so I've read. I don't think this discussion is mean at all; I think it's exciting that our society is becoming more open about these things, and learning more about what diverse issues different people cope with every day.



    Her "un-feminist" lyrics don't strike me as superficial, but rather complex. Sometimes our culture oversells Power Feminism (IMO, like women aren't allowed to have human needs/weaknesses/failings because at this point in history we have to "represent"), and I see Lana's strong perspective of apparent submissiveness as partly in reaction to that -- a stand for individuality. Yet, I also see her sometimes-submissive demeanor as apparent, an act. Not only because it's fun to role-play, but also to some degree because one effective way to subvert a patriarchal mindset is to infiltrate it and bring about change from within. (I may be projecting this, though, based on my own life story. It resonates so much with me.) For example, I see the video for PMIAM, more than the song, as participating in sexual "exploitation" to regain a sense of personal agency, while at the same time protesting it by interspersing clips of a man being taken away in handcuffs. And again, I may be projecting, but I imagine that she could be doing a similar thing in OTTR, to an extent, though perhaps with more participation and less apparent protest.


    So anyway, that's what I mean when I say I think Lana subverts both the patriarchy and Power Feminism :)




    Hard living (drugs, thrill-seeking, possible cosmetic surgery) can definitely take a toll. But things like heavy makeup and lack of sleep will temporarily age a person as well. Check out recent airport candids; I think she looks more fresh-faced in them. Also, look at these photos from the Tartan Clef Awards last year -- she's the same Lizzy she always was!







    THIS. I am both an egalitarian and a feminist. (I even occasionally call myself a "masculinist," to what I hope is a healthy and beneficial extent, though I don't tend to focus on it as much.) My life has taken me from a casual feminism through patriarchalism into a fierce egalitarianism that seeks to promote and protect women and girls, men and boys, and those who don't quite feel they fit into those categories. But I am uncomfortable with both Power Feminism and Victim Feminism, and I'm seeking a happy medium, though I don't quite know what to call it yet. (I'm toying with "Shalom Feminism." Might be too obscure.) I believe it is the responsibility of each one of us to see, support, and promote the dignity in every human being, whether or not they make it easy for us.


    The GQ cover and the boob-groping pic are SO NOT egalitarian, it's ridiculous. Yet it is a human perspective. :shrug: I don't like it.



    THIS too. I love her so much. Love you guys too. <img src='http://lanaboards.co...default/wub.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':wub:' />


    love u too, PrettyBaby! i SO agree with everything you said!!!! i am a total egalitarian as well! i hold doors for guys, too, for example...like, why can't everyone be kind to each other, in the littlest details and in the more important issues? how is gender still so defining in the twentyfirst century? how has technology evolved so, and socially we are retograding, in some ways? but this is off topic, so i'll stop here.

    you know, i remember -because i am existentially nostalgic- that my last post on LDRFM i actually defended her lyrics, because i DO think that we human beings are multidimensional, complex, sometimes contradictory, possessing both yin and yang, anima and animus, and i think lana expresses that dual nature: while being deep and aware, she expresses that at times consciously but others unconsciously, or in spite of ourselves, we are imbued by cultural values that are not always the highest, and maybe we find ourselves acting according to them, although in our heart we know they (appearance, the material things, the aspirational consumerism, etc. )are not essential. i think my two morning espressos have made me ramble on a bit and i don't know if this makes sense to anyone, but i think that lana's lyrics manifest her philosophical nature and her keen observation of the world around her in its most elevated, such as love and spirituality and, at the same time, the possibility of also wanting, being swept away by and enjoying the more mundane pleasures (the good and the dangerous)...that voracity of wanting to fully experience LIFE, which i think she made clear(er) in the GQ interview. regardng the photos that accompany the article, i don't know, maybe - in her retro-glamourous incarnation of "lana del rey" and admiration of icons like marilyn monroe - maybe she thought to also experience the nude posing and "sexy" shots - like to do it once, to have that experience, too? or maybe it's an ego thing, the satisfaction (?) of being the object of male desire taking over? was it like fiona apple, in the early stages of her career, thinking, with the "spin" photoshoot and the "criminal" video, i'll be in control of the "exploiting"myself? (though the boob grab is hard to justify)...who knows? was it responsible, or the right move? what's certain is that lana is a mysterious and, with all her flaws as well as her more endearing traits of sweetness and sincerity, an endlessly fascinating girl :)

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