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Posts posted by ednafrau

  1. Maybe she used to have a crush on him because in spanish when you change you single name to a married name is: "Del couple's last name" = Lana DEL REY


    good catch! it's a possibility - especially when you take into account that she originally spelled her name Lana del RAY !!



    yes!!! you know, the other day i was going to say i could totally see you with devendra, but i assumed you might not have been aware of who he was! i should have known! ;)

    he played here in buenos aires in 2006 (for the "cripple crow" tour) and after the show, he just walked off stage and into the crowd, naturally, saying hi to people that came up to him, chatting and drinking beer. he was so warm and open and accesible that i mustered the courage to go up to him (he was so charismatic and awesome that even guys were fangirling! ^_^)...he was truly adorable! i told him how much i loved his music (how original! :/) and he hugged and kissed me (he smelled sooo good!) and when i asked him if it was OK to take a picture (which was an embarassing request in that context, cuz he was so effortless and acting *his kind of* normal), he said, "claro que sí, bella" ("of course, beautiful" - he speaks perfect spanish) in a really sweet way, and he put his arm around my shoulder and i almost died of happiness. to top an unforgettable moment, since the local concert promoters charged so much for tickets, when he found out he was outraged, so he started passing the info through word of mouth - to me, amongst others - that a couple of hours later he would play a free, smaller show at a nearby bar, and he did! i can tell you it was magical ♥ he is a truly magnetic man *sigh*

    unfortunately, after he shaved his beard, he kind of lost his mojo and his music has suffered, too :( but i don't lose hope that he'll return to top form - and that you'll get to meet him too, maru! i told you the story so that if you ever bump into him, be your fabulous self and talk to him! :D

    sorry, everyone else, for the off topic comment :blush: but it is related in how affecting it can be when someone you admire is nice - fingers crossed that we all will get to meet our dear lizzy lana!!

  3. I don't know if this is the right place to post this video I just saw on Tumblr, but I wanted to share it here:




    I never cease to be amazed at how genuinely kind and sweet Lana is! I think it's something to highlight, especially as the novelty effect of her stardom has probably worn off, but she still keeps that smile and warm heart, with an appreciative attitude and an open, present disposition. I really think she possesses the virtue of compassion, which is sadly so rare nowadays. Not many famous - heck, non-famous! - people are this nice. I had one good encounter and that was with bearded troubadour Devendra Banhart (he was lovely), but most stars are bitches. Disaffected irony is overrated.

  4. CC, for now there's no crystal castles concerts in sight for me...i hope their new tour brings them down to argentina again!

    deathray, thanks for sharing "wrath of god", i love it!!

    some info direct from alice and ethan that i read on pitchfork.com:

    "Oppression is a theme, in general… A lot of bad things have happened to people close to me since
    and it's profoundly influenced my writing as I've realized there will never be justice for them," Alice Glass said in a statement. "I didn't think I could lose faith in humanity any more than I already had, but after witnessing some things, it feels like the world is a dystopia where victims don't get justice and corruption prevails. I'm one step away from being a vigilante to protect people and bring justice to the people I love. I've thought about it."


    "We wanted the new album to sound like a completely different and new experience," said Ethan Kath in a statement. "Any keyboards and pedals used on
    or II were traded for different keyboards and pedals so that there would be a new palette of sounds to work with. We wouldn't allow any computers near the studio, everything had to be recorded to tape. We'd limit ourselves to one take because we believe the first take is the rawest exp
    ression of an idea."


    alice is right, and it's a chilling realization. i can't wait to see to how the music on (III) will reflect that, sonically.

  5. You're not --- I love them too! "CC II" was one of my favorite albums of 2010, and I can't wait for the new one.


    "Celestica" is so awesome, BTW. Have you heard the story behind it? It makes the track even more haunting.


    hey guys! i love crystal castles too! saw them live in 2010 (amazing) and am counting down the days till november!♥

    fluorine, what's the story behind "celestica"??


    p.s. i am so envious of your vinyl collections, cc & deathray!


  6. Honestly, I saw pictures of her at a festival.. the one where Barrie was there with her, and the way she was touching her nose made me think cocaine.. and I was thinking about how alive she seemed onstage compared to before. Everyone I've talked to who has seen her live said she acted like she was 'on something'.. Also remember she oddly canceled some shows. (She coulda really just been sick) Ah, who knows, I hope not and I hope she's alright. If she did relapse, I could understand why she might wanna quit music


    One last thing, I think 'Get Drunk' is about Reeve and Jimmy. They were good friends, have videos performing together, and Lana has been linked to both. Plus, Jimmy and Lana (allegedly) met in AA. Although, I don't know the timelines so I could be 1000% wrong.


    oh my G! i didn't know jimmy and reeve were friends! :O

    sure enough, here they are performing together (and jimmy says that reeve's a friend of his):



    and listen to this...hello "little girls"! (!!!)



    still floored at the possibility of "get drunk" being about these two gorgeous and talented guys (good to see they're still amigos!)

    TrailerParkDarling, just... :legend:

  7. Exactly! I like how good she's doing in France, but weirdly enough, people don't talk that much about her. They are either hater or fan. The rest of the population have no clue of who she is.

    She's very popular in the UK and in Germany for sure, France is special since english speaker are like unicorns and french are quiet chauvin in their tastes and likes, US/UK trends never trend as much in here as in other european countries.


    she's also doing well in australia! france and australia (sometimes along with germany) are special places, with an acute sensitivity and appreciation towards beauty (in general and particularly in music - jeff buckley was first celebrated there, too!) :)

    regarding my area, here in argentina some people are aware of lana, and i've turned a few onto her, including my mom (!), but irl i don't know any true fans :( most adored "video games", but i have to say that those i showed her music to, it had to be with no visuals, because when they saw her image in videos they were immediately prejudiced :/ people can be so stupid sometimes, can't they? to miss out on a wonderful artist because she altered her name and look...it really is a pity. as many of you know, i wish lana had never had any work done (because it is notorious that something isn't natural about her face, especially in the "blue velvet" video) but i never forget what's important: the amazing music and the complex and wonderful singer-songwriter who makes it! thus, i will crusade on and try to spread the word. lana's worth sharing ♥

  8. just stumbled upon this pic of lana at today's mulberry show (makes sense!):




    she looks absolutely gorgeous, imo...the brunette look really suits her! sitting pretty in the front row, with nothing to envy kate moss or olivia palermo (maybe gillian anderson a little, because well...she is badass ^_^ )


    hope we get some more pics in better quality!


    EDIT: here are two more ♥



  9. If I'm not mistaken, a song of hers called "Ruby Tuesday" contains these lyrics: "Ruby Tuesdays or Mobile* / I love you then, i love you still/ you trust me not cause looks can kill". This is from Twitter, so i don't know if it really is so, but well, one of the songs that may allude to her time in Alabama is nowhere to be found :/

    *a city in Alabama

  10. Taking into account that her unreleased songs are so eclectic and diverse, I thought these more eccentric, mostly acoustic tunes could be a cohesive collection, portraying a lesser-known side of Lana. The EP would be called “Forlorn on Fire” (because I think this fragment from “Dangerous Girl” describes her quite well) and the tracklist would be:


    1- Disco

    2- Get Drunk

    3- You’re Gonna Love Me

    4- 1949

    5- Elvis

    6- Axl Rose Husband

    7- Money Hunny

    8- Dangerous Girl (a capella demo)

    9- Pin Up Galore (demo)


    The songs that comprise this selection are episodes in the story of a young woman’s search for her own identity, where she oscillates between self-confidence and substance-induced bravado, both shrewd and innocent, longing to discover and experience life and love without the binding ties of morality, determined yet astray, travelling from desire to despair, from certainty to confusion, and – after observing the ways of the world – emerging from loss towards a newfound sense of self, luminous and dark: “not of this world”.


    The cover would be this image ♥


  11. Okay, we all know that Lana is our Goddess who is beautiful in every shape & form. But, she's also just a normal person who has imperfections like the rest of us. So, to make us feel better about ourselves, and to showcase what a real natural beauty Lana is, let's post pictures of Lana without make-up. I'll start:


    P,S, What's wrong with her tooth?


    she had a gold tooth or cap! i do NOT love it :creep:


    here's a recent one:


  12. Since, along with the music, Lana's image is an intrinsec part of her as an artist - and part of what differentiates her from her Lizzy Grant days - her look is most relevant. I love that she experiments with hair color and different lengths and styling. Every change conveys something particular and distinct. What would you guys say is the definitive Lana Del Rey look for the "Born To Die" era? Which represents the album best? or, subjectively, which do you prefer?


    Blonde LDR:




    Honey Blonde LDR:




    Ash-Blonde LDR:




    Strawberry Blonde LDR:



    Auburn LDR:




    Darker Auburn LDR:




    Brunette LDR:




    It's hard to pick just one, but I think I'll go with:Strawberry Blonde! or Honey Blonde :)

    Also, I have to say I didn't dislike, but didn't especially care for the bouffant (although it does go with a certain aspect of LDR) and I'm loving the darker, long, straight hair! ♥

  13. I was told my an ~inside source~ that she has had the Interscope deal for a long time but when she 'blew up' so to speak they said she was 25, instead of 26. They wanted her to be 25 when they found her (even though the found her long before that) and 26 sounded too old to begin in the music industry, too close to thirty.


    i heard that, too...it's so ridiculous, right? Like 26 is the second half of your twenties so you're too close to 30? :/ It's so dumb to make her lie about being just ONE year younger, when these days it's so easy to find out the truth, and, really, this discrepancy wasn't too hard to come by...In fact, the little lies are what made fans sleuth around (more than they would've if the past hadn't been attempted to be altered or hidden)!

    Sam Gho, that is some detective work! :legend: You may be onto something. I do think that Jimmy was more than a fling, or maybe it was just that but it was meaningful because perhaps it was the first relevant relationship she had after K. The timeline of her musical output would suggest that she was with Jimmy in 2005 or early 2006, as in the 2006 WLSC Songwriting Contest she first wrote and performed "Pawn Shop Blues", which in a later interview she insinuated was about Jimmy (someone she met at a self-help group - AA - and that was a kind of famous rock star). "Yayo" is about Jimmy for sure, because she posted it to his Facebook wall, dedicated to him, so I think they may have been on and off till 2007. She has also said that Bradley Soileau was chosen because he resembled the guy she was singing about, and he looks a lot like Gnecco. Of course, in the past she has stated that she mixes things up in her lyrics, so that, of course, isn't a guarantee. (At times, she probably combines lyrics about different people in one song.) I also suspect she had a little fling with Van Wilson, the A&R from 5 Point Records, cuz remember in her first Pitchfork interview she said the strangest place she ever wrote a song was in a basement or office after - or while! - making out with a handsome record executive? and he is pretty cute:


    After that I suspect she may have been involved with Reeve Carney, but I too consider that her relationship with Mike Mizrahi was truly signficant and important.

    Anyway, I don't know if there is any basis to my assumptions, but here are my two cents, anyway ^_^

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