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Posts posted by ednafrau

  1. monicker, you've captured the essence of why this song is so affecting. if i'm not mistaken, she co-wrote "afraid" with bernard butler (yes, the talented suede guitarst and later solo artist) and i know they worked on more tracks together. if they are anything like this one in their emotional core, i really hope they see the light of day.

  2. Aside from Nefarious Bovine Radio podcasts, was "For K Part 2" referred to as "Rehab" anywhere else? And did she ever say in an interview she met one of her boyfriends in rehab, or was that just something people were speculating? (Damn, we need an interviews section.)


    i was just thinking this yesterday, reading that german zeit online interview! we should have an interviews section :yes:

    regarding the rehab comment, i'm pretty sure she said she met that ex-boyfriend in a self-help group, which everyone thought was a euphemism for AA, and which somehow got misconstrued as rehab :defeated:

  3. back to the utopic topic of a lana MTV unplugged, i visualize it in a setting like alice in chains' (more than her beloved nirvana's) unplugged show. here's a song i think she could even cover:


    she could certainly make those lyrics hers: "as of now i bet you got me wrong / so unsure you run from something strong."


    or maybe fiona's:



    lana would really justify the resurrection of MTV unplugged - it would be beautiful and i'm sure it would convert quite a few people, as much as it'd delight those who already love her! it would demonstrate she is more than a "controversial" personality and showcase her voice. i imagine she would sing "yayo" (finallly performing it live as lana del rey) and stun the world :)

  4. Ha, i was going to mention you too but i couldn't think of a funny MTV scenario involving you as a little kid. I still have some of my VHS tapes of stuff i recorded from MTV. Headbangers Ball, 120 Minutes, MTV News, etc. Interspersed throughout these tapes are music performances on the ARSENIO HALL Show. Oh man, remember Adam Curry? Of course you do.


    monicker, sadly i know adam curry but i don't remember him so well, because, since my family moved back to argentina in the early 90's, my memories are mostly of the latin MTV VJs :ermm: (internet has made relocating so much less traumatic!)...let me add two more shows to those golden MTV oldies: "nación alternativa" and "lado B" (were their equivalents in the US "alternative nation" and "B side"?)


    regarding your wanting to hear that, i have to reinstall garageband on my ipad, because i still haven't learned how to properly record with my boyfriend's ableton live* and reason programs :pft: - and THEN i'd have to feel particularly courageous to share it with you guys - especially you, M - i am very basic and nowhere near your high standards :P


    *i do however recieve jason timothy's newsletters and they're pretty cool - this one particularly hit home: http://www.musicsoftwaretraining.com/blog/2013/01/03/your-2013-might-suck-unless/ - anyway, WAY off topic!



    @Monicker, Edna, PrettyBaby, & Evil - The latest (or one of the latest) episodes of Portlandia is dedicated to the concept of adults "retaking" MTV, and it was really funny. Not because I endorse the programming currently filling the station, but just because of how they executed the episode. :teehee:


    As part of the 'new' generation (though it makes me shudder to even think of myself as a "tween"), I cannot help but wonder at what that channel once was.


    madrigal, i love "portlandia" and i've already d/l'd friday's episodes - hopefully tonight i'll get to watch 'em. i'll be waiting for that MTV part ;)

    it's hard to imagine MTV as a sort of cultural paradigm, isn't it? but it was. now - for better or worse - everything is more an individual search, because you know that hardly anything good and truly worthwhile can be found in the mainstream. lana is a wonderful example of someone who got in through the cracks in the system ♥

  5. How would you like that?

    A MTV Unplugged concert and cd with LANA???


    Where should it take place?

    What instruments should be used?

    What songs should be sung?


    this would be amazing, and the added bonus should be that obviously all the songs on her setlist would be re-arranged to be acoustic and lana would play the guitar!!!!!! AAAH! can you imagine? :crying: lana, lizzy and may finally integrated, performing as one ♥ it'd be an intimate little show, with low lights (?), in MTV's new york studios. one can only dream :)

  6. Monicker and I are probably the only ones here old enough to remember when MTV was still cool. Once upon a time they actually played MUSIC VIDEOS! :ohmy:


    umm, no, i belong to that bygone era as well! i was practically raised on MTV, i never went through the "kids music" phase ("sesame street" or whatever)...i had MTV on all day with a videocassette on cue, ready to record the videos i liked! what joy, after all the expectation, when your favorite vids came on! :oprah: (i can imagine how inconceivable this is to those who only know the experience of seeing videos on youtube). and you could still discover good bands! who would've thought it would one day come to this, a fucking low-brow reality TV channel with crap videos played only as filler between shows?????


    yeeessss. i watched that, freaks and geeks, and party of five religiously.


    i actually was old enough to watch mtv videos, they didn't start room raiders and all of that stuff til the early 2000's. but with youtube, i don't think they really need to. it's a teen mom network now (my guilty pleasure lol)

    Haa i watched those two also (amongst others). Party of Five, Wednesday nights at 8. What tragedy will strike the Salinger family this week.


    HA! i loved "party of five" and was so enamored of "charlie salinger" (matthew fox as "jack" on "lost" killed that)...but lord was it a depressing show!





    I raise you Daniel Johnston. A little elusive at first, but the message is in there:




    oh my, never thought i'd see good old daniel j. on lanaboards! i was just playing "true love will find you in the end" on my guitar ♥


  7. That's a good theory, including the fact that it was written around the same time that Yayo that -maybe- it's about Jimmy Gnecco.


    But I don't know when Jimmy got famous. :what:


    you could be right...since reeve and arthur weren't featured in magazines back then (unless she's referring to underground zines, but i doubt it), it could certainly be about jimmy. he started to get some music media attention back in 2001, so it could mean that it's not that he's just started to get famous, but that he just won't share that spotlight with her, because he won't make it "official" (like acknowledging her publicly as his girlfriend and taking her to events). i've kind of been there and it's an amalgam (shout out to sitar!) of irritation and nostalgia seeing someone who ultimately didn't choose you in national publications :pft:


    It sure seems to be lana who found the Brite Lites, not her boyfriend, to me


    nope, she looks for HIM in magazines and begs for him to give her the brite lites. if they were hers, and not the other way around, she wouldn't demand to be given them.

  8. i've always thought that "brite lites" is about an ex-lover who lana stood by in dark or tough times, to whom she gave everything, and now he has the spotlight shining on him, having gained some recognition, and he's left her to only look for him in magazines, instead of sharing those newfound bright lights with her. hence her taking off her wedding ring, as she was unilaterally commited to an ungrateful bastard :brit:

  9. i'm really late to this post, but congrats, sitar! :love: loved your candor and wit (though these qualities can't be surprising to anyone in this forum!). i toast to your surefire success as a writer and as anything you set out to be and do in the existential comedy that we call life :badbitch:


    Ha, i've never been able to get into his singing, thus i can't get into Meaningless. But his film scores for Punch-Drunk Love, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, and I Heart Huckabees are amongst my very favorite music in recent years. I have the complete scores for P-DL and ESofSM if anyone wants them.


    i love his soundtracks, too! they are more than just music that accompanies scenes in a film...beyond that, which he does beautifully, they can be appreciated and enjoyed in themselves, as albums in their own right :)

  11. monicker, i absolutely agree with you, but was kahne>brion even an issue? it's no competition: jon brion slays! sorry david, you're truly excellent, but imo you're no match for the masterful instrumentation, as well as the emotional subtlety and nuances of jon's work. i think lizzy's AKA would've been amazing anyway (if her demos are anything to go by) without him. am i sacrilegous? :eek:

    bear in mind that brion also produced fiona's "when the pawn" (my most favorite of her albums), elliott smith's unreleased 2001 version of "from a basement on a hill", rufus wainwright's first album, of montreal's "false priest", kanye west's "late registration" and countless others, including sky ferreira's upcoming full-length album (which gives me hope that with him, she might fullfil her potential). also, jon brion's has released albums of his own, such as 2001's "meaningless", which was pretty good. though i can't hear this at work to verify the quality of the video, this is a song of his that i like a lot:

    anyway, we should get back to tha basics of this thread, right? :creep2:

  12. kindred in vocal tone and wonderful :):


    fiona apple (akin to when lana sings in a jazzier, lower register):




    mazzy star (i feel more in the spirit of lizzy, in her acoustic and phenomena era):




    jeff buckley (though obviously he is male, he is one of lana's favorites and his influence, to me, is palpable in its emotional ambience and its intent to reach vocal heights):




    tracy bonham (i find a similarity in their voices, especially in lana's lizzy voice - close your eyes!):





    I don’t have a twitter. What do you think about a private message through youtube? Oh god, but then what if she lurks through my favorites? :judgingu: :creep:


    It seems whatever the avenue, she probably gets bombarded with so much shit that it'll get lost in the shuffle. Ay dios.



    first of all, monicker, make your youtube account private! lord knows i did as soon as that possibility was available :creep: keep in mind that you have to "privatize", category by category, your viewing history, your favorites, your likes and your vlog. paranoid, moi? :mmm:

    why not give it a try? youtube is something she actively still uses, so it might be the best option!

  14. how did i miss this thread?! i'm so happy to find other sky lovers! i remember i posted about her on LDR.FM and got, like, zero feedback, not even after posting her cover of "blue jeans" :what:

    i've been into sky since 2009 and can't believe that it took this long for her to finally get some recognition! i know she had problems with constant leaks but, above all, with her label and imposing her own sound in lieu of the image they wanted to forge for her, and though i think it's cool that she got to explore herself and her art before blowing up, it was criminal for someone as talented to not be able to release a proper album and get it heard! i'm really glad things are turning around for her ♥

    madrigal, i have everything except "on the wire" and "dynamite state"...any chance you could PM me them? :$

    did you guys see this new myspace feature on sky?


    nice! :yes:

  15. Better than the original! Oh, ednafrau. Haaa, i’ve never really seen Portlandia, but i laughed so hard at this. “These are the original keys used on Pet Sounds.” OMG. Who is the audience for this?? "That's a Neumann."


    So guys, how can i get my recording to Lizzy? I want her to hear it. :oprah:



    you have to watch portlandia, monicker, you're gonna love it! the audience for it is anyone who enjoys possibly delirious, very zeitgeisty humor :) it helps if the viewer is immersed in pop culture and aware of current stereotypes, i think. and if they're music lovers, better yet. fred armisen and carrie brownstein (stars of the show and main writers) are musicians first, and it shows. anyway, it is just an awesome show :D the scene i posted was from last friday's winter episode, but season 3 offically starts on january 2, so if you like it, you've got over a dozen episodes to watch :P


    i think the way to get lizzy to hear your recording would be to send her the soundcloud link via her twitter or FB, but i think she has to follow you or friend you :defeated: i'm sure someone here from lanaboards has direct contact, or an email...maybe they can help?

    lizzy is gonna dig your version, i know it! :brows:

  16. Revised the OP adding more information, speculation, and receipts.



    I've wondered the same thing. Possibly her National Underground show on January 14, 2009. But four days afterwards seems kind of belated.


    thanks evil! i think it's pretty likely that he's referring to her national underground show, because, although his comment is a bit belated, it matches a certain timeframe...her voice haunted him for four days in which he doubted whether to contact her, or perhaps the delay in posting his message was because he was looking for her facebook page? speculation aside, it fits :D

  17. So...do we have an idea what show he's referring to? If Edna and I are right, and "Monster" is "Pin-up Galore," then that means we have at least three songs for that setlist.


    What about the last title he lists? "Trash," or "Mermaid Motel?"


    i think the last one refers to "trash" :)

    mike's review of lizzy's performance posted in feb. 2009 was of her arlene's grocery show: http://www.knocksfromtheunderground.com/ny-features/2009/2/9/lizzy-grant-on-songwriting-surf-noir-and-magic.html

    but his comment on her FB is dated january 18, 2009, so what show was he referring to? evilentity, help us out!

  18. it really is all very strange...

    i had also speculated back in october about mike and lizzy already knowing each other before he interviewed her in lanalysis: http://lanaboards.com/index.php?/topic/473-lanalysis-relating-songs-to-knownassumed-relationships/page__view__findpost__p__13494

    but i started to doubt when i saw that same MM FB post from january 2009 that you posted above...although it could've been a cover to hide they were already seeing each other, but why would they do that?

    maybe they weren't living together 2 years, just a little less than that, and then the timeline would fit :) what i'm more concerned about is the imdb filmography fraud. so lame!

    thank you EE for this post! i hope this mystery doesn't remain unsolved.



    and what is 'monster'

    i dont know whats going on rn


    monster is probably "pinup galore".

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