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Posts posted by ednafrau

  1. There's a few mistakes in the lyrics here. You should copy them from where Lana herself posted the lyrics once. You can't play the video, but if you go here and maximize your browser, and then click on "More Info" in the upper right corner, the lyrics appear. Rahh!


    Also, I remember seeing a screenshot someone took of her posting the original "Yayo" video on Jimmy Gnecco's wall on Facebook with the lyrics and a note saying something like "For you Jim <3". But I think the post has since been deleted and I can't find the screenshot anywhere.


    i remember i first posted that fact on youtube on the first post of her "jimmy (g)necco" demo (the one with the animated video made by the poster) but i wasn't smart enough to screencap it :P you know who i think did? the amazing maru! she'd made a thorough, well-researched post on the LDRFM thread regading lizzy and jimmy's relationship. hope she still has it!

    how i love "yayo", it's one of my most favorite lana songs :)

  2. I’m happy that the topics that came up with the GQ shoot are still being discussed and have now spilled into another thread; it's important and it's nice to see it being discussed. I agree with whoever said that everyone should be a feminist. Why in the world not? What single good reason is there not to be?


    Anyway...about the topic of this thread:


    I also enjoy all of her paradoxes. I actually love that she has terrible songs sitting right alongside amazing ones.


    I often wonder if she’s mentally unstable. She seems a bit off.


    I don't know if this is an unpopular view or not, but she's weird, genuinely weird. Not Lady Gaga/Marilyn Manson weird, which isn't weird in the slightest. That said, what the hell does it even mean to be weird anyway? But yeah, she's a weirdo.


    There are a few interviews in which i cringe because she comes across pretty dumb. I think she plays that up though and uses that as a sort of tool to be evasive.


    I wonder why people--if they’re interested in this sort of thing--almost never bring up her nose job and instead focus on her lips. Anyway, discussion about her lips and nose is boring.


    That's it for now.



    P.S. ednafrau, it’s nice to see you again!


    likewise, Monicker! :D i missed your eloquent, thought-provoking views on everything! so glad this board was created ♥

    i totally agree that she's a true weirdo and i love it! i just hope she is able to continue expressing and sharing her strange eccentricity as freely as possible, although i kind of doubt that it'll ever be the same as when she didn't have a big audience hanging on her every word and watching her every move. i'm still curious to see her evolution...after the born to die paradise edition, a phase in her life will be over. what'll follow is a mystery i'm looking forward to :)

  3. I've mentioned this on Twitter and SIN, but I thought I should post this information here. Before the "List of unreleased Lana Del Rey songs" Wikipedia page was recently deleted, it mentioned a 7-track audio recording called either "Rock Me Stable" or "Young Like Me" registered with the US Copyright Office by Elizabeth Woolridge Grant in 2005, which I believe would pre-date "Sirens". The Wikipedia page had also mentioned an unreleased song called "From the End", also registered with the US Copyright Office by Elizabeth Woolridge Grant in 2005. However, the notes in this listing say "Words & music (collection)", so this may also be another album and not just an individual song. Before we get too carried away, it is possible that these songs may all be on "Sirens", or there may be significant overlap, but the possibility of two more early albums is exciting nonetheless.


    Also, note that the 2005 listings show her birth year as 1985, not 1986, which indicate that she is really 27 years old, not 26.


    i agree, this is exciting! :) obviously i respect if she doesn't want to share those songs (some of which may indeed be on "sirens", who knows?), but she was such an insightful, inventive writer at such a young age that i'm quite certain that those old songs have artistic merit and value. i like thoughtful, profound, ambivalent, honest, open, unguarded lizzy grant ♥ imho, the best lana songs (like "video games", especially in its demo version) could easily be lizzy grant era songs.

  4. To be honest, I think Lana looks old, much older than her age. When I met her she was beautiful, but had quite a mumsy look about her.. I can't describe it


    i agree. she looks older, apart from the fact that in so many interviews she's said, for example, that she did community outreach for ten years, that she recorded "a star for nick" when she was 17 (which would have been in 2002, 10 years ago if she was born in 1985), also that she stopped drinking 7 years ago. not to mention that ASAP rocky said she looks good for someone in her late thirties! :lol: but beyond ASAP's possibly marihuana-clouded vision, really, sometimes the math just doesn't add up! that's where all the being vague about her past (which i say she should be proud of, at least from a creative output point of view) and denying or hiding things that have later come out and proven to be true makes things murky. but still, her beyond her years appearance could be that she has lived through so much and is world weary. but anyway, whatever her age, she is wonderful and a beautiful soul (i don't want any of these comments to be misinterpreted as not loving lizzy/lana - if i didn't i wouldn't be here! :wub: )

  5. also, and this was discussed on lanadelrey.fm (it never ocurred to me that the forum would be down forever and obviously never saved my posts ), i have to join in being displeased with her sometimes shallow and un-feminist lyrics. i know she's stated that it's because she has to take charge of her life and is always in control, therefore wants a man that can assume that power so she can be the archetypal femme again. i get that and lord knows i've felt that way before! but at the same time, you guys made a good point...where do you draw the line between ironic or sardonic and just face-value superficial? i agree with maru that i long for the sincere, heartfelt, authentically quirky days of lizzy grant. sitarhero is right, i don't think lana would ever record something so austere yet powerful as "disco" nowadays :(

  6. i don't like the work she's had done...i don't know if it's the nose or the lips, but there is something off about her face, i can't exactly pin-point what. especially when you compare her to her luminous, fresh-faced lizzy days. lizzy was such a natural beauty. :unsure:

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