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Posts posted by ednafrau

  1. ednafrau would be begging the house band to do a Jeff Buckley cover,


    haaaa! this sounds accurate! ;)

    loved the imaginary party, Monicker! the grand finale would be you setting up the recording equipment and us recording layers and layers of vocals for your collective cover of "put me in a movie" :thankyou: :oprah:


    What I hate about Brody is that he denies his love for Carrie.


    & Everyone in the CIA besides Saul and the cutie Danny Galvez :flutter: just piss me off.


    :oprah: SO perfect. Do I have permission to tweet this gif tonight?



    OMG YES SHE NEEDS TO STOP CRYING EVERY EPISODE. She's becoming the Kris Jenner from Keeping Up With The Kardashians


    of course! tweet away ;)


    i too hate that brody denies his love for her - verbally, because his eyes and that little hand squeeze in the car speak volumes ^_^

  3. Also guys.......I sorta ship Carrie and Abu Nazir :creepy:


    you do?? i'm sad to say that i still ship carrie and brody :( i mean, they have a real connection and i feel carrie is the only one who really knows the actual brody...as carrie said at the end of episode 4, in another world and different circumstances, they could've been together *sigh*

    i think this gif is so carrie-appropriate:



    Shit will be going down tonight. Well, Homeland always ends with something explosive.


    I'm going to recap the previous episode's in pictures because I have nothing else to do right now.




    I will start with episode 2. Beirut is Back


    ughh poor Carrie. You need to change your cry face.


    Carrie Mathison Cry-Face Tribute...stole this from tumblr tbh











    ref. carrie's cry face...did you see this??



  4. i am up to date and god, i love "homeland" so much! unlike others, this show does not dissapoint. what is going to happen??!!!

    apart from the unpredictablity of everything, claire danes and damian lewis are such amazing actors! wasn't episode 5 a master class in theater? ♥

  5. i mean it - i hope you record more, be it lana songs, or your own songs. did you read what monicker wrote? http://lanaboards.co...ver/#entry22054 - words to live by, true punk philosphy. experiment. sing. write. record. your voice has such a vulnerable quality and such a beautiful tone (to use a word lana likes :) ) in these tough times, music is such a wonderful outlet, and through sonic catharsis you can express your feelings and exorcize the demons and feel better, and in sharing what you create (be it your own material or your interpretation of others' work) you can connect with others, too ♥


    I think you misunderstand me. "Be more like a real model"? -- I expect someone that was once professionally a model to not consistently shoot so poorly. I am not expecting Kate Moss or Giselle type shots here. I just expect to see her move naturally and comfortably in front of the camera, having clear knowledge of what looks good and have that translate well in print.


    A good amount of modelling is not "stiff and rather lifeless". Let's break this part: The vast majority of the modelling industry is commercial modelling, in simple terms: accessible, relatable (yet still unattainable enough, obviously). It's impossible to be accessible and relatable to potential buyers you are trying to ~connect with~ when you are "stiff and lifeless". This already rules out the possibility that "a good amount" of modelling is stiff. Onto high-fashion: the particular "stiff and lifeless" look is found here, particularly within the advertising for major fashion houses... which have obviously influenced newer houses and brands (see: Jil Sander -- I really, really hate this brand btw, random fact about me no one wanted to know). In magazine editorials (think Vogue, V, Harper's Bazaar, etc), the particular look you're referring to (if done) is often highly exaggerated, but done with intent and purpose. There's a difference between the stiffness of a Jil Sander model and the stiffness of Lana modelling -- one is intentional and meant to set off the clothing, the other is a person that appears to be unable to translate the image they'd like to project with their body to the camera.


    (The other half of editorials is the absurd/surreal/off-kilter shoots. This, coupled with the idea of the Supermodel, pretty much refutes your notions about modelling. Find me one successful supermodel that primarily takes stiff and lifeless photos -- guarantee you you can't do it. I could get into this further, but I just wanted to show you exactly how small that particular look is in the scope of modeling; it's like saying, "Hey, don't the Beach Boys mostly sing about surfing?")


    (It is a common misconception though, with the prevalence of those print ads and the media's exclusion of commercial modelling from the ~industry~)


    My concern is not that Lana become more like "a real model" and be ~fierce~, it's just that she works better with the camera. From a technical POV, the shots I linked to are not good, regardless of whether you're a high-fashion or commercial model, or even a model at all. But the fact is, she did model so I am picking this out. If it were Katy Perry or Beyonce, I wouldn't expect them to deliver on good shots the majority of the time because they don't have this sort of background.


    I don't know how much of this can be attributed to the photographers -- although they obviously do play a part. I really do think a lot of this rests on Lana though: when a former model is consistently posing in an unflattering manner and this has been published across a variety of publications, it raises the question: How well does she know her angles? How experienced is she? I have no doubt that a better photographer would draw out better photos, but how much good would they be when the subject appears to be unknowledgeable on how to pose in a flattering manner?


    Because of the relatively small pool of photographers + photoshoots I drew from, I will wait until we have a greater variety of shoots to choose from before making my final decision. Something tells me a lot of it is Lana, but I hope to be proven wrong and blown away by a batch of photos not dependent on a prop to model with or any sort of environment to act in. :3



    maru, i agree with you 100%! if she hadn't been a model, signed to an agency, we would not be questoning this - as she would have no obligation as a singer to be good in front of the camera - but she was, unexplainably. in the real fashion world, her modeling abilities would have led her no further than a seventeen magazine prom photoshoot - heck, she wouldn't have made it into the top 10 of "america's next top model"! :facepalm: cute doesn't cut it. i was a fashion spot forum addict from 2006-2010 and have hundreds of editorials saved, as well as photographer portfolios, and not even paolo roversi could've made her into a model. in pictures, she doesn't convey anything through her eyes (in motion, she does). once again, if she didn't continue to "model" this wouldn't even be an issue, but the fact is - save for a few shots - she can't model to save her life. be objective, people! i save all her photos because i adore her as an artist and what i know of her as an individual, but not because of the great poses and "haute" quality of her shots.

  7. I think Jaime's a fairly new friends, so she didn't have to mention her, but I think she'd have got away saying 'my family, my dear friends jane and wendy, my boyfriend, and my managers.'

    That would have been better. Lana and Jaime seem very close, though. they meet up A LOT and they can probably relate to one another because they both had a drug problem. Lana always seems to be hanging out with either Jaime, Chuck or Barrie.


    seriously, her managers ben and ed and no chuck??? wtf?

  8. minus a few exceptions, they chose simple, unrevealing and kind of crappy questions :(

    i mean, two questions about the mulberry bag?? o_O

    and "will you be present at the VMAs?" blah!

    i mean, it was obvious they wouldn't select the more uncomfortable queries, but their choices were pretty disappointing.

    one good thing: i've had "the big sleep" in the backburner for some time now, but now it's next on my watch list! :)

  9. this thread is amazing! :P


    "Elvis is my daddy, Marilyn’s my mother: A guide to reinvention through creative transcedence of your origins"


    "I can't be with the man I love (if he treats me rough): How to free yourself of an abusive relationship"

  10. Another Lana-related confession: I do not miss lanadelrey.fm, and I think this forum is better than LDR.FM could ever be.


    Did anything I write make any sense? Does anyone agree/relate to it? I swear, I'm not crazy.


    i totally agree! 100%. here, people aren't groveling for leaks, we all appreciate listening to and discussing her released and unreleased music yet are more respectful and aware, i think. i also love that everyone can feel free to start new threads, which range from fun to thoughtful (many times both). i guess this relates to a certain feeling of democracy in this community, and i love it :)

  11. i love la roux and i miss them! i remember on twitter that elly said she'd try singing with a "different voice" (i'm thinking in a lower register) for the new album, but -after listening to that lounge version of "in the kill" - i hope not. i adore her high singing :)

  12. I think you are reading waaay too much into all of this. My friend is a songwriter, and while he writes from experience, he also writes from the experiences of those around him, but makes them personal. If someone who didn't know him read them, they would assume it's all about him... he's inspired by friends, movies (and Lana is so inpired by film noir), news reports, books.. LIFE, just not always his.


    that's usually true, but lana herself has said that her music is "100% autobiographical", which of course feeds our speculation. if she didn't throw clues around (and if she weren't so fascinating and hadn't lived such a full life) we wouldn't feel so compelled to try to piece together stories and people and associate them to her lyrics! bear in mind that some theories have been somewhat confirmed, while others are in the air or maybe just fantasies.

  13. i'd still be here because i love lana and because this forum is full of awesome, funny, intelligent people from all over who post not only about about miss del rey - sharing their found material/interviews/videos/photos/news and giving their honest opinions - but also discuss so many interesting topics and issues, and the views are so diverse and enlightening! and, of course, apart from the profound analysis and the critical thought, i appreciate the brilliant wit and the laughs :) also, in this generous community, you really can rely on the kindness of strangers! ;)

    regarding if the leaks stopped, of course i'd still be a fan - i mean, i love fiona apple so much, and we get an album from her every 6 or 7 years! but i don't know if i'd be such a huge fan if we didn't have AKA and so many of the unreleased songs, tbh - her wonderful & eclectic creative output is what made me adore her and realize what a special talent she is. BTD is a great album but it doesn't display all that she is capable of musically, lyrically and vocally. i do think that all of us in some way wanted more because why did we join LDR.FM in the first place? because they teased with gifs from the "million dollar man" video! no one can deny that lured us in. of course, i never would've thought i'd meet such great people on the forum, and that - along with the promise of lost lizzy songs and videos - is what kept me there, and now here. that's one thing, because all those old songs and videos were things lizzy once shared publicly, so even if it was for a short period of time, it was out there and there were people who liked the stuff enough to save it and keep it, and now share it with others who were not as fortunate to have known about her before. it's another thing to be getting all of these more recent recordings, which obviously she did not share and that, in my humble opinion, are not really as top-notch quality as the rest of her oeuvre. so, while my curiosity can't help but want to listen, i think it can be detrimental, in a way. the quanity-over-quality deluge kind of distorts the message she may have as an artist (though i respect her criteria, i don't know if it's completely kindred to mine - she said she wasn't happy with "yayo"! - which takes me back to wanting to hear her other, less-favorite creations, because i doubt her judgment, but ultimately, you gotta trust her instincts). it would be nice if we were still in the B-side times, where the not-quite-album material gems could be published :) also, people are animals of habit and always want more more more, regardless, so they'll never be satisfied. i think we all need some space, or a sort of void, to pause and be replenished and then go back, fresh, to appreciate the things (in this case, the music) we have. at some point it WILL stop, and the real fans, those of us who enjoy her and have been truly moved by her art, will remain ♥

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