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Everything posted by ednafrau

  1. dios te oiga, sebas! i'm crossing my fingers that lana will play in buenos aires after november 11, because that's when i get back from vacation, and life can't be so cruel as to make me miss her in my country!
  2. i don't think she called the paps because privacy in AA is sacred, and i really doubt she'd betray that for a photo op.
  3. It isn't actually a retraction, cuz they said it's about Lizzy!
  4. wow! this is a huge breakthrough! as always, i bow down to thee, @@evilentity ! so, yet another link to jeff buckley: steven mertens is friends with & played with parker kindred, who also played with lizzy (http://web.archive.org/web/20081009165342/http://5pointsrecords.com/index.php?pg=31&artist_id=101 ). parker was jeff buckley's drummer circa the "sketches for my sweetheart the drunk" era. steven also played with joan wasser, jeff's last girlfriend. we all know jimmy gnecco briefly met jeff and was profoundly influenced by him, to the point of homage (in sound and in dedicated songs), and her infuatuation with JG is legendary. i'm thinking lizzy was just as obsessed with jeff buckley as i was! the fact that reeve carney is gonna play jeff in a biopic is just full circle. she also loves many of JB's cited favorites, and aims to live her life with GRACE and what is the first song in buckley's "grace" album? "mojo pin", whose chorus ends with "black beauty, i love you so"...and now, we have LDR's "black beauty". apart from her vocal inflections live, especially in her lizzy era, we can see that jeff buckley's influence on our dear lana is ongoing ♥
  5. you know, i always thought that related to her new management (ben et al) and, possibly, interscope, right after signing her with a certain image, they didn't want her to change. (i think we can all agree she was signed in 2010 in lieu of the official version of 2011 after "video games" ). there was a brief moment in 2010 or early 2011 where she decided to go darker...you can see her hair dyed brownish in those photos naomi shon took of her and chuck and that botoxed woman, too. i'm at work now, but you guys know the pics i'm referring to? soon after, she lightened her hair again.
  6. it's good that he's a musician as well. lana said in an interview that she and barrie both felt, once they'd found each other, that all of their past love songs were resignified and became about each other
  7. could be! she has stated that she also writes about how she wishes things had been. re-writing/re-creating one's own history is an artist's prerrogative, and we all know she's done that on many levels
  8. you guys, i've been thinking about something...do you really think NOTHING happened between lizzy and jimmy? i'm inclined to believe maybe it was a fling, or not even that, perhaps they just kissed once, but that maybe it was blown out of proportion in her mind because she fell in love and afterwards, when he blew her off, she just couldn't let go. i mean, she posted the obviously-about-jimmy "yayo" on his FB wall! she may have been lovelorn, but was she so out of touch to write songs about a fantasy and share them with him? i have my doubts. our kind source @ that spoke to his son's GF (or someone who knows gnecco) could just have the "official story"...maybe jimmy was in a relationship at the time so his little lizzy affair (or less than) was kept on the down low? how could we possibly know? i just find it hard to fathom that lana would expose herself so much to even use a JG lookalike for 2 of her videos - which jimmy would obviously see - just over an imaginary love! because this isn't like "so legit", which i'm pretty sure was hacked from her email or shared with very close friends because it wasn't meant to be public...this was everywhere, from her demos to her higher profile LDR songs
  9. ednafrau


    how sad!!! i wonder if lana knows...it was such an intense, fertile moment in her life, from a creative point of view...to have the place that inspired so much just not exist anymore... TPD, i love what you wrote! really evocative of the mood of the song ♥ now, you guys, i've been thinking about this...do you really think NOTHING happened between lizzy and jimmy? i'm inclined to believe maybe it was a fling, or not even that, perhaps they just kissed once, but that maybe it was blown out of proportion in her mind because she fell in love and later, when he blew her off, she just couldn't let go. i mean, she posted this song on his FB wall! she may have been lovelorn, but was she so out of touch to write songs about a fantasy and share them with him? i have my doubts. our kind source that spoke to his son's GF could just have the "official story". maybe jimmy was in a relationship so his little lizzy affair (or less) was kept on the downlow? how could we possibly know? i just find it hard to fathom that lana would expose herself so much to even use a JG lookalike for 2 of her videos - which jimmy would obviously see - just over an imaginary love! (I'll repost this in the Lanalysis thread)
  10. Posted 24 July 2013 - 08:22 PM TrailerParkDarling, on 24 Jul 2013 - 5:19 PM, said: Trash Magic, on 24 Jul 2013 - 5:56 PM, said: All of this! I think there are eloquent ways of saying things in a very personal way, that become poetic in that context. I love that Lana's lyrics paint a singular world of her own: they reflect her unique experiences, her interpretations of what she's lived and fantasized, her re-creation of her reality, as well as her dreams and desires, often paying homage to the artistic and thematic influences that colored her subjectivity. Her initial detractors never could have predicted that this slightly strange, uncommon, shamelessly personal - and, on the surface, unrelatable - perspective would appeal to the general public. I guess it's as Tolstoi once said: "Describe your village and you will be universal." Most of my favorite lyrics have been mentioned, but I didn't see this line: "Sometimes love is not enough and the road gets tough, I don't know why." Simple but very real!
  11. maybe she'd be creeped out at first, but i think that, once she got past the weirdness, she would like that we love her enough to spend time and energy interpreting and analyzing her life, lyrics, words and art as well as adoring all of the music she has created from the beginning. her past frustration as lizzy grant was that she didn't have much recognition and a very small following, just a blip on the radar. this forum, full of diverse people from around the world and intelligent, thoughtful discussion (eclipsed but never overshadowed by occasional fighting) is evidence of the impact and repercussion of her talent! ♥
  12. ednafrau

    So Legit

    i love this song! beyond the gaga diss, this is my favorite lizzy sound: slightly off-kilter acoustic weirdness!
  13. thanks for sharing, milliegw! it's definitely a possibility. as of late, i've thought that there had to be a reason there are no pictures of them together (wanting to believe, i had guessed theirs' might've been an undercover affair, so they avoided all material evidence of the liaison). i think @@SitarHero posted his doubt about this recently, too. anyway, if this were indeed true, it would be disappointing and we'll have to get to work on some lana history revisionism
  14. ednafrau


    what a discovery! i really like what i've heard...@@SitarHero, would you be so kind to send me some songs as well? pretty please? how can this girl only be 16?? this fact is simultaneously awe-inducing and depressing
  15. another longtime sky fan here, so i know your pain! 4 YEARS waiting for a true sky album! it's been a wonderful, sometimes frustrating, ride, but i'm so happy and excited it's finally gonna happen! <3 i agree that it's good that more people know and appreciate her now...how could anyone be so selfish as to not wish her to get the recognition her talent has deserved for so long??
  16. wonderful find, TPD! i can't listen to it now but i already love her choice of songs...and i'm floored she said that about JB: i used to say the same thing! and, in fact, the second person i met that loved jeff buckley was indeed my soulmate and we've been together for more than 10 years ♥ (the first one, who was a fan and actually saw jeff live in paris, which i took as a sign, was just an intense fling that tore my heart out but paved the way, just a few months later, for the real thing! life and its strange ways... )
  17. A+ response, evil! i signed up just to comment...here's what i wrote: http://junkee.com/lana-del-rey-covers-leonard-cohen-cue-outrage/3636#comment-845276047 super research, btw...i would love to hear her cover of "dance me to the end of love"! i'm sure someone somewhere has it recorded. may they have a generous heart and one day share it with the world. i've said before that i think after "dreamland" - or whatever her new album will be called - lana should release a covers album, a la cat power. i know for sure it would be amazing and top-notch, because she conveys such love for the art she admires and is inspired by. i want a jeff buckley song on that album - and her little (the zombies) "time of the season" bit left me dying for a complete version! she really interpets the feeling of the original material and makes it her own (skeeter davis's "the end of the world" is a heartfelt - and heartbreaking - example). anyway, love this musical surprise she regaled us with ♥
  18. i adore her range and agree with what was discussed here! she is singular ♥ i have to leave now, but will return please do take those classes - FYI i was 27 when i started you really won't regret it...i postponed it for years because i thought "if i didn't learn when i was younger..." and it's just ridiculous, because you love it and you'd be doing it for yourself and that is so fulfilling!
  19. MermaidTrailerHeaven, I just now discovered this thread & I love it!! I took singing lessons for a few years and there I discovered I was a mezzo-soprano - in layman's terms: you can reach the high notes AND the low notes. thing is, I could never reach the really high notes with other people watching me - the opposite of lana! those vocal heights make me nervous and my throat kind of constricts my vocal chords. alone, however, i can do it i recommend anyone who loves to sing and is curious about their range to take a few classes to know what you are - and see how much you can train your voice and extend its capabilities,to discover its full potential ♥ I, too, am a fan of voices and great singers - my absolute favorite is Jeff Buckley, whose vocal range was four octaves! if you love amazing singers you must know him...he's one of lana's faves, as well. here's a link on his range and vocal style: http://www.jeffbuckley.com/rfuller/buckley/faq/07vocals.html kinda OT, but if you just wanna check out the most vocally awesome songs, this part of his Wikipedia entry is useful: "Buckley's voice was a particularly distinguished aspect of his music. He possessed a tenor vocal range,[110] he had a vocal range of between three and a half to four octaves. Buckley made full use of this range in his performance, particularly in the songs from Grace, and reached peaks of high E in the tenor range at the culmination of "Grace" and "So Real". These high notes were unusual for a rock musician in that he sung them with his head voice, rather than in a falsetto, and that he sung them for sustained periods. "Corpus Christi Carol" was sung entirely in a high falsetto. The pitch and volume of his singing was also highly variable, as songs such as "Mojo Pin" and "Dream Brother" began with mid-range quieter vocals before reaching louder, higher peaks near the ending of the songs."
  20. so many awesome theories and brilliant connections, TPD! i like the idea of some song(s) possibly being about jeff buckley...or maybe combining jeff with K, for example? perhaps some of the songs about her dead lover are about him? i had never thought of this something random and unrelated, or not, is that "gods and monsters" is, coincidentally, the name of the first band that jeff buckley had (with gary lucas) when he first moved from CA to NYC edit: i also think you've discovered that arthur's role in lizzy's life may have been bigger than all of us "lanalysts" had thought!
  21. I always thought For K Part 2 was about Jimmy, because she's obviously referring to a musician (it could be Reeve, but it's less likely imo): "I like your music" and the "Use that voice, sing that song". You could say that in Sirens' Westbound she sings "You like to write about all of your problems/Put them in songs because you think it would solve them", implying that K (if it's about him) was also a musician, but the following line from Part 2 makes me discard that it's about him: the "Alright you got me, I don't play a good guitar" I think relates to her feelings of inadequacy at first ("like a groupie incognito posing as a real singer"), which would match her New York open mic nights and first shows, making this a Jimmy era composition. She was indeed electrified by him, especially in her starstruck beginnings I know: so much speculation! but that's what we're left to do, become little Sherlocks and take bits and pieces of what we know and deduce away!
  22. I used to think Million Dollar Man was about Jimmy (it coincides with some of her descriptions of him, fitting quite well with "Born to Die", which definitely sounds like it's about him), but then, since its timeline kind of coincides with her break up with Mike, I started to think it was about Mike, but then - remembering that Lana writes from the past even more than the present - I went back to thinking it's about Jimmy
  23. this is an awesome thread, TPD! i have nothing to add right now but reverence ♥
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