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Everything posted by ednafrau

  1. AMEN to that! looks should be completely secondary when it comes to enjoying music. speaking of enjoying, enjoy CC live - lucky you, you'll be amongst the first to listen to their new album performed live
  2. age is so relative, really - it all depends on the person. alice glass, for example, is 24 but looks younger imho (i've seen her live, up close, and i have to add, she is gorgeous!). so, for moi, though i adhere to the 27 theory (lol), it doesn't matter to me at all!
  3. absolutely! she IS beautiful, inside & out (corny as that may sound).
  4. ednafrau


    deathray, thanks for posting the lyrics! i hadn't really paid attention to them, and now i see they're great. you may be right...what she says and the timeline could fit! my only doubt is, did they meet when they were teenagers? it might be irrelevant, though, cuz she does sometimes add verses that sound good, so we should remember that her songs are not 100% biographical...
  5. It's such a tiny age difference, one year - not worth lying about, but oh well! Sam Gho, thank you so much for posting, I loved this interview/article ♥♥♥ nooo! now we know where the evil in the entity comes from jk!
  6. i agree! and maybe if she's able to hole up in a studio somewhere, writing the score for that film, going out undercover and undetected (difficult but not impossible - though she would have to move out of the chateau marmont, the least low-profile place in, like, the planet)...that would definitely restore her energy and give her back her natural glow
  7. of course! older can definitely be sexy - even sexier, perhaps! discussing her age is dissociated, at least for me, of any > or < assessment. and anyhow, if she is older, it's just a year, so it's not an important difference
  8. i want the return of smiling lana, with that sparkle in her eyes!
  9. totally! and you never know what kind of sound the unearthed songs will have! acoustic? dance? r&b? folk? jazz? weird and dissonant? electropop? i love that YES! same here ♥
  10. evilentity, you reminded me of this interview: http://www.complex.c...h-and-new-album i'd read it back in october and never again went back to it, but today i did and read this comment, which backs up the born in 1985 argument: emma December 29th, 2011 at 11:48 PM I was at the same Boarding School with her in Ct (she was two grade ahead of me). She was a really sweet and beautiful girl. She had nice lips, but they wee not this large. Her father is a millionare and she is about 27yrs old not 25
  11. i love having such an extensive and diverse collection of music by lizzy/lana to discover and listen to! it's a luxury and i feel we are fortunate because not many fans get to hear an artist's creative process, from demos to final versions, the original rough cuts, ideas or origins for other songs, and also, because albums usually have a guiding concept or a certain lyrical or musical coherence, we usually don't get to experience the out-of-genre songs. that's what i enjoy about LDRAKALG, that the aound isn't homogenic (thank god that record was always available online, it would've been a huge loss if it had indeed been swept under the virtual rug). can you imagine if we only had "born to die" to listen to?? i treasure her odd or "weird" tunes, like "pin up galore", "the man i love" (which after the GQ interview i think is about alcohol), "disco", "you're gonna love me" or the first "yayo" demo with the multi-track lizzy vocals ♥
  12. love u too, PrettyBaby! i SO agree with everything you said!!!! i am a total egalitarian as well! i hold doors for guys, too, for example...like, why can't everyone be kind to each other, in the littlest details and in the more important issues? how is gender still so defining in the twentyfirst century? how has technology evolved so, and socially we are retograding, in some ways? but this is off topic, so i'll stop here. you know, i remember -because i am existentially nostalgic- that my last post on LDRFM i actually defended her lyrics, because i DO think that we human beings are multidimensional, complex, sometimes contradictory, possessing both yin and yang, anima and animus, and i think lana expresses that dual nature: while being deep and aware, she expresses that at times consciously but others unconsciously, or in spite of ourselves, we are imbued by cultural values that are not always the highest, and maybe we find ourselves acting according to them, although in our heart we know they (appearance, the material things, the aspirational consumerism, etc. )are not essential. i think my two morning espressos have made me ramble on a bit and i don't know if this makes sense to anyone, but i think that lana's lyrics manifest her philosophical nature and her keen observation of the world around her in its most elevated, such as love and spirituality and, at the same time, the possibility of also wanting, being swept away by and enjoying the more mundane pleasures (the good and the dangerous)...that voracity of wanting to fully experience LIFE, which i think she made clear(er) in the GQ interview. regardng the photos that accompany the article, i don't know, maybe - in her retro-glamourous incarnation of "lana del rey" and admiration of icons like marilyn monroe - maybe she thought to also experience the nude posing and "sexy" shots - like to do it once, to have that experience, too? or maybe it's an ego thing, the satisfaction (?) of being the object of male desire taking over? was it like fiona apple, in the early stages of her career, thinking, with the "spin" photoshoot and the "criminal" video, i'll be in control of the "exploiting"myself? (though the boob grab is hard to justify)...who knows? was it responsible, or the right move? what's certain is that lana is a mysterious and, with all her flaws as well as her more endearing traits of sweetness and sincerity, an endlessly fascinating girl
  13. ednafrau


    i remember i first posted that fact on youtube on the first post of her "jimmy (g)necco" demo (the one with the animated video made by the poster) but i wasn't smart enough to screencap it you know who i think did? the amazing maru! she'd made a thorough, well-researched post on the LDRFM thread regading lizzy and jimmy's relationship. hope she still has it! how i love "yayo", it's one of my most favorite lana songs
  14. a really interesting interview from an unexpected source like GQ!
  15. likewise, Monicker! i missed your eloquent, thought-provoking views on everything! so glad this board was created ♥ i totally agree that she's a true weirdo and i love it! i just hope she is able to continue expressing and sharing her strange eccentricity as freely as possible, although i kind of doubt that it'll ever be the same as when she didn't have a big audience hanging on her every word and watching her every move. i'm still curious to see her evolution...after the born to die paradise edition, a phase in her life will be over. what'll follow is a mystery i'm looking forward to
  16. i agree, this is exciting! obviously i respect if she doesn't want to share those songs (some of which may indeed be on "sirens", who knows?), but she was such an insightful, inventive writer at such a young age that i'm quite certain that those old songs have artistic merit and value. i like thoughtful, profound, ambivalent, honest, open, unguarded lizzy grant ♥ imho, the best lana songs (like "video games", especially in its demo version) could easily be lizzy grant era songs.
  17. i agree. she looks older, apart from the fact that in so many interviews she's said, for example, that she did community outreach for ten years, that she recorded "a star for nick" when she was 17 (which would have been in 2002, 10 years ago if she was born in 1985), also that she stopped drinking 7 years ago. not to mention that ASAP rocky said she looks good for someone in her late thirties! :lol: but beyond ASAP's possibly marihuana-clouded vision, really, sometimes the math just doesn't add up! that's where all the being vague about her past (which i say she should be proud of, at least from a creative output point of view) and denying or hiding things that have later come out and proven to be true makes things murky. but still, her beyond her years appearance could be that she has lived through so much and is world weary. but anyway, whatever her age, she is wonderful and a beautiful soul (i don't want any of these comments to be misinterpreted as not loving lizzy/lana - if i didn't i wouldn't be here! )
  18. also, and this was discussed on lanadelrey.fm (it never ocurred to me that the forum would be down forever and obviously never saved my posts ), i have to join in being displeased with her sometimes shallow and un-feminist lyrics. i know she's stated that it's because she has to take charge of her life and is always in control, therefore wants a man that can assume that power so she can be the archetypal femme again. i get that and lord knows i've felt that way before! but at the same time, you guys made a good point...where do you draw the line between ironic or sardonic and just face-value superficial? i agree with maru that i long for the sincere, heartfelt, authentically quirky days of lizzy grant. sitarhero is right, i don't think lana would ever record something so austere yet powerful as "disco" nowadays
  19. i don't like the work she's had done...i don't know if it's the nose or the lips, but there is something off about her face, i can't exactly pin-point what. especially when you compare her to her luminous, fresh-faced lizzy days. lizzy was such a natural beauty. :unsure:
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