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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread

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Hi I hate to further the Venice Bitch debate with more dribble but here goes! I think what's throwing a lot of people off is Lana's minimalism with her production. Even though it may seem like a lot is going on (synths, "psychedlic" guitars, repetition of stream of conciousness-esque lyrics) compared to lets say the polished nature of Born to Die, Paradise, Young & Beautiful era this really is more simplistic. In fact I think that's what's thrown alot of people off with this era in general: the simplicity. However, Lana has talked in interviews about how she wanted this to be more of a stripped down era (little to no promotion aside from instagram posts, "low quality" music videos shot by Chuck, hiadt single cover, etc). We've had big budget quality from Lana (High by the Beach video anyone?). Maybe its time to embrace and accept this era for what it is, even if its different, uncomfortable, or a "change" for some of us (change is a powerful thing bitches!). Once again I would hope that lana's change of promotional and aesthetic direction isnt what's rubbing anyone the wrong way. I think what's pissing people off is how authoritatively she has talked about NFR, like she really has a grasp on the era, when everything that's happened since Hiadt (esp Ben's IG tirade & insta baddie lifestyle) has proven otherwise. Circling back around to VB though, the "cheesy" lyrics that piss some ppl off? Lets not forget that Lana has been satirizing and poking fun at herself since Brooklyn baby. Venice Beach is Brookyln Baby's younger sister ladies, let's appreciate her, love her, and accept her for who she is. End of diatribe.

her lil bitch ass WISHES

I'm kinda focused on being a baddie right now. I can't really work.

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Can we go back to trashing Lana's management?

Ever since I realized they had 10 years of working with her, I’ve gotten more annoyed with the fact that criticizing them or asking legitimate questions gets you insults and backlash. If they want to give attitude simply because we’re not kissing their asses, then I’m not buying the poetry book. Fuck a festival tour too if that’s all we’re getting. I’m fed up.

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i am labanaboard member


angery..intellectuality, duality. 

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Can we all agree that Betty boop boop is ear rape atleast?

Um how dare you it's her most experimental simplistic masterpiece ever can you not hear she was speaking from a place of pain talking about Lady Liberty because she did not feel liberated in her life and that she was going to save the world for herself I swear this fanbase is so uncultured like the psychedelic rock in Betty Boop surpasses any genre she's done before and it's her best work yet and I'm going to shove my opinion down your throat also I'm going to say LFL sucked even though it didn't because I'm insecure in my opinion and feel the need to put down other work in order to bring my favorite work to the surface you should go get your ears checked Lana is bleeding her heart and soul on Betty Boop Boop and you're a fucking monster for attacking her Magnum Opus like that and every member here with taste knows it's her best song and she'll never top it and we should just burn every other record Lana has ever made because Betty Boop Boop is the greatest fucking song ever it brought back Jesus from the dead and the psychedelic solos in that song cannot be comprehended by those who do not have brain cells I will cut a bitch!!


Jk I'm just making fun of some people here :troll:


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okay anyways so back to the holy trinity from yesterday: Terrence (for predicting something would happen), peroxide (for inciting Ben's rage), and HoneymoonDaddy (for the blowjob DM). Whats next ladiez???


I still cannot believe I did that

I deleted my comment because I was still getting hateful messages today

I hope y'all ladies took your screenshots!


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Has Lana even told fans which shows she's planning on axing yet :rip:

According to instagram Lana fans we don't deserve any news and Lana can do whatever she wants and we should be grateful that she even releases music still and that we should stay loyal even through the silence and throw our money at her


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I still cannot believe I did that

I deleted my comment because I was still getting hateful messages today

I hope y'all ladies took your screenshots!

Omg I was legit going to post about how the comment was deleted (I thought Ben's bitchass did it) but then I forgot 



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According to instagram Lana fans we don't deserve any news and Lana can do whatever she wants and we should be grateful that she even releases music still and that we should stay loyal even through the silence and throw our money at her


The fact that she has not uttered a word regarding her management's behavior towards fans who simply want to know what the fuck is going on is truly something else


Trust that she has all the time in the world to DM Spin Magazine to go fuck themselves in 2017 cause they said she's boring in interviews

:woot: giphy.gif :woot:

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@Peroxide i wanna know if you’re still hopeful for march 5th after all this mess? lmao.

Oh honey I don't even wanna think about what's coming March 5th lmao if my ass is actually psychic then I'm assuming Lana is gonna yell at us because we're going to do something else that's stupid :biblio:


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release yosemite for NFR lana it'll save everything

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Oh honey I don't even wanna think about what's coming March 5th lmao if my ass is actually psychic then I'm assuming Lana is gonna yell at us because we're going to do something else that's stupid :biblio:

can’t wait for feb 22nd part 2.


miss born to lose

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