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Did Fabrizio Argiolas ghostproduce Lana's songs "Cherry Blossom" and "Nectar of the Gods" in May 2013? Discussion

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Hi everyone this is my first post here. I am loving Blue Banisters. But I noticed something strange in the credits. For both tracks Cherry Blossom and Nectar of the Gods, Rick and Barrie are labeled as producers, when in reality a man named Fabrizio Argiolas produced these tracks back in May 2013 with Lana in Italy. Do you guys think he "ghostproduced" these songs? The versions on the album are the same exact ones that we have from the leaked, 2013 versions, right? 


In my opinion I think that Rick had nothing to do with these songs, and instead Lana agreed to give Argiolas an agreement of royalties/money to credit Rick as the producer. This is actually really common in the music industry, but I didn't think Lana would do it! Do you guys think other songs by Lana have been ghostproduced? Here is a photo of them in Italy in 2013



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Welcome to the forum! I'm loving Blue Banisters too.

Regarding Fabrizio, well, if I'm correct, that info came from the people who leaked the songs back in 2019, and they said that the songs were labelled as Track 1 and Track 2 (hence we didn't know the real title of Nectar), and that Fabrizio Argiolas produced them (and the picture could be from the studio sessions when the songs were created. That seemed reasonable, until I saw the credits from the album and he is nowhere mentioned. I think it's possible that he ghostproduced the songs, which is a shame as I think every contribution to a creation always must be properly credited. I wonder what's the truth.

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No, he only was there to track the vocals which isn’t producing nor engineering. He basically was there to make sure everything was being recorded properly. Barrie did the guitar in Nectar, and Rick “did” the piano in Cherry (Though I’m still not sure how this happened unless he went to Italy with them? He’s not in the photos nor did I even know he was involved at all.)


My best guess on Rick is that him and Lana did an earlier conception of Cherry Blossom back at his studio in Los Angeles, and he created the melody and chords of the piano so he’s credited on it? Not entirely sure who played the piano exactly, I was guessing Barrie but not 100% on that. In the end, it’s Rick’s chords.


Also, there was a third track recorded with Nectar and Cherry! But it’s less interesting… Just a Barrie solo cover of Where Did You Sleep Last Night by Nirvana. I wish Lana had sung with him on that but she’s nowhere to be heard.


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Tangentially related, but can *anyone* hear the alleged piano in Nectar? Barrie is credited on piano but like, where?


I remember when the stems leaked there was one named “piano” but it sounded (to me) like part of the vocal harmonies


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