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Um Chile Anyways So

Amberlynn Reid

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  On 1/12/2022 at 4:52 PM, JessicaAppleBottomJeans said:

omg, a fellow haydur on LB! I've just noticed amber with lanas face in your signature :thumb3:


Necky is selling an engagement ring a1jz67ott3b81.jpg

She's throwing a shade at Amber with that ''high maintenance ex fiancee''

"High maintenance" the used jewelry isn't worth that much imo....especially because of who previously owned it, but I'm sure some Facebook Group middle aged woman will buy it out of spite to go: "Look y'all I'm 300lb and it FITS ME PERFECTLY, IT WOULD CUT OFF AMBERS CIRCULATION huRrHuRe" :lmaoney:

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For anyone who browses this thread and thinks we are all just asses (well, true), you have to sit through one of her "cycles", this individual doesn't want to lose weight despite being fucking gigantic, but throughout the channels history, she has lead people on with the faux weightloss journies that she real doesn't care about, she's at her happiest with secret gorging and lying. I wish her the worst the best :troll:

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HERE is "The Cycle" (Credit to: Archietype on YouTube lmaoo, from what I can remember):


The details may be a tad outdated, she peaked in hatewatching circa 2019, but the gist is the exact same....the borderline of it all :smokes3:, needs lots of therapy (but most likely won't attend due to being so self absorbed)

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  On 1/12/2022 at 5:47 PM, SoftwareUpgrade said:

For anyone who browses this thread and thinks we are all just asses (well, true), you have to sit through one of her "cycles", this individual doesn't want to lose weight despite being fucking gigantic, but throughout the channels history, she has lead people on with the faux weightloss journies that she real doesn't care about, she's at her happiest with secret gorging and lying. I wish her the worst the best :troll:

she's been "losing" weight since 2013, went through at least 16 different diets (or repeated the same ones). Still, none of this is as horrible as what she did to her ex girlfriends. Her most recent ex Becky's mom had cancer and sadly passed away from it. During her last days, Amberlynn manipulated Becky. Amber lied that she was super ill and Becky had to take her to see the doctors. MEANWHILE BECKY'S MOTHER WAS GOING THROUGH HELL and Becky was not allowed to go and see her. Becky couldn't even grieve her late mother, because Amber would constantly tell how horrible her mother was to Amber.

That's just one of the instances of her narcissistic behaviour. I don't even want to get started about Kasey and Krystle...


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Amberlynn Reid Lore Hall of Fame"

FOUND IT! This is probably my favorite Amberlynn Reid molment. It's her July 14th weigh in from 2019 (Timestamped). She has gained ten pounds within a short timeframe and is G00AGGED.

"571.0" she says....absolutely shocked at what she just heard. Her "what?!?!" almost has a "b" syllable at the front (bWhat...), I interpret this LEGENDARY (and almost artistic moment) as a woman who is shocked at her own creation (weight gain), this is the monster she has (literally :hillary:) created. We are merely watching the car wreck on camera, unable to intervene with her delusions. Also, note how the iconic talking scale interrupts this revelation with a succinct "goodbye."

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