DCooper 37,642 Posted January 27, 2022 I had just graduated university and was living on my own without roommates for the first time when I discovered this album in May 2012 and within a week I was completely obsessed and had already found AKA, Sirens, and a ton of unreleased songs, and from there my love for Lana was set forever. I feel so grateful to be witnessing her art in real time, and she will forever be the most important artist of all time to me. Thank you for everything Lana, and congrats to Born To Die, an absolutely iconic game-changer!!! 24 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
regattasinthewind 1,619 Posted January 27, 2022 The way that this album is still influencing albums that have come out in 2021 (Madison Beer for example). A true shift in the music world 15 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bluechemtrails 28,420 Posted January 27, 2022 Honestly, this album had given me a wide berth. I knew Video Games and Summertime Sadness because these songs were played on the radio all the time, but I never noticed the album or the rest of the songs. When I started to get interested in Lana's music last year, it wasn't one of my favorites either (maybe because it's more reserved for female listeners). But now I've taken it to my heart like the rest of her discography, it's an essential era of her artistic career. 6 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Barry 6,084 Posted January 27, 2022 I missed this whole era, I don't think I ever heard any of her songs or knew of her at all until 2013 or 2014. This is when I first heard about her https://www.heraldscotland.com/news/13104346.americas-latest-superstar-falls-love-glasgow/ When someone posted on twitter I think saying she was a Celtic fan and I had never heard of her before and I thought she was Spanish or something because the name so I checked some of her songs on youtube and liked them, then over time I listened to more and more of the songs and liked pretty much them all. 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lernerderrey 2,429 Posted January 27, 2022 I remember preordering it on itunes and being obsessed when it dropped. I remember finding out the lyrics contained old demo lyrics in some places. Her snl performance got me hooked. 7 Quote i am the queen of the universe. the waves part, and they engulf me, and the water is warm. https://onlineparades.bandcamp.com/album/sure-jan Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
the ocean 67,608 Posted January 27, 2022 is money the anthem? 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Beautiful Loser 50,782 Posted January 27, 2022 1 minute ago, the ocean said: is money the anthem? Yes it was just playing on my vinyl! now it's the second half of dark paradise 6 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
x VB 12,508 Posted January 27, 2022 This was the first Lana album I listened to. I remember I used to “hate” her persona in 2013 () and later I fell in love with her and her music. This is an iconic album and even if it’s not my favorite (Honeymoon supremacy, I’m sorry) it’s her magnum opus and a piece of history. Let’s celebrate it streaming the album 4 Quote http:// The legacy Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mind Melt 10,116 Posted January 27, 2022 haven't fully listened to this album in a while so i decided today would be the perfect opportunity to revisit, for nostalgias sake i'm only on video games and i've already cried twice and i'm not even sure why this affecting me so much happy 10th to the album that changed me, and happy (almost) 10yrs to having found one of my favorite artists 15 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mlittle11 12,240 Posted January 27, 2022 i remember literally being 12/13 years old, listening to TIWMUG, forcing my friends to sneak out with me to run around the streets of downtown together at 4am. or imagining images of me and my crush together while i listened to lucky ones and video games. such sweet memories. this album changed me forever. although i dont listen to it much anymore, i will always consider it to be one of the greats. love u forever lana 8 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ultrablvd 48,955 Posted January 27, 2022 i remember hating video games whenever it played on the radio and my mum buying the album when it came out. she played it in the car and i pretended to hate it but here we are now 10 years later… 4 Quote resident sweeter 24/7/17 - 9/7/23 - 10/7/23 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
shady 3,752 Posted January 27, 2022 The era is so timeless it feels a couple of years old while it was released during the europop craze, Rihanna, Gaga, Keisha and Katy being the queens of pop, when Black Eyes Peas, David Guetta and Pitbull were THE party artists. 7 Quote I'm fucking crazy, but I'm free Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sunday afternoon 1,051 Posted January 27, 2022 I have so much history with this record and I'll never forget it because it came out a day before I turned 19, so I associate it a bit with my birthday every time. And it's a record that I've been waiting for months, so much that I was counting the days, it was so long! But when it arrived, it was literally the record I played every day until UV arrived. Paradise worked in her favor too. 2012 was such a great year ! There are artists that you know, no matter what music they are going to release, but you know that they will follow you all your life. Video games was such a trigger. This voice, a deep and obsessive voice. She speaks to you necessarily, I can't say how right she aimed and she said that this album was perfection, she was not mistaken. I think Lana wielded incredible power with this album, I mean she came up with songs of such quality that it felt surreal to me. Our radios were bombarded with EDM music and Lana came up with such music, it was just beautiful, special, intimate. She inspired me to write, paint and do lots of artistic things. Lana has been an icon since her arrival. It's pretty crazy because I will always remember the fact that Lana was not liked. I mean around me when I spoke about this singer the girls told me that it was too dark, that she was not beautiful, too kitsch, even ridiculous. I couldn't understand why no one could feel the emotion and deeper of her songs. So I was a little ashamed to say that I loved her and she remained an artist that I listened to only for myself. She was a catalyst for getting me through some pretty crazy stuff that I wanted when I was younger. This flavor was special, the passion, the sunsets, the desire to love more, her music makes the emotions more intense. It's a film that can be molded endlessly. Every song is iconic. It's a wonderful soundtrack but not only, it's a book of memories. I can remember every place, every smell, every person, every emotion if you tell me about one of her songs. I will never get tired of listening to her and I think the "real" Lana is here. You know Lana hair like Priscilla, gas station pinup, Hollywood glamour, rockers. Lana Del Rey was the expensive and the cheap, it made us so close. Of course, home videos are emblematic. Professional videos gave another side to her aesthetic. She was so huge. So shy too, she was the first artist to have "failed" her lives because of her shyness, so I said to myself "but I can do it too, I can do great things despite my shyness". And then there was the disappointment because I thought she was really poor and then I saw the pictures of her private plane rides with her daddy when she was Lizzy, and that depressed me lol. But I left that aside because her music was exceptional, a diamond. She has become very iconic. It's quite strange that she became so by more standard songs and it's a shame, I also have the impression that the youngest are much more receptive to her music whereas when I was younger, it there was a conscience, a limit not to be crossed. And yeah, 10 years. I can't believe it's been 10 years. For me Born to die came out yesterday and I got a little old, it's painful. But thank you Lana for being here and coming in with such a record, not being afraid to make different music. And I would always think so, it is nice to say that certain artists copy her or are inspired by her, she remains unbeatable and unique. There will never be 2 Lana Del Rey, she will always remain a singer very, very above all these flavorless indie singers just with the BTD/P - UV - HM trilogy. 16 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
the ocean 67,608 Posted January 27, 2022 gonna listen to this album later to see if my opinion of it has changed it’s the least i can do for my born to die girlies 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rightofjupiter 16,908 Posted January 27, 2022 https://www.stereogum.com/2173945/lana-del-rey-born-to-die/reviews/the-anniversary/ 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
IanadeIrey 62,162 Posted January 27, 2022 10 years of a record that is more than just a record. Born to Die is a once-in-a-lifetime catalyst that marks the dawn of a breakthrough in culture. There will never be an album that influences every pocket of culture in the ways that Born to Die did. This record synthesized so many classic sounds and elements — from lush, cinematic strings and hip-hop-sampled beats, to the smoky and languorous vocals of Lana which soared atop — to create a never-done-before atmosphere that meshed old Hollywood glamour with emcee swag. Born to Die is also almost completely responsible for shifting the discourse in the 2010s around women telling their stories and being their emotionally vulnerable and authentic selves. Congratulations need to be extended to this record a decade after its release for forging 1) a new age of music for every genre it touched upon; 2) increased lyrical agency for women and listeners alike; 3) being the start of a discography that would introduce the world to a living legend - our living legend. Happy birthday, Born to Die! 19 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Alunadelrey 692 Posted January 27, 2022 Happy 10th everyone. It's crazy it been 10 years listening to Lana. I remember first hearing a demo for Diet Mountain Dew before her album was officially released. I fell in love and was hooked since and then next thing I knew BTD was being released and I was transported to a different world. I remember buying the cd at my local record shop and got a free 7inch vinyl of Video Games and Blue Jeans. Lana has literally changed my life. Im happy to support her and I will continue to. Now I get live my dreams because she always continues to inspire me to live my dreams and manifest them. Its been a crazy 10 years and I can't wait for many more years of Lana!! 12 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pin up galore 19,266 Posted January 27, 2022 i started listening to lana in late 2014 (when i was 11 ) but that was only MPG and FMWUTTT and it took till my trip to the UK and Scotland in the summer of 2015 for me to really fall in love with her and i became OBSESSED. i had a really shitty phone plan so i couldn’t download music while on the trip except at hotels so the entire 2 week trip i listened to nothing except Beyoncé’s self titled and BTD and truly nothing beats walking the streets of London falling in love with this album in the place she lived while working on it whenever i hear Radio (which funnily enough is playing on my record player rn lmao) i vividly remember sitting in the lobby of the hotel on the last day BLARING this song in my earbuds feeling like i had reached nirvana. or falling in love with the melody of “and there’s no remedy for memory, your face is just like a melody” while sitting on the tour bus for hours on end each day . it’s great seeing how the album has affected so many peoples lives at different points and just really proves how important and influential it is. 10 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fireffie 3,803 Posted January 27, 2022 I haven't listened to Born To Die in years so today I sat down with my hot cup of tea and listened to it on vinyl and wow... when Video Games came on I started crying. I remember listening to in for the first time back in August 2012 (I was 13 back then) and staying up all night just listening to it like for 5 hours straight ahaha, now I'm 22 and this album for real shaped me and helped me so much during my teenage years, This is What Makes Us Girl was there for me when nobody else wasn't. I could go on forever writing how much iconic it is but I just hope that Lana knows and acknowledges how much this album means to me, to you all and to the whole fan base, she really changed the music industry that day, Happy Birthday Born To Die ❤️ 8 Quote Dying by the hand of a foreign man, Happily Calling out my name in the summer rain, Ciao amore 13.04.2018 | 04.06.2024 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
venicebitx 6,018 Posted January 27, 2022 LISTEEEEEEN THIS WAS SEND BY THE FRENCH STORE À cette occasion, il y aura plusieurs surprises très cool dans les prochains jours… Mais pour te remercier de ta fidélité on souhaitait t’informer avant tout le monde de la première ! Qui dit 10ème anniversaire, dit Tente de gagner un disque de diamant à ton nom ! MULTIPLE SURPRISES TO COME??? 10 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites