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Supreme Court draft opinion would overturn Roe v. Wade

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America now is such a burning dumpster fire.  I pray people go out and vote in the midterms so the dems can take back the senate with a good majority. Otherwise it’s gay rights/marriage, gay sex and contraceptives that will soon be gone and god knows what else.  Very crucial times.  

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Let this be a reminder for all of you to not take anything for granted. Watch, next they'll come for lgbt rights stuff and god knows what else.


Now is not the time for some lazy faux activism instagram infographics. It's time to actually bombard your senators and representatives with phone calls and emails and letters and demand change.


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34 minutes ago, mlittle11 said:

do we know why they even considered overturning this in the first place? why now after all these years? 


because more women forced to support children & more people here in general means more people who will have no choice but to be slaves to the system, this means more money & power for the big corporations & their billionaire CEOs & less power to the majority of people making up this country


(but also because they have extremely backwards beliefs & feel threatened by society’s progress, which accounts for the speculation they may dare to take away lgbt rights & the right to interracial marriage)

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11 minutes ago, slut4davegahan said:

Let this be a reminder for all of you to not take anything for granted. Watch, next they'll come for lgbt rights stuff and god knows what else.

they've already been coming for trans rights for months with some states calling for all gender affirming healthcare (hrt, surgeries) to be banned until the age of 25 or completely banned


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if they try to take away gay marriage/interracial marriage, i feel like things are going to get REALLY nasty, i know people can be awful but i want to think a good chunk of people would be very upset at those rights taken away, taking away birth control would be extremely upsetting as well, i think it’s ridiculous that even as it is you can’t even get your tubes tied unless you’re like 38 & married

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