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Guest Zephyr

MARINA (and The Diamonds)

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True and No More Suckers are kinda cute. Meh, but cute. True is at least danceable, while NMS is good for thinking about someone you hate, lol.


Emotional Machine had so much potential and it's so wasted that it DOES deserve slander. I can't stand Life Is Strange, it sounds so pretentious. And Too Afraid seems the blandest song she has ever written? I feel like many songs were written to be beautiful and captivating ballads, but someone horribly screwed up the production. They're not touching at all. I mean LIS, STBS and TA.


Jesus, what happened to a woman who wrote FORGET to help herself recover.


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I feel like this is a big reason it didn't resonate with a lot of people. People use music as an escape and clearly Marina has done some therapy or worked through a lot of the issues that drove her to write her previous albums so she's not in that place anymore, but a lot of people still are so it just doesnt hit the same way.

I mean I get this but her past albums resonated with me regardless of my headspace at the time I started listening to them


Like if LF’s only appeal is emotional refuge then its not really good to begin with IMO

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I enjoyed L+F but all the positive or psychological songs/outtakes from this era aren't any better compared to IANAR or F&L c:

"ser bella me dio privilegios, pero ser astuta me dio poder"  :makeup:

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The fact that stans usually discuss what they think are the best tracks from an album, yet with Merna people are trying to come to an agreement about the songs that are not unlistenable. :rip:



they're not scraping the bottom, they're drilling holes in it up to the other side of the earth

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Emotional Machine tried it...



And so did Believe in Love smfh


I just think everything she delivered on this album has already been done better. She really fell off on this one (as though froot wasn’t hit or miss already) I wish her the best but she’s no longer cutting edge, she’s dull and uninspired at this point and there’s nothing that makes her very interesting to me anymore and it really saddens me Bc her first two albums had some absolutely stunning songwriting and vocal delivery :( anyways I wish her the best I just wish her music was more original and palatable now as it was in the past.


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'emotional machine' sounds nothing like that first song, at all. that second song, the only thing that's similar is the low cutoff bass-y synth. it has a similar pattern but it's just atypical synthpop.

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I hate to agree with the unoriginal and unspired statement. Althought I don't feel this way about all songs, L+F feels mostly basic. I'm talking about Believe In Love, No More Suckers and You, mainly (True a little a bit). They're still nice to hear, but they seem to have been already done before. In general, I kinda like the lyrics (a few meh moments tho). I think the main problem is the production and whole atmosphere they set for this album, it doesn't sound like something new and fresh. Even the album cover, is just so simple. I don't know if that was her intention, keep everything lowkey, basic, but...


Just bring unique and ambitious Marina back asap!


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The Family Jewels is still one of the best creative and unique body of works ever made

"ser bella me dio privilegios, pero ser astuta me dio poder"  :makeup:

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